How exactly does one get away with not getting all of your tips taxed while being a server? I am getting a server job, and will be making 2.25 an hour plus tips. I figure I will make some decent tips because it is a nice joint, O'charleys. But I have never done anything for tips before, is there anything I need to know before hand? I know I have to tell someone how much i make right? Or how does this all work
How exactly does one get away with not getting all of your tips taxed while being a server? I am getting a server job...
Half of the tip is the 'personal tip' for your professionalism, this you pocket right away. But yes, the rest you MUST declare or it's illegal.
In the US anyway.
Can you give an example of this? So if I make 20 dollars in tips for the day, then 10 of it I have to declare and the other 10 I can just pocket? So I would say, "I got 10 dollars tip throughout the day"?
He's telling you to lie. You know, like every server ever.
you'll need to declare part of it (usually 40 to 60%) the rest you keep to buy your necessities, hobbies etc. Don't be a dumb fuck and put 100% in your bank account if you only declare half of it.
the "law" is to declare 100% of the tips obviously but you know.
Don't declare them, dumbass.
No one is going to fucking audit you for cash tips at a serving job
This is why I only tip on my credit card.
Tips are suppose to be taxed, but unless you document every tip you receive, the government literally can't prove if you got taxed $10k or 10 cents.
>tipping at all
lmao why?
>darkie detected
Why is it my responsibility to pay the server's wages instead of the owner?
you do realize that you're getting a cheaper menu thanks to decreased labor costs? and that you get to actually dictate what a person is worth to you? though, im sure you value everyone other than yourself at 0.
>and that you get to actually dictate what a person is worth to you?
I don't value them very much given that their servers almost always fuck it up in some way and they LITERALLY just bring over a couple plates and a glass.
I don't really value this simplest of actions very highly
It was always your responsibility. Its just more direct this way. Plus if they're shitty waiters you can just tip super low.
>something something literally
You just showed your true colors, millennial nu-male.
>Plus if they're shitty waiters you can just tip super low.
They always are so I never tip.
If they start raising the prices as you say I'll just start dine and dashing(more often than I currently do).
If they raise them even higher I'll start stealing the cutlery AS WELL as dine and dashing.
>Le go back to rebbit
As an Aryan it is our duty to fight the restaurant industry Jew at every corner.
For far too long have the restaurant kikes been stealing the white man's hard earned money.
Besides, most servers are degenerate millennials who spend those cash tips on weed anyways, so you're directly funding drug dealers and enabling them. Why would you want to do that?
>capital j for "jew
>not from reddit
pick one
>I don't know what autocorrect is
Do i have to tell my manager everyday how many tips I made? Or how does that work?
>i'm an aryan
>I dine and dash
Your a disgrace to the aryan race. You need to kill yourself.
>It is wrong to fight injustice
You are simply a cuckold who gets stepped all over. Aryans don't support this degeneracy and they don't play nice, that's why we were at the top of the food chain for so long, until now of course when cucks you like came about
>Ayrans support stealing because they're too cheap
Are you sure you're an Aryan?
Were the Vandals white, user?
Did the Vandals pillage and destroy, user?
Simply put, consider me a modern-day Vandal.
I am simply honoring my ancestor's traditions and history by ransacking degenerates
Now your comparing a war to a thieving.
How can you excuse yourself from stealing from your own. When you steal, you're fucking over your neighbor not Rome.
>How can you excuse yourself from stealing from your own
They're not my friends nor my allies. Similarly to how I feel no connection with a drug addict or a homeless subhuman even if they may have white skin
Why don't you ask your manager instead of Veeky Forums you dumbfuck?
>2.25 an hour plus tip
You know that in Europe your employer might spend some time in prison for that kind of slave wages. Can't you tards just stop giving tip and baking the service fee into the menu prices. Same with the untaxed prices only on shelves.
>What is at-will employment
Well if i dont get the required tips to make minimum wage the employer will give it to me
I cant ask my employer how to scam the IRS dipshit.
Don't you guys have to pay ridiculous taxes to house refugees? Kinda sucks desu
No, because McDonalds would just start selling pasta and steal all the business with their lower prices.
Is it better to work as a full time server while studying and working to become a bartender or is it better to work part time server?
Fuck you, this isn't /b/. Your post is going to stay up for three days after you stop bumping and all this is going to do is make people hate you.
depends on your CPU t b h