Craig Wright is a PSYOPs agent

Craig Wright is a PSYOPs agent.

Fucking fascinating. If this doesn't make you think about the importance of Bitcoin you have no hope.

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Holy shit if this is true then bitcoin really has no chance. You guys were much better off when it was under their radar.

Prob it's true.

I think any legitimate government type attacks will only strengthen bitcoin.

People like it and will be legit pissed if anything agency tries to take it away.


The system is attacking him you nub.
They already killed his best mate.
Now they go after him.

A couple thoughts:
>if wright is an intelligence agent then he might be fucking with bitcoin to create doubt and uncertainty. they know that satoshis stash is a big deal to bitcoin holders because if he ever dumps it can crash the market so he is pretending to be satoshi
>it might be a ploy to get the real satoshi to come out of hiding or give something away so they can go after him
>wright might possibly actually be satoshi and bitcoin was created by the nsa/cia as a trojan horse into the darkweb to infiltrate tor. It served its purpose so now they decide to kill it by leaving little bread crumbs that people will find to tie bitcoin to intellegence agencies and undermine the whole project
>bitcoin might not be created by the nsa but they somehow hacked satoshis wallet and are making it seem like wright is satoshi in order to sabotage it. this is all an act where they slowly do their reveal and in the ending scene, move some of satoshis stash around
>the NSA has a backdoor to bitcoin all along since they created it and satoshi is really a combination of NSA operatives. They have always had access to satoshis stash.

He's the biggest threat to the Jew since hitler.

He only revealed himself because the system was going to install a fake satoshi in his place.

Really old Bitcoin private keys are not safe because of a flaw in the old algo.

Don't believe the shills. They've never been this well paid before; so there is a lot of them.

The system wants Bitcoin to fail at the same time as the dollar.

If you want to save the world you need bigger blocks.

Learn how to green text then go back to plebbit.

False flag. If an intelligence agent is making ridiculous claims that he can't prove then they can distance themselves from Bitcoin.
>Look! We aren't Satoshi! Our guy Wright can't even do a simple thing like move some of Satoshi's bitcoins!

Meanwhile the NSA fingerprints are all over this and it reeks like US government agencies. Cryptography and the NSA go together like peas and carrots. There is no decent cryptographer alive in the world today that has not worked for defense agencies at some point. This whole "rogue" anarchist persona they created is flimsy.

How much do they pay you per post?

This. So much.
Everyone is playing along with the Jewish tricks.

Yeah my agency asked us to find friends to help out posting this week.
Can't speak for others my agency gives 30 day contracts; and the argument we need to agree with. As well as the argument we need to vilify.
I don't even know shit about Bitcoin lol

.0001 bitcoin
It sucks because the more that I damage bitcoin the less my stash is worth. Veeky Forums is a specific target for us because you guys make up a lot of the wealthy elite. If I can sow seeds of doubt in this small but powerful community then it will have ripples throughout the whole ecosystem.

>I couldn't even type this with a straight face. I would be a horrible counter-intelligence plant

God at least change your IDs noob. Holy fuck.

We're at different desks tho., wtf?



>no chance
>the Craig Wright PSYOP has been basically destroyed by the community forced to write this (pic related)
>the price has gone up, we are back at 450+
>the interest in Bitcoin is raising all over the world as seen in google searches

This was a great way to get more people interested and proving Bitcoin is resilient to social engineering as it is to technical attacks. Just like a good inmune system, the more Bitcoin gets attacked, the stronger it becomes.

Lol. Whatever.

Ethereum is way more useful than crappy chinese btc.

Dump btc for ETH.

It's so useful its creator dumps 25% lmao

Damn, bitcoin is fucked.

nocoiner cope

Is it possible some kind of player is running a big brute forcing operation on the Satoshi public keys to get private keys?

Bitcuck cope.

>hurr durr turing complete
do u even kno what that means, I bet u don't hah

nocoiner cope

altholder cope

Bitcucks are sure the best copers.

you can't bruteforce shit like that.

Dubs confirms. I think they are too. It's probably because they have the most experience at it.

if bitcoin has been compromised then it's all moot anyway

thing is, if it was compromised they wouldn't be playing games with agents; they could just kill it

Is it just me or does Vitalik come off as a condescending little prick?

he is a smart guy and his success has removed some of the inhibition smart people experience where they put effort into not appearing condescending.

462 and growing... absolutely fucking lol at nocoiners.

Wasnt it $470 last week? Wtf happened?

yeah why would something correct after coming from 410