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Tell me why I'm 100% correct about this. I am implying that the implications of the words used to describe the "Soviet Union"are incorrect.
Pic related
Tell me why I'm 100% correct about this. I am implying that the implications of the words used to describe the "Soviet Union"are incorrect.
You think the country constituted some form of monarchy?
>Rule of one
Yes it did.
Initially, but later the Soviets were basically vestigial.
More or less, not that socialist but socialist no less.
Yes, defo republics.
>Every dictatorship is a monarchy.
lmaoing @ ur life.
It wasn't a rule of one. It was a single-party democracy. The leader didn't hold sole power.
Well, Soviet Union was pretty centralized
You won't claim that USSR was a capitalist state really, huh?
De jure they were ruled by Soviets
They were republics, even if not democratic
None of the persons in power were elected. Single-candidate elections to powerless faux governing bodies do not a democracy make.
Everyone in the party could vote.
Over who gets into the politbureau?
They were all elected by the party.
Are you implying that elections of the secretary of the party were genuine, free and secret?That the outcome wasn't decided by the behind-the-scenes powerstruggle between the various competitors in the elite and their supporters in the top of the cadre and the most powerful institutions?
both sides literally redefined socialism to mean state ownership so that the USSR could be called socialist
>Muh not real socialism
>Muh not real argument
>Muh not real counter-argument.
>Muh not real counter-counter-argument
Collectivization via the state is a completely valid form of socialism. The question is who the state represents
>socialism: collective ownership of production
>we'll say that the state adequately represents the people
>therefore state ownership is socialism
I don't buy it user at best it's a tremendous stretch
>Muh not real counter-counter-counter-argument
It was a federation of
by the time of creation of USSR the regions were ruled by soviets
what's your problem with this one?
Yes. There were several republics there and they were ruled by non-monarchs. Otherwise every dictatorship is a monarchy.
He's right. If anyone thinks that the USSR from Stalin onwards even attempted to represent the people is a fool.
But under Lenin power over the means of production "passed from workers’ control to the creation of the Supreme Council of National Economy"(Chomsky quoting EH Carr)
the America part is tricky
Lenin was defeated in policy making many times. Look at the gosplan
It was ostensibly all about the plight of the worker. It was portrayed as a labor union.
A management system which defined the entity in question as an experimental form of management
They were trying to achieve actual Communism.
There were various undemocratic republics which operates in concert and used the Soviet system. They weren't monarchies or liberal democracies. Republic is probably the best way to describe them without outright demonizing them and implying that the state lacked legitimacy (which, hey, maybe it didn't, but whatever).