What's the biggest Veeky Forums fail you've noticed/heard of in video games that were made in the last 10 years?

What's the biggest Veeky Forums fail you've noticed/heard of in video games that were made in the last 10 years?

Civ 5 didn't include "Minoan" or "Hittite" civs, but did include "Zulu", "Netherlands" and some formal disparity between "Iroquois" and "Sioux" because "reasons", even though those representations and differentiations had relative jack dick to do with the world's societal development. They were only a sycophantic inclusion for a lame attempt at political correctness, as was including more than one female leader.

Homefront, bigest lolz in Murica stories.

>those representations and differentiations had relative jack dick to do with the world's societal development.

did you ever stop to think that is not the basis on why civs are included?

They are beyond numerous

This whole game was a source of near continuous facepalming.

Speaking of which
>Wu Zetian

The new Battlefield trailer

Assassin's Creed.

The entire franchise

Pretty sure giant alien like structures like the train station never existed and that there never were sewer systems at that time in far isolated steppe Russia.

Else than that, Pathologic holds really tight as an inspiration of the Moscow plague riot. The chaos as the disease spreads is felt. Inflation, unrest and moving the plot as you struggle to survive in video games is something rare for 3rd persion RPGs. It really is refreshing and ominous.

Are you implying that Boudicca was not a sexual semen demon?

King tigers in Stalingrad.

The modern financial system has its origins in the Dutch Golden Age

>the story of Damocles

We could have a whole EU4 thread for all the absurd ahistorical shit it lets you do.

>mfw the inca show up with guns, cannons, and horses and fucking wreck the danish settlers of colombia
>mfw russia finishes the suez canal in 1766
>mfw african nations surpass europe in military technology

>lithuania a colonial power
>siberians with guns take over manchuria
>no russia just tatars

Not all are necessary "fails", they incorperate ahistorical elements for "gameplay" Whatever that is necessary the right thing to do... I think not.

>kilian experience video where he turns the entire world into the 'cornwallish empire'
its ck2, but i had a giggle

Damn, you beat me to it.

Until they patched it recently Lithuania wasn't just ridiculously powerful, it was the most developed country on the planet.

In Age of Empires II: HD Edition there are many mistakes. Many of those civilizations never fought and also never lived that close near each other.

top kek.

They keep adding all these features and modifiers in an attempt to create 'believeable worlds' and it just gets stranger the more shit they add.

It seems the guiding principle is to have some sort of far reaching variety in the civs and leaders, not strictly basing their choices on "relevance" or "historical importance" or anything like that. That seems fine to me, especially considering the alt-history style and emphasis on the potential of mankind.