Is Chloe Veeky Forums?



she is carrying an unnecssary amn t of bdy fat

Her shoes are worth more than what I'd pay to bang her

That ass must really be disgusting, because have you seen the usual Mexican woman?


My grandmother is more Veeky Forums than her

Am I fat?

Fuck me daddy

no homo

Are you trans-man? Did you have abortion?

We all look like transmen and dykes, if you look close enough ._.

Nah, I got stabbed in my back and they had to open me up to check for internal bleeding.

how did you make that much progress in that short of time? Looking good though my man, props.

Thanks. Just mostly avoiding to eat shit food. I don't even do gym, too sociophobic. Just a bench at home and dumbbells.

cheap bench with leg extensions and can serve as a squat rack

Nice, I hope to get to that point.

Looks much fitter with a shirt on )

I need to have those cringy 1990's teen tattoos removed asap
also the gyno gland

they have beautiful asses. stfu


Jeez. She has no core.

