Investing in the rise of Detroit

Once upon a time Detroit was fuckin dope and people were rich and shit and everybody built mansions and life was great. Black people came, broke everything, the entire city is now worth a stick of gum and a shoelace yadda yadda history book bullshit.

For real though just look at the real estate around there. 300k can get you a legitimately dope fucking mansion. Built usually early 20th century, gorgeous mansions many over 5,000 sqft. I'm heavily considering moving there myself and buying a Detroit mansion and just hoping that fucker comes back.

I've seen rough neighborhoods become wealthy hipster hang outs all over Chicago. It could totally happen in Detroit. The prices of housing are simply to damn low. If this becomes a trend these houses could skyrocket in value. I think I've convinced myself.

Doesn't matter how cheap it is until it's safe. It won't be for decades.

Man, i would agree, but i think that the cnp (critical-nigger-percentage) has been triggered in Detroit. There will be no comeback in a long long time.

I live near detroit. The sports area of detroit is improving but the vast majority of the city is still a wasteland.

black people were always there. The problem is all the white people left. Scary to think about who builds the cars these days

Are auto-manufacturers rushing back to detroit? no? then it will remain a shit hole. The only reason it was booming was because there was industry there.

Dude, there's no industry there. There's Quicken (who are gonna be the next WaMu when the next housing bubble hits in 2017), and that's... about it.

I mean, yeah, technically they still have GM and FoMoCo, but that's like saying rich people call Montana home; it's only there for tax purposes, and it certainly isn't where they hold most of their corporate assets or means of production.

I mean, it's probably the cheapest metropolitan area with more than 3M people, but that's for a definite reason.

nice try nigger

>black people were always there
not true actually

The problem is that the jobs left and gangster rap culture came in.

The point is that if enough people *cough* white people *cough* move in at this very cheap entry price they will create safe havens within the community. It would ultimately push crime elsewhere

robocop project when?
i would invest in omnicorp.

You can go first.

I agree that Detroit can come back. I'd say by 2030 it could happen.

The problem was not blacks, the problem was steel and cars left Detroit, leaving everyone jobless.

I'd like to see that city come back, but they need to transition into something else, American cars simply cannot compete with Japan and Germany.

>Black people came, broke everything
Prove to me it's not the fucking union and incompetent management that cause the current crisis.

Protip: You can't.

>I'd like to see that city come back, but they need to transition into something else, American cars simply cannot compete with Japan and Germany.

It'll come back as a Privilege Checking center. Once Sanders is elected, everyone will have to fill out a monthly form to check their privillege, they'll setup a processing center in Detroit since the expertise is there. Now is your chance to buy up land and build hipster housing, don't miss it.

another note would be that literally every unsold property in detroit has back taxes. some of those amount to over 200k. the city has no plans to waive those taxes owed.

stay the fuck away from buying in detroit.

Why is Detroit city government is fucking dumb? Let the house sit vacant and collect no revenue or write down the back taxes to encourage people buying the properties. It should be that difficult choice.

Because those unpaid taxes are considered an asset the city has. Take them off the books and the city has an even worse financial situation.

>asking why Democrats make bone headed moves

TFW even a city can live in a Fantasyland.

corruption, I imagine it is pretty bad in Detroit.

its not so much that black people came, its that in post ww2 america they couldnt use the GI bill to buy homes which is how you start inter generational wealth - so when the factories left and the jobs left the white people were able to move away and the black people were stuck in the inner cities and the reduced taxes from no jobs / businesses meant it just spiralled out of control because they had the same area to cover for utilities and fire services and schools but less income

but yeh sure, frame it all retarded like /pol/

Solution: Sell Detroit to Canada.

Free healthcare, gov't services will calm all the poor people down. That is why the Cayman Islands have so little crime. Free health care and education.

Are there any jobs?
>anons have no experience in crack sales

>Rise of detroit

You're over half a century late on that.

>Implying it's poverty what maked Detroit what it is
>Implying it's not the africa-level of danger and crime
>Implying crime isn't directly proportional to the amount of blacks in the area
>Implying the poorest areas in America don't have a low crime-rate because they're almost all white
>Implying blacks aren't genetically more inclined to be aggressive (See MAO-A for example) and less intellectually capable than other races (see multiracial IQ studies and real life)

>muh niggers niggers niggers

user pls. Stop ignoring economics reality. Stop blaming blacks for the CAUSE of Detriot decline.

Protip: see Atlanta.

You dumb liberal fucks. Go look up the Chimpouts that caused Whites to flee and the ensuing Black power Mayor that followed up with years of Anti-White anti-cop policies. Then, go watch some current City Counsel meetings with no White person present and nothing getting done cause it's all Whitey's fault.

Detroit ain't getting out of its black hole.

You're fucking stupid if you think blacks don't ruin cities. Look at Baltimore and DC to name two. They are shit holes now.

user, you still haven't explain why Atlanta, a black majority city, is one of the most successfully cities in the South. I'm still waiting for Atlanta to turn into a shithole.

It wont happen because it has a shit tonne of employment generators. Even East Point is gentrifying.

>But guys, look at Atlanta guys!

Many of the houses worth fucking anything are already bought by billionaires, like the little ceasars ceo.

Now its only worth wrestling if you have a lot of experience.

The niggers straight up reverse gentrify via burning houses and stuff too, so diversify

Because they haven't rioted and been under 30 years of black mayoral rule who's whole plan was to siphon all money to his cronies while blaming whitey.

>Everything in life is black and white. How dare anyone question me!

Then question become why under 30 years of black rule, Atlanta prospers and Detroit/Baltimore/DC turned into shit holes. It all boiled down to they haven't rioted?

Why haven't they rioted stupid

OCP is cleaning up Detroit, New Detroit will be safe and clean. Good Investment.

My post was implying exactly that things aren't black and white, by implying that Atlanta can be an exception to the norm because of the multitude of factors involved.

Also where did you get that I believe it's a black-white situation?

I know that those cities have a number of different issues that makes them like they are, and I know that not all blacks are bad, but it's naive to think that black people's "niggery" isn't a major factor in the state of, really, everywhere they are numerous, and certainly the very first reason why detroit is a jungle (also a contributing factor of its poverty, but I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about how it's the quintessential dangerous and degraded American street-crime heaven).

Also Atlanta isn't exactly crime-free you know...

PS. your "How dare anyone question me!" makes no sense, since I haven't had any problem with you disagreeing lol, I just ridiculed your argument with an image that explains what I mean in a better and funnier way than I would have had with words.

fb dot com slash Detroitdeservesrobocop

OK, cool. As long as we agree it's a complex issue.

Back to OP question. I think it's stupid to invest in Detroit. The world has changed since early 1900s. The transportation and raw materials advantage of building cars in Detroit from early 1900s had disappeared. It's cheaper for car manufacturers to setup factories in the South or oversea.
The city haven't reinvent itself with new industry to replace auto manufacturers(e.g. Pittsburgh Steel -> Tech and Health). Maybe if Canada upgrade St. Lawrence Seaway to allow ocean going container ships into the Great Lakes then situation will change(Good luck trying to convince East coast states to allow this to become a reality).

I believe Detroit will continue to decline if everything stay the same.

Okay but why would you invest in Detroit instead of some high-growth Third World country?

I won't be investing in Detroit, high-growth third world country is a better bet.


Chicago doesn't have the infrastructure problems that Detroit has. People can't even move there because thr bulk of the city where the $1 properties are don't even have water or electricity, let alone police and schools.

The problem is when some anti-gentrification (anti-white) group/nonprofit decides to build low income housing, drug rehab, or homeless shelters in your neighborhood. Properties change suddenly and you just lost everything you waited for. Nonprofits don't pay taxes so they will be there forever or until them programs run dry, which almost never happens in urban black areas.

If they have a land bank, which many ghetto black cities have, then you can buy property clear of liens.

Many of these countries have really bad policy that limits foreign real estate investment to prevent foreigners from buying up everything. Only the stupid western countries suffer from rich foreigners buying property.

Why do they do that?
Dont't they want foreign money to go into their economy and make the country richer (and possibly give jobs to locals thanks to the industries that they bring/build)?

Socialists are more afraid of the rich than brain drain or pushing the rich away

It is a good theory, however these changes take a long time. So you have to be willing to wait it out for years...all the while, living in Detroit.

don't forget a few hipsters selling $200 authentic-detriot-jeans