I'm desperate, Veeky Forums [Posted this on /b/ but no helpers :/] Got nowhere else to turn to Need money for my son's birthday He's turning 10 next week He already hates me for separating with his 'best mom in the world', so I just want to make him know that I'm not the 'worst' dad around... and that I truly care, it's just 'dad can't afford as much as mom'... With my fucking bitch witch of ex wife sucking me dry and keeping my kids at her house only letting me see them once a month, I wanna make it up to them somehow Paypal: akipin00T@gmail.com
Please Help a /b/ro out
I'll send Veeky Forums a picture of the presents if it works out
Anything helps
Evan Martin
I have sent you $100, please check account. God bless.
Leo Allen
Didn't receive anything, but thanks for at least taking the time to read my post, son :)
Jordan Jackson
i sent you spam to your email address
Daniel Wood
Ah the greatest minds of Veeky Forums Thanks for sending something I guess kek
Daniel Ramirez
Check again, it sometime takes some time with paypal and my bank. It was deducted from my account already.
Sebastian Taylor
sent 20 bucks, ave a good bday boe
Nicholas Powell
Not sure if you're trolling or not, my son If you aren't then you're going to my little boy a very happy child in a few days :) and I'm not a religious fellow at all, but may god bless you too - I hope with all my heart :)
Jeremiah Peterson
Not receiving any payments, son
But I would like to sincerely thank everyone who has taken the time to read my post and at the very least considered helping a fellow out
Liam Martinez
Yep, it bounced back. The problem is with your account, buddy. Post a new paypal.