How many of you believe in evolution?
How many of you believe in evolution?
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Been posting this for almost a year now....
Little to no progress has been shown in the minds of those who claim to be "intellectuals".
I do. But just for the lolz
How did our eyes evolve
All of Veeky Forums except for the few posters/spammers that make up /rel/, or some of the alternative-rightwingers of /pol/.
Veeky Forums is a christian board
I'm Catholic and Christniggers aren't welcome.
You know the kind I'm talking about.
But the Ethiopian Orthodox church has the book of Enoch as canon. that enough for them to earn my respect
Us conservative Catholicposters do believe in evolution.
I'm not talking about people with dark skin. I'm talking about ignorant Christians
t. Gatholic
I do but I'm a non-theist Christian so oops
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Didn't Leornado da Vinci start questioning the flood story when researching fossils ?
I know it proves nothing, just funny.
I just want to point out there is a second part of that but which is a bit anti-religious rather than just anti-creation
same thing
here ya go
although I shouldn't indulge the question, because it implies it would be a valid objection to evolution if we had no idea, which it isn't.
>non-theist Christian
Go back to >>>/tumblr/ or
>non-theist Christian
the fuck does that even mean?
Only the willfully ignorant don't.
Our "intelligent designer" gave us shitty hips for being bipedal.
Explain it to me and I'll tell you. Define it and how it pertains to us and will see
Maybe, who cares though?
Out of all that material you got the quote from the beginning.....
The theory that species will through genetic mutations develop into new species and gain or lose abilities depending on their surroundings.
Also, in this case it implies billion of years of change and varying climate where most of the species to ever exist now are extinct.
Not only no, but hell no.
Some of the most ignorant Christians are lily white Bible Thumpers.
>replying seriously to r/atheism
I think things can change in the species but I don't think it can create a new species because something went wrong. I think there is a law or code pertaining to the universe and everything that's meant to happen happens. All things were made separate and didn't change into something else. That thing just change a little or a lot
r/atheism be racist against blacks?
>the fuck does that even mean?
It means he's an atheist but he's too much of a pussy to withstand fedora memes.
Speciation is just what happens when variations between populations become genetically insurmountable and unfeasible for reproduction.
Ring species are basically the easiest evidence of this.
Ok better question is where did it all begin?
We can trace shit back to about 13.6 billion years ago.
Before that, no idea.
>How many of you believe in evolution?
The number of people who truly understand evolution + a large number who don't understand it but trust their education.
"Believe" is such an odd way to put that.
"Accept" is a much more appropriate wording.
anti-religiousness is kinda idiotic
anti-creationism is just education
Yeah, which is why I didn't include the later.
>hurr durr
Not everything scientists say is a lie. You're a fool for listening to alternative sources who claim to know the "real" truth, and you are a person with undoubtedly subpar judgement.
Post it tbqh
I'd like to see it
To add to the image the iridium layer is known as the "k-t boundary." The reason it was originally thought to have something to do with the extinction of the dinosaurs is because before the k-t boundary we can find dinosaur bones in abundance going back a hundred million years After the k-t boundary we find 0 dinosaur bones.
Also, there was likely a mega volcano going off in India right around this time. The sum of the two (comet + super volcano) and perhaps other factors is lilely what caused the extinction.
It's here.
Won't bother to put it all together just now.
sadly the effort is futile, anyone who reads chick-tracts already agrees with them to such an extent nothing short of brain damage will convince them otherwise
Top kek
Well if you want to know more about evolution the Question "Where did it all begin?" is pointless because that's not one of the things evolution claims to answer.
Otherwise define "It".
God (as traditionally described) probably isn't real.
That's wrong
>critiquing figureheads like Dennette and Dawkins is somehow defaming scientists
Come on son.
You know how I know you didn't listen to the whole thing....
The guy is himself a biologist, a physicist and mathematician as well, and he is critiquing the theory not the people.
I bet you would've burned me as heretic for championing a different opinion had we lived 1,000 years ago.
Your line of thinking needs to die.
That's right.
And how do you know the critiques are legitimate? Because it's an alternative? Are you a biologist? No, your line of thinking needs to die.
I don't. I don't believe in creationism either.
I think for myself, unlike you sheep.
How come sharks haven't evolved?
>I don't believe the Earth is a globe OR flat, I think it's a triangle unlike you sheep, both sides are retarded, I'm the only smart one hahahahahaha!
No need too.
They are perfect.
Fellow Lamarckian detected. Are you working on improving your genes today?
They have, relative to other animals the "base model", if you will, hasn't changed much because it's still very functional.
Evolution is a dumb process, with no foresight or endgame. There isn't a platonic shark it's trying to achieve. Just environmental pressures and natural selection.
I do because I'm a Muslim :^)
This meme of evolution denialism seriously needs to stop. Not everything you're taught is a fucking lie. Not all challenges to mainstream science are true.
How come we don't have a Wargreymon type animal yet?
Here we see ideology in its purest form.
I'm a Buffonian, but Lamarckians are bro tier.
Species change. This is observable.
b-but science is just another faith
You're just repeating what you've been taught.
Try thinking for yourself.
Critical thinking involves evaluating every single idea for yourself. I find vitalism demonstrably incorrect. Accepting demonstrable untruths is not a synonym for critical thinking.
Oh, but they do change. It's observable even before out eyes.
He literally explained to you the correct reason though. Then you replied with this shit that isn't even an argument BECAUSE it disagrees with YOUR ideology. Meaning you're guilty of the very thing you accused the poster of, even though they weren't guilty of it in the first place.
Veeky Forums is an atheistic website, like the vast majority of the millennial generation.
Atheists don't get a say sorry
I wonder if there's even one actual evolution-denier on this board
sure at first it was 100% trolls but maybe they attracted one or two idiots who think its sincere
It's a furry one really.
Only the real version with human biodiversity
You'd be living in huts if it wasn't for atheists.
I wish all Christians would be deported to their own state, and Atheists would sell no technology to them. They'd be crawling back and renouncing their god in no time.
>You'd be living in huts if it wasn't for atheists.
The sad thing is that people actually believe this
Literally everyone in thos thread believes in evolution.
appreciate this for actually doing a point-by-point refutation and not just saying "hurr christfag"
>equalism between race and sex
you're just a more clever creationist
Here's the one it is answering.
you're the one that doesn't believe in evolution. explain yourself.
Please tell me more.
Possibly a deist
Regressive equalitarians/social constructionists who take nurture and tabula rasa to replace heredity
pick one.
>I'm Catholic
No you aren't.
You hate other Christians so you cannot have the Spirit of Christ in you (1Jn 2:9/Rom 8:9), which makes you a non-Christian therefore a non-Catholic.
>"believe in evolution"
I recognize that biological organisms change over time because of mutations in their genetic material that happen during reproduction give them a wide set of emphasis on traits as a species, and their natural environment may show survival favor towards or against some of these traits. It's blatantly obvious that this is how biological organisms function on our planet to anyone with a basic understanding of durr how does stuff work hurr. Uneducated people refer to the process as "evolution" and use lazy fallacious arguments to try and disprove it because it conflicts with information they were given from a source that is also the source of the information that they are going to be happy and live forever with their family and friends in heaven when they die. It's challenging to accept information that makes it clear to you that there is no evidence nor reason to assume that you have any consciousness beyond death when before all you believed in was happiness for eternity so you get angry and feel pain and accuse the factual contrary information of being false on no basis other than it makes your feel bad to accept that it's a fact.
I'm completely neutral to the fact that humans behave like this and how they have in this thread. Do what you want but I promise it's more interesting to know how stuff works, instead of claiming that stuff is too mysterious and complex to know how it works so why bother when we actually do know how stuff works and you can learn with not even that much effort and enrich your life. The less of you do that the better for me though. The competition is fierce up here at the apex level.
Since you vastly prefer nature, go back to your natural habitat and fuck off to pol
I randomly found this book. Check out its preview of you want a good laugh.