What does Veeky Forums think of public choice theory? Are government's really more inefficient than the market?
What does Veeky Forums think of public choice theory? Are government's really more inefficient than the market?
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At keeping people from bashing each other's heads in, yes. At making them toothpastes and distributing it, no.
Of course they are. Governements can never reach the same efficiency as money-hungry people
You wouldn't believe the waste and sloth in public sector work.
In private sector work it's your ass on the line, in the public sector it's "best effort"
>go sign up for health insurance on Covered CA
>end up with insurance two days later after site crashes 3 times, jumbles my info, and a year later get dropped because one box wasnt checked that results in me not having insurance anyway. Due to insanely worded household income questions, owe $3,000 on tax return in overpayments, all while not even having health insurance thanks to the box-check technicality. Find out earlier when using the insurance that it is shit and basically accepted nowhere. Now have huge medical bills on top of now unnaffordable preimiums. End up losing a quarter of my 2015 income to Obamacare.
>before, when I had health insurance through my company
>filled out one paper. Had awesome coverage. Had $40k surgery, paid $100
Just wait till you start actually dealing with the government, OP. No private company has ever stolen a quarter of my yearly income ON TOP of the 15% they take off the top
The truth is that corporations are nepotistic, inefficient, and ponderous whether they are public or private.
Not in areas where the environment and scarce resources are concerned.
>only viable road to a particularly important destination
>man suddenly decides to raise the price to all of your money. You have no other choice.
If there's no ability to compete, the government should get involved.
>government builds road
>hypothetical troll bridge demands toll
wtf are you even on about? Name one instance where some guy has built the only road to somewhere important and charged money to get there?
If it was actually important people would find a way.
Roads aren't even difficult to build any more.
And are a bad investment why would this man build a road with the idea of getting a return. Public access literally destroys the equity, and its expensive to maintain.
It is in no single person's interest to have a road, in fact it provides a barrier of competition for others to strive against. and the weak will fall making the price of scarce goods skyrocket.
But at a business like the governments scale, roads are cheap next to the marginal increase to income and subsequent taxes they provide. It makes perfect sense for the government to shave an hour off a commute for a few million people for the cost of a road and its maintenance.
Why are you confused? Do you not know what the word "hypothetical" refers to? I don't need to name an instance where this has happened, because we are talking about a hypothetical future where it something like that happening wouldn't be illegal. Can you not imagine a particularly malevolent person doing this? Is everyone in your mind entirely rational all the time -- does no one go insane or go evil?
>a guy owns road, treats it like a good investment
>someone buys road from that person
>this someone literally just wants to fuck with people
>If it was actually important people would find a way.
So you want to waste hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars to build another build to Key West, with billions of units of sand and concrete, because the owner decided he hates his ex wife so much that he'd cancel thru-traffic or make it absurdly expensive?
Read what I wrote. Maybe this is your problem. I'm talking about when there's no competition. If you can easily make a road, because "they aren't even difficult to build", THEN THERE'S COMPETITION. And I'm fine with privatization.
>I don't need to name an instance where this has happened
But user, there's nothing illegal about building private toll roads now. In fact, there are thousands of toll roads around the world. There is no law dictating that prices be kept at a certain level, so explain why they simply do not charge outrageous sums "just because" as you seem to think they should. Your entire argument is an outrageous strawman.
Inventing retarded hypothetical situations doesn't support your argument, slowfriend. It
just makes you look stupid.
There's no law against charging one million dollars per cupcake in towns where there you are the only baker. This does not mean this country suffers from an overpriced cupcake monopoly problem.
That other user's point stands. Name an instance where someone has actually built a road to anywhere important and charged exorbitant rates for access. Or just GTFO with your stupidity
Are you retarded ? Check the paying highways in europe, for example ?
Happened in Louisiana in the early 20th century. Huey P. Long procedes to build a state bridge, run them out of business, and buy their bridge for nothing.
Statistically public sector jobs earn 15 thouaand more than private sector jobs, and they also have taxpayer funded healthcare, so its less efficient.
Public sector jobs are a little too good goy tier to be a long term goal for me though. Insane competition for mid tier pay.
>government doesn't build roads
>capitalist start selling monster trucks.
wow, would you look at that. Private highways exist everywhere and arent causing a problem at all. It's almost like we don't need ridiculous laws for problems that don't exist.
just got btfo again
basically this
OP here, the argument isn't that market inefficiencies don't exist, its that at least corporations have incentive to act, whereas governments try to fix problems without incentive, usually doing a half-assed job and increasing the inefficiency
Is actually cheaper and easier to not even sign up and just pay the penalty
That's how inefficient the ACA really is
But whats the incentive of corporations? Its like were skipping everything from adams and jumping right to keynes while ignoring the power struggle of capital and labor
Tjen you have to consider that people have their own incentive and its also short sighted
You cant have a dictatorship of the majority or anarcho capitalism and expect food results - our systems broken to be sure but this is just a nonsense solution