Is there any actual point in getting married instead of just being a family without it?
>insurance reductions
Just nab liability once you have made it
Is there any actual point in getting married instead of just being a family without it?
>insurance reductions
Just nab liability once you have made it
No of course not, don't have children or get married. What kind of bad goy would want to reproduce?
Hold the fuck up
>yes let niggers outbreed tou goy
>yes trap yourself with a 220,000 dollar blob, forcing you into debit, low credit slavery, and rent goy
Fuck of /pol/
>gf lives with me
>she has cancer
>she has no insurance, no job
>she wants to join my plan
>talk to HR
>can't add her unless we get married
>I dig her a grave
rip bby Ill miss you
>No goy, don't get married or have children! That's only for cuckolds! Real alphas don't reproduce!
>Don't worry goy, your bloodline ending with you is completely normal! Why would you want to financially cuck yourself??!! It's not like marriage is the fabric and backbone of every known civilization!!!
From an economic standpoint no.
What is the purpose of money if you aren't supporting a family? At some point buying anime toys and porn subscriptions are going to lose their entertainment value.
Theyres no shortage of dumbass peasants willing to be the fabric of society. Its my job to make money; lots of it.
Be discerning enough to not marry a shitbag and have both of your assets/talent/income combine. If you can do so, then it makes perfect economic sense.
financial independence
Why would you get married when your spouse can take your assets at any time for any reason?
>inb4 trust
Why would you marry a woman that would do this to you?
ever woman would do this given the right circumstances.
Would you do this to your spouse?
There are hundreds of things you could do you moronic goy.
>host small esports tournaments
>write comedy skits with college interns
>hire an army of mercenary somalis
All of these would have more impact on people than raising kids.
Me and my boyfriend intend to adopt off the black market (hard now) later on and have a maid take care of the kid, but we should have a decade or two to acquire some assets.
Do you think people expect it to happen?
Well, as a married person, I think they do see it coming. Whether or not they listen is a different matter.
Tell me your secrets of mind reading and precognition buddy
Emotional intelligence.
Clearly no one would ever be able to convincingly lie or hide things? You that good buddy? Maybe you should be a detective faggot
Most failed marriages are obvious to both partners well before hand.
Getting screwed by a scam artist is something else all together, but should be easy to avoid by any rational person.
I'm not a faggot. I'm a lady. Point your highly critical worldview at yourself and see what you find.
Okay, Agent Starling.
FTFY goy.
Can't detect psychopaths except in hindsight, with so many apes, psychos are rising fast. We ain't tribal bush people anymore.
Calm down you good goys, we are Veeky Forumsnessmen here. If you can't afford to make "accidents" happen, then you aren't really rich.