200000 hectares of land in canada is about to be burnt to shit by tonight, a whole city has already perished and left 80000 people without homes
how do i profit from this? is this a chance to invest in real estate?
200000 hectares of land in canada is about to be burnt to shit by tonight, a whole city has already perished and left 80000 people without homes
how do i profit from this? is this a chance to invest in real estate?
i was wondering this exact same thing last night
Oil went up like ten percent after this, that opportunity is probably passed.
Maybe construction companies, if the town is worth rebuilding
Work camp trailer rental stocks went up - homeless people but probably missed the dip.
Buy fireman stocks, short wildlife
>retards still believe global warming isn't real
First the fires moved north into Washington even though we've never had them here before, and now they've gone even further north so that what was formerly the land of ice and snow is on fire. Fuck, everything is going to be all shitfucked and smokey again this year like it has been the last few. Like everything is all yellow and hazy all summer because half the fucking state is on fire.
>is this a chance to invest in real estate?
Yes, if oil goes back up having property in Ft.Mac is going to be a very good investment.
You likely should have bought a week before this fire however. Now everyone is going to be riding the gravy train of sympathy and free shit.
Anyways if you want to make money off this just start a charity to give shoes to children who's shoes all burned down and take the lions share of the money as an admin fee like every other charity.
I dont mind climate getting warmer here in northern europe. So keep polluting as much as you can.
That's what we all said until everything started fucking burning.
>retards still think people are denying the climate changes
>doesn't understand that climate change isn't man made
>Doesn't understand science
>doesnt understand climate is cyclical
>Doesn't understand geologic timescale
>Anyways if you want to make money off this just start a charity to give shoes to children who's shoes all burned down and take the lions share of the money as an admin fee like every other charity.
It really can't be this simple can it? I could just start a fundraising company or fund and just solicit donations that i can write off as tax free while paying myself like 30% of total donations?
wondering the same thing. charity sounds like simple shit, but what are the complications?
I don't get this reference but shit is always on fire up here every summer. I don't know why we can't just build a firebreak around towns situated in the forest that burns down ever 100 years or so. We seem to be too stupid to plan for this eventuality.
To the rest of you, yes it's that easy. Most charities do this exact same thing. There's a website somewhere that lists every major charity and how much of the donated money makes it to the people it was actually donated for. It will strip the last bit of faith in humanity you have if you have any left. Simply register as a charity and start collecting donations, you will need to prove some minimum amount actually goes to the people you collected it for to avoid fraud lawsuits but that's it. If you want to be like those breast cancer cunts make a symbol and trademark that shit, fucking goldmine if your enough of a cunt yourself to fuck over well meaning idiots for cash.
BDI on the TSX is how you profit
>fire didnt exist in Washington prior to the last couple years
Or... you're just too young to have any perspective and have only lived through a couple major fires in your are which happened to occur recently. I assure you fire is a global phenonmenon
I believe it's only 13% needed to go directly to the issue/problem to be legally a charity (in canada atleast).
It's crazy. People asking for donations shill hard cause they're paid on commission.
Getting called out and being forced into jacking off on the streets of San Diego
Temple Hotels is the largest hotel operator in Fort McMurray. Up over 50% this week.
underrated post
That get though.
dis a get thread now
The land titles will probably be hit by disaster levies in the future to pay for the infrastructure reconstruction.
Buy Tim Hortons
Curious what oil is going to do now that oil production is being really hurt. It wasn't before Fridays close.
Global warming is bullshit. Climate change however is not.
>a whole city has already perished and left 80000 people without homes
>how do i profit from this?
And you wonder why people HATE you.
I hope you acquire a painful disease that causes you to die a slow agonizing death.
And that it is hereditary so that your children and grandchildren also get it.
Base Canada!
>sees over supplied cheap oil
>world suffering, jobs lost
>burns own oil supply down
They truly are the nicest people, ah
Pay for yuo CO2 credits maples
How do I find a Canadian waifu fleeing the fires looking for a new life?
maple traps
Seriously go fuck yourself.
Die.....in a fire.
This. The oil will get extracted whether there are houses or not. Invest in trailers if you can somehow. I work at a dealership, we've closed a few deals already
You need to be 18 to post here
Black Diamond Group on the TSX does that. They've had a wild last few days.
Climate naturally changes slowly, about .1% every 100 years
Ever since 1900 the rate of climate change has increased dramatically.
> We can shift all the blame to natural occurencses guys!
Thanks Koch brothers!