Hey guys I have a neat idea, every now and then we should have a thread were we do an ideological deconstruction of some aspect of chan "culture".
For this one lets discuss the idea of normiedom. What does it mean to be a normie? How different boards interpret normiedom and why they interpret it the way they do. How to reach a state of nonnormiedom? And any other questions you guys can ask and answer.
Jonathan Bennett
Henry King
i dont understand how this works
Dylan Lee
> Let's Deconstruct
Okay. The meaning of every text is deconstruction.
Zizek doesn't do deconstruction. He's firmly opposed to the Heidegger/Derrida gobbledigook.
Wyatt Fisher
Mein God, you know, how do you say, that when the 4channer says to the normie that he is normie, he is actually refering to what is called the Big Other. YES, I claim this is how ideology works. Ok now I write too much, so let me tell you a Lacan joke. Ah no, let us discuss something else.
Nicholas Cox
Normie just means everyone who isn't into your niche board culture
Jeremiah Hill
[Sweating intensifies]
Landon Campbell
Alain Badiou speaks of the "desire for the west", I claim is the same for channers, we can speak of a "desire for normiehood", with this I designate on one hand the desire to be part of a society in which our niche tastes and ideology are the dominant ones, but while also reaffirming our uniqueness and alienation from the current dominant culture, In the other hand there's a jealousy of what normies have or are perceived to have, that is, a form of social organization that seems built specifically for normies and normie needs, is almost like tsundere, "is not like we wish we were the normies or anything, baka"
The hatred of normies hides an almost fascistic desire to destroy current society and create a new one that's tailored to our needs and tastes, to our aesthetics and ideology, a society where we the rejects and misfits happen to be the ruling class, is like pic related, where channers project themselves into the young Goebbels and whenever this pic comes up there are lots of >tfw and so on, subconsciously we are expecting a great fuhrer who also happens to be "one of us, one of us" like in that movie, Freaks.
Jack Thomas
Solid post, also "almost fascistic" turns to entirely fascistic in the case of some boards, /pol/ at the very least.
Thomas Wood
Yup, that "almost" there survived unedited from an earlier draft, I meant absolutely fascistic.
Andrew Rivera
Well done. But I am inclined to disagree.with "our". I do not think that Veeky Forums is homogenous enough for that. Veeky Forums might be united by its hatred or disgust for normies, but it is still divided into small factions and even individuals.
Thomas Gonzalez
>The hatred of normies hides an almost fascistic desire to destroy current society and create a new one that's tailored to our needs and tastes I would claim that it is in fact the opposite. The very use of the word "normie" is telling in a way that is not even freudian. It is an unknown known hiding in plain sight; the normie is someone that conforms to what he who uses the word perceives to be a the norm. That the term itself is used almost verbatim, rather than a derogatory term like boring, mundane or degenerate, tells you that the subject in fact wished to conform to that norm, but is aware that he cannot.
Thus normie is invariable used in the ironic way that is so typical of our time: "haha, I call other people normie to indicate that they are different from me (us), we I (we) know that the joke is actually on me (us)", which is in line with the typically socially submissive behavior of the subject.
Chase Baker
>Freud >2016 Hmmm...
Zachary Jackson
>using the current year as an argument in the current year >not mentioning freud at least once in every post in a thread headed by a picture of zizek
Christopher Evans
Yeah I know Zizek is into Lacan which is possibly worse.
Logan Howard
Just referring to the idea of a freudian slip, a common trope, not psychoanalyses, a discredited pseudoscience.
James Lee
Normie is an /r9k/ corruption of the /a/ term "normalfag"
Originally it meant "anyone who freaks out about bizarre media/hobbies/tastes with a bizarre fan base as if they don't know what they expected"
Our friends on /r9k/ & reddit changed the meaning to "anyone without severe social anxiety"
Zachary Sullivan
Ah thank heavens I was triggered so badly I can't even
Gabriel Walker
I think the latter is what you make of it. I think it is just an embrella term for 'outgroup' members.