Can someone tell my how kids can afford to go to private universities like NYU, Columbia, etc...? I'm from Canada and shelling $50-60k tuition per year is a lot. Or only rich familes attend private universities?
Can someone tell my how kids can afford to go to private universities like NYU, Columbia, etc...
Elite universities will pay for students who cant afford it if theyre smart enough to get in.
Donations and tuition from the parents of dumb rich kids pay for scholarships for smart poor kids.
It's a pretty good system desu.
Those schools give out grants. They are the most generous when it comes to financial aid
Classmate is in the Ivy League, grew up in a house with an income of like 60k per annum.
Totally free. If you get accepted and don't have the money, they'll cover the costs for you.
I'm curious, does anyone attend private universities here? What's your experience like?
I go to the University of Chicago for econ... It's really just like any other school, but I feel like a complete idiot studying here because every single person is intelligent... The main difference I think is the exit opportunities... I've secured a BB Investment Banking job which I probably wouldn't have been able to do coming out of my local city school...
What's a "BB" investment banking job?
Investment in BB guns
Bulge Bracket so Goldman, JPM, Morgan Stanley ect.
adMIT here AMA about higher ed. and Financial Aid at top universities
Shitting up a college classroom with your 2.6 GPA kid SHOULD cost you out the ass.
How much do scholarships grant? Does it cover the whole sticker price?
At all of the top schools, you get enough financial aid to afford it... If they accept you, they will do anything to help you pay for it. That's why it is a bullshit excuse that people don't go to top schools because they can't afford it
MIT is about 20% of families income and 0 below a certain point (all students are expected to work for at least 5k~ of the price however) Im middle class 250k~ so they wanted 50k/yr which is 10k less than sticker price, doable. the only other real standouts are Princeton (best FA in country I would only payed 30k/yr) and Harvard (caps at 10% income until 180k excluding assets) Money is only a barrier for those in the upper middle class who arent managing their money well, being low income even helps you get in if you do Questbridge and the rich can get in through donations so middle class is fuxed
Transfer from a community college + financial aid + scholarships
>tfw 4.0 CC with internship
>still couldn't get into Ivy
Not really true. Ivy League universities do not provide merit scholarships
Serious question
If I live in Australia, neither of my parents earn more than $50k but I'm getting almost perfect grades and start getting involved in some decent extra curricular shit then could I make it into an Ivy League college on a scholarship? If so what else do I need to start doing
Why go to a Amerifat uni? Just go to an Australian one.
Make sure you take the SAT, GMAT, and whatever else is sexy tests and get high marks. Apply early. Read all the material on foreign students and visas. Just make sure you dot the i's and cross the t's everywhere and you should be okay without surprises.
Oh and try and find some Australian students already enrolled at the universities you are thinking about and call them or email them or whatever to get their view and advice.
NYU engineering here. I apply for scholarships, work during the summer at engineering internships, and got a grant from the school. I'll graduate with around 15-20k debt.
Our school is rated 5th I think for ROI.
The arts kids though are retarded.
Going there next year, any tips for breaking into IB, specifically BB's?
take the SAT
Network until you drop... I sent thousands of emails across my four years here and joined a fraternity with lots of alumni connections. Also you could sneak into Booth's networking sessions... They always bring in the top funds and firms because Booth is basically the top B-School in the world...
You take out loans.
Government assistance
So it's normal for kids there to have $200k in student debt just for undergrad?
My ex was an NYU art kid. She was... Yeah.
>he thinks ivies want to take community college riffraff
>he thinks 4.0 cc means anything
but they provide financial assistance to the tune of a full ride, if your parents aren't rich
>joined a fraternity with lots of alumni connections
Mind saying which one? What did you do during your first year? I'm kind of at a loss as to what I should do in my first year to maximise my chances of getting into a BB investment bank. I know that I should network and that I should probably start in my first year, and that I should join the investment club (I think it's called the Blue Chips at UChicago?) and maybe a sports team but what else should I in my first year? Did you any volunteer work in Africa/abroad or that sort of stuff? Last question, how did you network? As in where did you find contact information and who/what did you look for, not as in how you actually interacted with those people.
I really don't want to identify myself, but I will say that most of the top teir frats will have plenty of connections... It shouldn't be that hard to ask around which ones are the top teir ones. As far as activities: just join what you like and the Blue Chips is definitely helpful. I didn't do any work abroad and I don't know anybody in our class who is going to BB that did. And as far as networking, just go on LinkedIn and find alumni and just introduce yourself and be direct in telling them what you want.
I'm the same UChicago kid BTW... I'm just on my data plan rn
Alright. Thanks a lot for all the info. I hate not having a plan/not knowing how to start so you've been real help.