Was 1066 the worst year in English history?
Was 1066 the worst year in English history?
Also has anyone seen this:
No it was the best.
No, that was 1348.
>tfw the good guys lost
Literally the founding date of (real) England.
Without it England would have just remained a nigger tier Scandi shithole.
You're a tard.
>who is Athelstan
England was more advanced than France at the time of the conquest
>It's another "Veeky Forums thinks anything with ties to Germanic people was backwards and sub-saharan African-tier" episode
I like watching the history channel as well.
Yeah that's why they got colonised by a handful of random frogs.
english people know jackshit about the real, ethnically english kings, norman, plantagenet and tudor cucked.
Excuse me?
quoted wrong post my bad.
Sometimes I feel like it's just one Pollock or Frenchfag who spends all day on his.
Nah, because others chime in before the cooldown time a lot. I think it's just a bunch of 12 year olds who think that /gsg/ is representative of society as a whole and want to rebel.
Sure is anally ravaged 14/88th pure Aryan German-Americans in here.
>Norway didn't win
>tfw we could be an awesome, comfy Scandinavian nation right now
>tfw instead we're an autistic French-bastardized state.
I'm actually a second-generation welsh immigrant, I just think that the hate-boner for Germany is silly.
>implying Norway could've held England for any significant amount of time.
No, but they might have spread the seeds of their culture so that whenever England became independent again it followed a different path to the one it historically did making us much more similar to Scandinavia today.
Similar to how when the Normans conquered it the ways of the new Norman nobility became a mainstay that got integrated into English society (probably) sending it on a different trajectory than had it remained Anglo-Saxon.
Sure thing
That's ok, we're proud of you, daughter
Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian cultures didn't differ from each other that much. The inhabitants of the English kingdoms originated from the Denmark-North Germany-Netherlands area. They were very similar to begin with, and the Scandis influenced English culture and language a lot directly during the times of the Norse invasions. Remember, half of England was under Norse rule for a significant amount of time. I don't think a few decades more of strongly opposed Norwegian rule would have changed much. Norway was a piss poor low-population state during the Middle Ages, some continental monarchy (probably the French anyway) would have taken the isles from them sooner or later.
Don't worry, we're proud that you're our most successful colony. Though I must admit that I prefer Laos and Congo over you.
Howdy English servants!
Check it out, I'm made of prestige.
t. James
Most embarrassing thing being it wasn't even really France but just a fucking French duchy
of a duke that was stronger than the king himself
William also btfo the French king multiple times before invading England
>implying Norway could've held England for any significant amount of time.
Who is Knut the Great
Your random frogs themselves had Danish-Norwegian origin, and were comprised mostly of Frankish men - also Germanic.
Frankish =/= French
>Who is Knut the Great
A guy who was only king for like 12 years and had one successor?
Congo was Belgian...
>lol the Normans weren't French even though they spoke French and had been deliberately intermarrying with the locals for two centuries
>oh yeah and the Normans were mostly Franks
>it's not like the fucking Bretons played an absolutely crucial role in the battle or anything
Still better than you'll ever do in life.
Britons >≥≥>> Normans ≥>>>>>>>>>>>>≥>>>>>>>>Saxons
>implying the Bretons are French
All Harold had to do was order his men not to chase the faggots down the hill and stand his ground or have cav
If Harold won that battle he would have been Harold the Great i'm sure.
we would all be talking like this still
Although for some reason the Normans were the start of greatness from these islands, after 1066 we really got our shit together
>we would all be talking like this still
No we wouldn't.
England would not have amounted to much if it had not been for Normans taking it from the south, like the Romans, hinging it to Europe, rather than being taken from the east or north, thereby locking it to dindu snowniggdom. It would've just been a Wales- or Faeroe Islands-tier shit hole.
>Although for some reason the Normans were the start of greatness from these islands
That's because the Kingdom of England was still consolidating, King Cnut had fucked things up a bit briefly but the kingdom was quickly becoming a powerhouse. Ultimately the 1066 invasion didn't have a negative or positive effect on the region.
>"Just order the Fyrd to do something"
Yeah, give an order to the plebs, surely they will listen.
Do you fuck sheep?
Normans >>>>>>>> Franks >> Saxons >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Brit*ns
Plus, Bretons formed a large contingent of Duke William's army.
Only when I visit family.
Nice meme, except England was the richer and more developed than France before the Normans
>All Harold had to do was order his men not to chase the faggots down the hill and stand his ground or have cav
He didn't. They charged without orders.
No, the years in-between 1069 and 1070 were the worst. The Norman Bastard and his troops laid waste to northern England, hence the Harrying of the North which caused an estimated 100,000 deaths.
From 1066 to 1154, England was fucked over by the Normans. Anglo-Saxon wealth and art was shipped off to the continent. English metalwork, ivory-carving, and other crafts were irrevocably lost. Then there's the Anarchy; one of the worst periods of English history where there was a warlord in every shire thanks to the political vacuum and in-fighting.
Bretons were definitely not French.
It is ironic that the descendants of Romano-Britons that fled to Armorica from the invasions of the Angles, Frisians, Jutes, and Saxons played a role in the Norman Conquest of England.
Personally, I think the Norman conquest of Sicily was far more interesting than England.
The problem was that Harold went to battle against the Normans too soon. He lost a lot of experienced huscarls at Stamford Bridge and had to resort to more fyrdsmen. They were also tired as fuck from the forced march that they did. If he waited a couple more days to rest his men and gather up more troops (including archers), the Normans would've lost for sure.
Or he could've swallowed his pride and taken his brother's suggestion in allowing the crops to be burned and pen the Normans up. Gyrth even proposed for himself to battle in Harold's place. If Gyrth won, all was good. If Gyrth lost, there's still Harold in charge to rally behind. That was why Hastings was devastating to the Anglo-Saxons; they lose the flower of their nobility as well as their king. There was nobody around to organize resistance as a leader after Harold's death.
>It is ironic that the descendants of Romano-Britons that fled to Armorica from the invasions of the Angles, Frisians, Jutes, and Saxons played a role in the Norman Conquest of England.
Agreed. I believe that the majority of Breton lords settled in Wessex.
>Personally, I think the Norman conquest of Sicily was far more interesting than England.
Also agreed. There were a lot more Norman knights fighting the Byzantines/Pope/Arabs than in England/Normandy.
He also left a large contiginent north
Other user here, I'm a second-generation Italian immigrant, and the obsessive hate for Germans is ridiculous.
Quite a bit of those Bretons settled near Wales and Cornwall since it was where their ancestors were from.
The Normans may have been become French in all but name, but they had the wanderlust and daring spirit of their Viking predecessors. They shaped and defined the 11th and 12th centuries of Europe and the Near East.
No, those were the remnants of Edwin's and Morcar's troops after they lost Fulford Gate and didn't do jackshit after Hastings. Had Northumbria and Mercia lent its remaining strength to Edgar Athetling, the Bastard might have been repelled.
The language changed after the Norman invasion to this
My paternal family is Pan-British (except Wales, fuckin' sheepshaggers, and insignificant Islands like Jersey) and Breton. Am I direct product of the topic of this thread?
I'm a servant of the Xarnu Emperor from the Ta'tas System, and I think that the hate for Germans is silly also I'm not German I'm a servant of the Xarnu Emperor also the hate for Germany is bad also I'm not German
Cool projecting
>The Normans may have been become French in all but name
They were considered French even in name though. In the Bayeux tapestry, the opposing forces at Hastings are named 'Angli et Franci'.
The problem is, many people in the English speaking world don't like the French and idolize the Vikings (or rather the Hollywood version of the Vikings). So they are more confortable with the idea that the Norman conquerors were manly Vikings, not some puny Frenchmen.
>speak French
>live in France
>have land in France
>hold political titles in France
>not French
>Have a different government system
>"hurr dur we wuz the richest and shiet"
>have been intermarrying with the locals for more than one century
>led by a Duke who is mostly descended from French aristocracy
>fight on horseback
>bring Breton and Flemish soldiers with them
They are clearly Scandinavian user.
>>bring Breton and Flemish soldiers with them
I agree that the Normans are basically just French, but the Bretons are a celtic language speaking group, and the Flemish speak a Germanic language.
Can English>men get any more cucked?
You were literally christian Britons that got BTFO by paganic Scandinavians repeatedly to the point a lot of you assimilated. Then you got fucked over by formerly paganic Scandinavians who once again enforced on you their laws, rulers and superior culture.
Yet today you are screaming
English patriots are either Brytonic patriots or turbo cucks worshipping their invaders.
Oh, yeah. French is really a blanket term. During the first crusade, so roughly 30 years after Hastings, the rather german Godfrey of Bouillon, southern French Raymond of Toulouse and Norman Robert Curthose were all quite different and speaking different languages, yet they all thought about themselves as French (according to the chronicles written at the time).
I suppose that makes the invading Normans turbocucks for adopting French customs, and most of France turbocucks for both adopting the name of their Germanic conquerors and losing their native languages to German bastardisation and then the near-destruction of the langues d'oc and other languages, even ignoring the Roman cucking of their original Romano-Gallic language.
In fact, you could extend that turbocuck label so far across Europe there'd hardly be single uncucked country left.
>not universally cucked
I think once basically every country on the planet fits a definition it ceases to be an actual insult.
The biggest mistakes have been in the handling of Scotland.
Scotland should have been pushed to dominion status some time in the late 1800s or early 1900s. Retaining it as internal territory instead of moving to a different arrangement which retained our influence without keeping them glued to us was not a good idea.
You'd probably speaking something like the Scots speak.
Scots is English with less French dilution, after all the Lowland Scots are just Anglo-Saxons that weren't conquered by the Normies.
Compare modern Scots vocabulary to Danish/Swedish/Norwegian. You'll where I'm coming from.
Check again
I wonder why the Anglo-Saxons ceded Lothian to Alba? That's the breadbasket of Scotland and without it, the Scots language wouldn't have developed.
Really fucked up when a picture of a homeless family becomes a meme for spoiled teenagers to post on the internet from their warm homes provided by their parents.
you;re wrong, Geordie is actually the closest to old english. Geordie heavily influenced scots english.
Geordie old english/scandi words
>gannin = going
>wor = we're
>bairn = child (still used in Norwegian)
>canny = good
> force = waterfall
> aye = yes
>alang = along
>auld = old
This is more or less what old english would have sounded like.
The Bayeux tapestry was possibly made by Anglo-saxon monks.
The Danelaw split Bernicia and Lothian was isolated from the rest of its Northumbrian kin. And the Scottish Gaels had conquered the nearby Kingdom of Strathclyde so the English kings thought it best to let them take remote Lothian than squabble for it in bloody border conflicts.
>All Harold had to do was order his men not to chase the faggots down the hill and stand his ground or have cav
Firstly, real life warfare in any era isn't some Total War game where one man has complete control over every unit in his army. Harold had subordinates, and those subordinates had subordinates, and those subordinates' subordinates had subordinates. It just so happened that the sub-commanders under Harold were unwilling or unable to keep their men still in places; there wasn't much that Harold, as a man, could do about it.
Secondly, cavalry wasn't a part of Norse-style Fyrdmen formations. The cavalry-centric doctrine that defined medieval warfare arose from the feudal system that came about after the collapse of the Carolingian Empire, which encompassed precisely zero square meters of English soil. Even if Harold told his men to assemble cavalry formations, they'd mean precisely dick, and they'd be easily swept away by the Norman cavalry.
Just face it. The Normans had a better system. England was, and is, better off for the Norman invasion.
And a Norman, probably bishop Odo, William's half brother, payed for it and wanted it to tell the Norman side of the story. Which would show that he regarded himself as French.
>Geordie old english/scandi words
Huh? None of these words are Scandinavian
force = Fors
bairn = Barn
auld = Aldr
Force = Foss
Bairn = Barn(norwegian/swedish), Born(danish), Börn(Icelandic)
Auld = gammel(danish/norwegian), gömul(icelandic), gammal(swedish)
Auld is probably related to the Old Norse world "öld" which means age.
Oh spare us your bullshit morality, you wouldn't give two shits if it was a we wuz kangz pics with starving africans.
I'm not English faggot
> thinking normans are french not scandinavian
all harold had to do was wait and starve the normans out and possibly could have allowed the northern earls edwin and morcar to reinforce him