Why do people grow out the nail from the pinky very long?

why do people grow out the nail from the pinky very long?


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It's a handy coke spoon

To pick their nose

Good luck & wealth in Chinese tradition.

it just grows the fastest since its smaller

this like 90% of the time

this, or if they're indian it's a sign of wealth

this or if they finger pick/strum guitar

i know a lot of drug dealers who think they are cool that do it because it shows you dont so manual labor implying you have other people to do your dirty work

it shows that you are kind of like a kingpin in that you dont do manual labor because you have underlings to do your dirty work

Look not to the hand for answers, but to the nose
Peer inside
Do you see it?

Not a booger in sight

I bet you think the diameter of a rain gauge matters in reference to the reading too, don't you, brainlet?


no way it grows so fast that you can't or won't cut it off
no way it grows THAT much faster like in pic related

its for poor people who do blow.

So is cocaine.

Girl here. Idk if the pinky nail is a good indication since it isn't subject to as much turmoil as index/thumb (the two most likely to break ime).

Nah its for when you wipe your ass, you can scrape the remaining poop you couldn't clean up with the toilet paper. It's like a natural ear cleaning pick but for your anus.

>Girl here

was that necessary?

this. you see it everywhere in china/vietnam/cambodia/thailand

this, too. with a lot of middle easterners and north africans.

Usually not, but just thought I'd give input based on actually growing (all of) my nails long and knowing which are more susceptible to breakage past about 1cm of growth or so

why can't nigger cut their finger nails? you look disgusting. at least keep your finger nails clean you sub-human.

Only ever seen in asian cultures, like you said.

Most probably why the dude in OP's picture does though

If you see this on a black hand, it's either for coke, or it's cultural appropriation, plain and simple.

Pinky is like the only finger you don't need long fingernail for fingerpicking


I do it becasue bob ross is cool. no pic because i cant be bothered

Bob Ross is a legend.

I used to do it because I did a lot of ket. Became useless once I had a tolerance and had to do giant lines. It was still useful for getting shit out of your teeth though.

To poke their weed and stuff it inside when they roll a joint

Black people have that too, huh.

For me, it's always associated with a specific subculture within the Chinese here in Malaysia and Singapore... (probably because ?)

[ en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ah_Beng ]

Long fingernails are disgusting no matter what they're for

S-singa bro? M-me too. Didn't know theres any of yall on Veeky Forums O:

Nah, I'm up north. Sorry to disappoint you, user...

for pointing things

In some cultures it means good luck and fortune, because a long nail means you don't work with your hands.

In the western world you use it as a spoon for drugs.

you realize nothing you said justifies saying you're a girl right?

>d-do i fit in yet?

dumb bitch stupid cow

If they're too dumb to use their car keys or a knife then yea it's for blow.

why do i have urge to use (pic releted) on the finger?

