I dress for myself, not anyone else

>I dress for myself, not anyone else.

don't we all.

kek I get it

I dress myself too.

Why do people say this? We know damn well you dressed like that to impress others. Fuck off.

it's one of two things.

1. an attempt to defend themselves from criticism of their shitty fashion taste
2. they dress extremely slutty and they pretend they're not trying to attract guys

Its really not out of the ordinary for someone like OP to 'dress for themselves'. Some people view fashion like stamp or action figure collecting where you collect pieces because they are nice to look at or go on a hunt for those rare piece. That's how I see it anyway, dressing solely for attention is pretty faggoty and makes you develop a shit fashion taste because society in general have a horrible fashion sense. Yes even worse than people who post on this board

A desperate feeling many people—nearly all people when they're relatively young—have to be a unique individual and stand out from the crowd.
Of course, even worse to those people than being called "part of the crowd" is being called out for trying to FORCE their difference. They feel the need to maintain the image that their individuality is completely natural and thoughtless. They worship the glorified and highly common archetypal character that is the cool outsider who is so cool, they don't even care about being cool. Hence why celebrities like Kurt Cobain and Mac DeMarco are so wildly popular among young crowds.

But don't get me wrong, I will say the same thing about this as I would about consumerism. There is absolutely nothing wrong with trying to be different, or buying something that you are being sold. I certainly do both, I'll openly admit it. But you need to be aware of WHY you're doing what you're doing, lest you get taken advantage of (hello Supreme)

Underrated post. Need more of you on Veeky Forums. We've gone Reddit tier.

because it's a meme, op is just baiting.

most posters and lurkers really do dress for themselves. only problem is they never leave their room and sit on their computers dressing in thousand dollars fits.

That's fucking stupid. I always dress for the occasion in a meta way

this really triggers my trigger. like,

c'mon man, is your understanding of human psychology at like a 4th grade level? holy fuck

He's not wrong.

Nobody dresses exclusively "for themselves".

except they do you memer. stop trying to b8

>"I got the tattoos for muhself, not for anybody else. got a problem with it? back off, none of ur bsns."

- DegeneratePie 2015

tattoo normies need to piss off.

You are the one denying human psychology on the grounds that it makes you upset, not him

i agree with this

not the majority

I do though. Gets me plenty of angry looks but that's okay.

the problem is the shallowness itself reaks of projection. what happened to wanting a strong identity or BEING something besides what others desires you to be?

to merely impress would be to bend to the perceptions of others. if you do that, you have a weak identity. the real aim is to lead the way, to improve relentlessly as to hold your own and EVOLVE

>what happened to wanting a strong identity or BEING something besides what others desires you to be?
Do you not see that you've said exactly what I did? This society breeds that need, which again does not make it a bad thing. Societal construction =/= grounds for abolition despite what many would have you believe nowadays.

Think of societies in which that need doesn't seem to be as prominent. What are they wearing? Traditional garments and uniforms. Once you introduce the freedom to choose your clothes and society on the most part deems that freedom respectable, you inevitably create the want to differentiate yourself from others. You can not divorce the two.

Ok faggots answer this. If you're living alone in a deserted island are you gonna wear the same clothes you wear when you go out? If your answer is not "no" you're lying.

Anyone who says he's dressing for himself is a faggot.

Dressing for yourself because of a socially constructed need to do so =/= dressing for someone else though. Thing is, those societies you speak of do dress for themselves. It is the urge to blend in and dress "trendy" in order for other people to like you that has been introduced in our industrialized society, an urge that is necessitated by "progress" in the form of trends and fashions.

Well now the argument may come down to our individual definitions of certain words and concepts.

Can the unconscious decision exist? Most would say yes

Can an individual be incorrect about what effect their subconscious has had on them? Most would say that it only follows that yes, that can happen

Can that misconception about the role your subconscious has played in your decision stem an unrealized bias/tendency/mistake/desire/etc within your own subconscious? Well it wouldn't make much sense for it to stem from a conscious bias, would it?

This is what the culture of this place was pretty much founded upon, anyone who doesn't know or realize that should probably just leave. Not being snooty or anything, but people who think like OP would be better off in r/mfa, not that there's really anything wrong with that. Different strokes for different folks.

No I'd probably start wearing even more gaudy shit like I do when I'm at home

>Literally number one rule of being Veeky Forums is dressing for yourself

What the fuck, newfags.

Being fashionable has to be done for one's self. Otherwise the purpose of it is defeated. You're not cool, you're not fashionable, you're nothing more than a mannequin that walks and talks. You need to truly enjoy fashion and have an interest in it as an art. Clothes will not matter until you can fix your attitude toward why you dress yourself the way you do.

I hate dressing nice because I hate people staring at me and my expensive brands sometimes I like it tho. Plus only dress nice if you're going to a nice place. Restaurant, Mall etc. If you don't have a car don't dress nice at all. Imagine dressing nice on a public bus or train, you'll look fucking stupid.