How can we profit off Refugees and Refugee-Enablers, Veeky Forums?
Is it too late now or is it possible to still get in on it?
How can we profit off Refugees and Refugee-Enablers, Veeky Forums?
Is it too late now or is it possible to still get in on it?
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Employ them illegally and say you'll pay bimonthly, make it look as legitimate as possible.
Spend 1 week finding as many as possible, tell them they start next Monday. 2 weeks later, skip town and you'll have 100 labor hours per kebab you hired for free.
Preferably apply this to any straightforward labor intensive venture. You might need to front them a week's wage ("withholding for taxes" but not really employing them legally, so they wouldn't know you're just paying them 2/3 of a week's wage).
I don't really have any refugees in my country though.
I'm more thinking of things like a fake charity for refugees or some other bullshit. Refugees might not have any money but Leftists love feel-good shit and tend to have more than enough money to spare a bit.
Human trafficking
Organ harvesting
Oh sure. Open a real charity for refugees and when things start to go well, keep yourself a fat 80-85% management fee.
Research top charities and campaigns and try to find out why they are successful. Copy them by using muh refugees and shill much harder, make sure to use left-wing buzzwords and make people feel important.
I'm more thinking of some kickstarter for a made-up story about some "poor refugee child who needs new clothes and some other shit", I'm sure we've all seen touchy-feely things like that raise $10,000's.
It's actually really surprising. I was looking at some successful kickstarters and they're downright retarded, but they make people feel good so they don't mind getting blatantly scammed.
One that pops to mind(although only mildly related) is some teenagers making a Browser using ENTIRELY made-up "tech" buzzwords and just completely factually incorrect, still earned like $50k and then just packed up shop and disappeared entirely.
Does Soros have a stock?
if you live near the coast engage in piracy then sink the boats after you rob them.
if you don't live near the cost just rob the hoards as they pass of everything they own. make sure to take their shoes.
I think he means more like charities as he said here
Sell shirts to SJWs that show they're not racist and are libtards
Say for every shirt you buy, we donate x amount or buy a new mat or hijab for a refugee
Good idea I'll probably try this online because I can't do it in person in like a booth at a gay pride parade because I look like a literal Aryan brotherhood member and it's hard to conceal my tattoos
>a true masterrace Übermensch needs to scam nasty hippies and druggies for little amounts of money to pay his everyday bills
>Everyday bills
Where did you get that from?
I have a job and a business which more than pays for my living expenses. I just want to join in on people making easy money too.
Buy a large, cheap property (think warehouse) and give them food and shelter for the EU in southern europe. They pay I think 25 euros per "refugee" per day, you can cram them in anything waterproof and buy bulk food, not more than 10 euros a day each. Find some faggot volunteers who want to be culturally enriched, a couple of hundred subhumans and you can make some profit.
Or so some Italian on a taiwanese marble sculpting board told me.
Top kek. Well, you can say that you are a reformed arian brotherhood member who was brought to the light by the speaches of bernie sanders. Indigogo idea: start collecting money to remove your tatoos and for going to college for gender studies. Pocket the money and get even more tatoos. Or start a charity to remove nazi tattoos for ''reformed'' people like you.
Here is a
pocket all proceeds.
Also this. There are people now making millions of this shit in the right locations. But it has to be in the begining of the path to europe, as always location is key. Also, cash for gold point with really shitty conditions. People take the jewlery with them and are desperate for money.
Another thing is partner up or just work at clean up for a few days with some sjw summer music festival. Ask them to donate the tents at the end for refugees. Sell tents on ebay. Those faggots literally leave thousands of tents behind, of good quality too and sometimes clean up people can just have them. Take tents and have a little syria tent city in your back yard(obviously kidding, on a plot of land that is far from your house)
Nice idea! It's getting the juices flowing
This is a good idea.
Yes! Op do this.
Everything for you amigo! Israelis and Aryan brotherhood friends for ever. We wouldn't have a country without you Nazi guys.
not pimping all of them
You can profit off Refugees by employing them, especially since they're likely to be willing to work for less than natives.
Unfortunately this is only going to work for about 10 years if you're in America, because that's around the point our refugees start making just as much as everybody else. If you're in Europe, where they can't handle integration for shit, you're golden until they die.
What is Pimping I like the sound of organ harvesting then sell it to china.
>betraying your own country
Buy up the refugee's unwanted daughters and then let perverts pay you to have sex with them.
Organ trade is always good business.
Build a factory and employ them in the manufacture and restoration of organs and other musical instruments.
Cheaper labor means less way less overhead and more profit.
>You can profit off Refugees by employing them, especially since they're likely to be willing to work for less than natives.
are you implying they will work?
>offer free schooling for all children
>rent bus
>keep fuckable ones
>drown the others
focus on costcutting at all times, user
>One that pops to mind(although only mildly related) is some teenagers making a Browser using ENTIRELY made-up "tech" buzzwords and just completely factually incorrect, still earned like $50k and then just packed up shop and disappeared entirely.
Holy kek I remember this from the /g/ threads.
Is it this one?
Seconding the organ trade proposals.
For every refugee you harvest organs from, there's one less refugee roaming the continent, so even if you don't chose the organ harvesting option, try to chose one where the refugees end up dying.
Pic related.
Real estate
Halal foods
Short the Euro
Sad kek. How true is that? Can 3 milion shitskins really make the economy worse? What about mah chep labour is great for mah economy?
Kidnap their little kids and sell em
I know you're joking but cheap labour (assuming they even work in the first place) is only a pro in the middle of a million cons.
Assuming this benefit is enough to break even on the huge expense of immigrating them in Europe like for food, shelter, welfare, etc. (which is completely absurd considering how they tend to work very
little -almost nothing for the women- and always take advantage of every opportunity to leech and be proud of it), you have to consider the cost (for the economy and society) of the very high crime rate, the
degradation that they bring, and the significant portion of their paycheck that goes to their country (taking money out of the economy), etc.
Also the hidden consequences like the value of properties in the areas where they go dropping because nobody wants to live with an unwashed mass of refugees as neighbors, or the number of people who move out
of the country, or the massive bad publicity that this has brought (which can convince foreign companies to not invest in the affected countires), or the fact that they will never integrate, therefore
creating division inside the country (between the locals, the immigrants, their "enablers", etc.) that eventually makes the country weaker as a whole (with all the consequences).
Plus the non-economic benefits such as a less safe country, the diffusion of Islam (take it from an Arab, you don't want a single muslim in your country. Even the good ones, which I'm sure are numerous, are
still a huge damage to society for a numerous reasons) and the consequent rise in the probability of terrorist attacks, the weakening of the population (and its race in case of mixed-race children), since
these people are often borderline retarded (seriously, check the average IQ and illiteracy rates of their countries) and very inbred, making the number of stupid people significantly higher (and increading
healthcare costs because of the health issues stemming from theit inbred genes).
Short hospitality
Also middle easterns and africans tend to be a lot more impulsive and aggressive than other races (with the exception of maybe latin americans, they're the most aggressive/animalistic people in the world) and are significantly uglier (I know it's not really important, but if a herder had a herd of top quality white horses he would be crazy to mix them with a huge number of inbred horses of the worst breeds in the world. Imagine if paintings and frescoes died of old age and were capable of reproducing like living beings. Would you put a child's drawing in the Sistine Chapel, allowing Michelangelo's masterpieces to make painting-kids with ugly painting, forever ruining the beauty -and everything else, really- of the group, ruining the quality of the paintings themselves, generation by generation?).
And their culture, even ignoring their religion, is pure cancer under every point of view, as it's directly influenced by Islam and by the life that Islam makes them live (and for Aficans, even if they're not muslims, imagine what kind of people they are by analyzing the place they come from). An example of this are their pedophile tendencies, that of course manifest themselves on arab kids, but also on European kids, when they kidnap-rape them or "groom" them by turning them into addicts and giving them drugs in exchange for sex.
Plus, remember that those millions of "refugees" shouldn't be seen as a small number when compared to the total population of the country, since they're not distributed homogeneously and most of the country is barely affected by them, as they all go to the important cities and mostly ignore the other areas.
This makes them hugely damaging to the areas where they are concentrated, which are obviously the richest and most important centers, that now will be ruined because a proportionally huge mass of animals will live in them.
This is just from the top of my mind. I'm sure there are many other negative sides to this utter madness, but even if there weren't, would all this be compensated by some economic benefit? Even if said benefit was huge, would it be worth it to destroy your country for money?
That's like selling a kidney for 50 million dollars while knowing that you'll certainly end up needing to do two dialysis sessions every day for the rest of your days.
There's no point in ruining everything for money that aren't even enough to cover for the damage. It's absolute madness.
Anyway, sorry for going full /pol/.
Yes yes we all agree it's a fucking stupid idea but sadly we have no choice in the matter. The question is how to turn this idiotic tide into cash, if we amass enough of it perhaps later we will be in a position to do something about this.
I should be looking into companies building gated communities within commuting distance from the places immigrants are going to be settling in mass. Other things like gun and home security manufacturers are likely to jump with every attack.
open a liquor store or a shoe store next to the welfare office where they collect their checks
I really hope this is trolling, because you are fucking retarded if it isn't.
Maybe while we're at this there we should find a way to profit from both sides. SJWs are as much of zealots as the alt right crowd is.
It's simple: Refugeecoin. Start a coin where everyone wants to support refugees. -> Profit
We already profit off of them because of increased demand in many different areas of business and a larger amount of businesses made than natural citzens. They increase jobs.
Economists have been writing about how this is a blessing in disguise for europe in academic journals for a while.
Buy IBM. They have a large software platform dedicated to distribution of welfare and general benefits.
Things will get bad enough that there will likely be a brain-drain to some eastern-bloc countries with stricter immigration policies such as Hungary or Poland. Find an index fund.
Bringing in millions of unskilled (at best) labor to a country is going to help things? Riiiiight.
Euro is dying with or without "refugees". They are just speeding it up by creating instability.
Most of these countries have falling or stagnating populations. Many have skills. Many don't. Just like the rest of the population. Either way, refugees objectively do start more businesses per capita than native citizens.
Care to explain why?
>Wow you sure told me user.
>refugees objectively do start more businesses per capita than native citizens
Do you have a source for that?
>move in
>create racial enclave
>start a business that caters exclusively to fellow residents of racial enclave
>goods are bought with welfare money from native taxpayers
>income is reinvested within the enclave + high rates of tax evasion
wow, great job creation. you moved people in so they can sell things to themselves, and it's all paid for with taxes. the system works!!!
So computers will be the future politicians
Honestly this is a good thing since a computer can't skim off the top of social programs and can't be corrupted
Asimov was right