Style me

Style me

Aaand he tries again because everyone told him to fuck off and learn to style himself last time.

I just wanted a different picture for the OP, hater.

How is it any different from the old picture though?

And really, read the sticky instead of asking others for such vague advice as 'style me'.


Here i'll help style you then!
Get that printed on a shirt and wear it
That would be soooo you :~)
You can let others know about how little you effort you put into things you feel me?

keep the haircut, find a light matte texture product, aran oil conditioner and shampoo if you use it
stay clean shaven
plain t-shirts like what you're wearing
simple slim fit shirts, oxfords, broadcloth, linen
apc petit standards, tailored to sit right above your shoes, some break but clean
(or darker stonewash in similar cut)
dark brown/tan allen edmonds plain toe oxfords, rm williams chelseas (not slp) (w/ brown woven belt)
vans or converse for casual days (w/ belt in picture)

personal style is important but it helps to have a good foundation first


Thank you user.

by the way you act and your face i can tell you are an insufferable asshole

I think if anyone is stupid and shallow it's you, because you judge me off of a picture and a couple equivocal sentences.

Pay me.

Are you Bug Head from Silicon Valley? I like your show man.

kek the way you're talking

You look like the trap in the boys in skrits thread floating around here.

size up on shirt
burn belt
get tighter pants
grow a beard
thats all

He actually looks more feminine, the """trap""" has that UK bloke manjaw, makes him look like those failed fetish trannies that start dressing in their 40s.

Fag alert!

Looks good

These posts make me happy

why, looks like you already have the incel style down

when's MGR?

Style meh

That sweater makes you look fat. Everyone here loves oversized shit on girls, but maybe something a bit slimmer would benefit you more. Try it on with some shoes and maybe switch to some colorful socks.

glaringly obvious tranny

full rick

I'm not a tranny.. I'm a grill

That's what they all say.