Summer time trousers/summertime inspo thread

summer time trousers/summertime inspo thread

shorts aren't Veeky Forums until proven otherwise

Other urls found in this thread:"-inseam/C8FB0147DS.html?cgid=cuhpantsandshorts&prefn1=refinementColor&prefn2=size&srule=best-matches&dwvar_C8FB0147DS_color=122&start=1&prefv1=Tan&prefv2=M

black skinnies aren't summer



black skinnies all year every year fuck you mean nigga?


what shoes are these?


im spending may in the sahara black skinnies till i melt nigga

>posting fall sweaters/jackets in a summer thread





that's all folks

you must have some pretty mild summers if you can wear more than a single layer outdoors most days


boots second left?

>summer wear
>no shorts

I want to be you where you are.
I'd not only get insanely hot if I wore pants in the summer, but I'd get ridiculed, as well.

>Not wanting to wear shorts
Hells wrong with you boy?

>summer trouser thread
>morons posting wool trousers


>wearing wool trousers in summer

w2c striped turtleneck.

Where can I get some nice light, linen pants for summer? Everywhere I look they're just baggy pajama bottoms that look like they should go with a Havana shirt or something.

Maybe google "wool breathability" before showing the internet how retarded you are

yeah and the breathability of the fabric isnt going to fucking do much when you have a pair of pants this fucking thick, is it now dumbass?


Then your issue is the thickness not the wool. Jeez learn to express yourself correctly you're backpedalling like a motherfucker


w2c shorts?

>grr this is serious stuff you know

is that a girl or a boy? lmao


vans fit looks nice

why don't you just try wearing wool pants faggot

thickness does play a part buy unless its trropical wool you'll still gonna be basically as hot as you would be wearing denim
i went to a wedding in spain and had to wear wool trousers as thats all i could find and despite getting a cropped thin pair i was still hot af
you can only wear them up to about 20'c or you're gonna have balls sweatier than your dad in a playground
pic related, just threw these on so i can read in my garden

I saw some really nice grey cargo trousers, fairly loose fitting with a kind of rubberised texture and orange stitching/trimming.

I couldn't get a picture of the guy because he was staring straight at me but the rest of his outfit suggested that they were quite high end.

Does this ring a bell to anyone?

Wool pants? are you kidding?

Try lightweight linen. Y'all motherfuckers need God.

if you're miring hard enough to feel the need to take a pic why not just muster up all your autism, turn it into faux-courage and ask him where he got them from? Now you'll never know what they were because you were too much of a pussy to go "Yo those trousers are fucking sicc where did you get them from?"

>t. anons who have never experienced 95+ degrees

Because It was 7am, I was exiting a nightcub and I was coming down from ecstasy


Man I wish I could have an amazing lifestyle of hating women and wishing for friends like you.

Check out mr sensitive here

I was clearly joking but it looks like you feel deep down inside that your actions are bad and make you feel like a bad person which is something you don't want to be so maybe give the drugs a rest

w2c these pants?

where the FUCK does one get linen pants, im starting to think they don't exist. Do they go by another name??

Where can I cop a shirt in this material and fit?

Impossible to say ID, just find a nice pair of casual dress pants on the internet

That's how they should be. I like Our Legacy and Muji.

they're more common for women but i found 5 or 6 just on this page

Loose fit is part of the functional design. Skin tight fabric is hotter. that's why they are loose like that.

If you want to show your form, wear jeans. If it's too hot for jeans then your options are shorts or swim trunks.

w2c jeans?

ffs jacov, stop shilling your shit. i dun told you before and im gonna tell you again. stop the shilling, i know its you

These dudes look pretty sikh

What sort of materials should I be looking for? Linen and cotton?


where could one find those shoes for sale?

What are they? btw what shoes work with wool trousers?

Where to buy quality chinos and cords

Nah m8 I mean like really pajama Aladdin pants big like pic related. I'm not saying skin tight. I'm saying just kind of... regular? With a straight leg. Not billowy.

wtc these they are dope AF

You've never owned a non-polyester suit im guessing?

end this shorts aren't fa meme


How do these look guys? I'm going to the Caribbean soon and want something comfy

Also what color? Natural linen still the best?"-inseam/C8FB0147DS.html?cgid=cuhpantsandshorts&prefn1=refinementColor&prefn2=size&srule=best-matches&dwvar_C8FB0147DS_color=122&start=1&prefv1=Tan&prefv2=M

W2c trousers?

enjoy getting mugged

w2c trousers like this

what are these kind of button down shirts called?

Where are these socks from

I wanna hem for a relaxed trouser look that looks good for low cut sneakers, any tips?

Whats a good length? Below your ankle?