Anyone watches Martin Shrkeli's videos on JewTube?
Any good?
Anyone watches Martin Shrkeli's videos on JewTube?
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The series of investing was quite good, I learned more in the first 4 videos than after 4 years doing economics in college.
Just browsed a few of the videos, seems like decent stuff, it'll take some time to review it to it's fullest.
>op rebooting router
>The series of investing was quite good, I learned more in the first 4 videos than after 4 years doing economics in college.
Is that you, Martin? You are really pathetic...
Whoa shrekli's index finger is far too long compared to his ring finger. Very weird.
nope. literally not a singular person watches them because their fucking shite
it was mediocre from what I've seen. He doesn't address much more than basic corporate valuation. Which is simply accounting and Corporate finance.
Econ fags thinking they're smart b/c they can draw regressions that may have some predictive power. but they never actually read the paperwork. It was right there in black and white in the first place.
You're like a mapmaker who only copies maps.
You've only drawn the terrain, you've never traversed it, Yet you say you'll be a good hiker. But you've never seen a field, scaled a ravine or forded a river.
Navigating is not the hardest part of a hike. And most of the time simple deductive analysis has far more predictive power than any economic model could ever claim to have.
Shkrelli is an investor and we've all walked the same ground, to get here. He's also done it in a pretty risky field which is worthy of merit.
But all is it is fundraising, analysis (mostly accounting), entering, and exiting, ideally with a plan.
The money he's made is proof of his skillset in the arcane voodoo world of investment.
Skip the bullshit and read his book
Martin Shrkeli - 'I am God'
link plox XD
>The money he's made is proof of his skillset
This is sarcasm right?
Cause he's a broke ass nigga.
He managed 3 millions dollars, which he lost all of it.
Anyone who havent lost 100% of their money investing is a better financier than this waste.
na nigga went 0 --> 100 000 000 in 0 sec m'm8
Guys listen.
I have the best theor
guys listen
I have the best idea even
What if he's doing all this clowning
all his clown stuff
What if he's doing all this clowning
guys listen here
What if he's doing all this clowning... because he knew he would have lost everything and will need something to live of, so he's trying to be a celebrity?
I've been watching them for a couple of days now and they seem to fall into three categories:
* Finance (1st three vids have some good general info; the rest have tidbits but they're mostly him analysing different companies. If you're not an investor yourself I don't see the point in waching those. If you are an investor, these seem to be top info.)
* Hangouts (him camwhoring most of the time)
* Chemistry (basic stuff which you can get from Khan w/ much better quality; Martin is using one chemistry book for teaching)
Honestly, there better course free online
I highly recommand Aswath Damodaran
Hes the king of corporate finance and valuation.
Watching someone else is a waste of time imo.
thanks for the recommendation although i have already learned a suburb amount of shkrelis guides
Honestly, I just skimmed his videos
Its good stuff, but like, why bother with good when you can have the best.
Thanks for the recommendation. I'll check it out.
Hey, I was reffering to this class
Its great imo, I love this teacher.
His books are also great.
Well explained, easy to use, applied stuff.
Best of luck.
forgot the link, long day...
hard to follow , guys is everywere . talking playing talking doing other stuff ..difficult to follow as my concentration span is low . keep to the subject or GTFO