Are any of you fags actually rich or are you all just talking out of your asses?
Has anyone on Veeky Forums actually made it?
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This board is largely comprised of NEETS, teenagers still in highschool, a few neckbeards in college, and a handful of people who understand Veeky Forums and/or finance.
The answer is then mostly No.
What do you consider rich?
No, 50% of this board is unemployed.
There's 3 or 4 people on here who i think are legit wealthy. Their responses add up.
But mostly this board is broke fags.
Nothing wrong with that tho, still good encouragement here.
.01% richfags
5% Employed fags
94.99% Unemployed/students
anyone have the poll we took a while ago? i want to say about 30% were NEET. the rest were either students/students with jobs and a small percentage of people who had real careers
40% poorfag NEETs
30% working class scum
20% Trust fund babbies
9% Yuppies
1% people who actually got rich
fuck it just made a strawpoll
isn't this a roleplaying forum?
heres the thread if you guys could help bump it so we can get as many participants as possible for a good consensus
forget to add thread >
just a yuppie
not rich
Uhhh, depends on what you consider rich. I have an IT job that pays around 70k and about 60k in gross passive income from real estate and about 12-18k a year from eBay income.
Pretty comfy life desu.
Your strawpoll is flawed since you have NEET as one category. But, that doesn't distinguish between someone who has a six figure passive income and retired from an unemployed broke-ass who's on social assistance.
Technically, both would respond "NEET"
I got 13k you poorfag
Inb4 anything this board is a joke
What is considered high paying job?
I'm a student and my salary is $35k/year.
Technically not a poorfag, but still poorfag at same time.
Yeah, I don't understand why OP didn't define this. It's not his fault though, everyone always talks about the rich, but as soon as you start putting down a number, it can turn out to be difficult to pin down.
Answer the question OP!
still a student with a job though
i out the low paying and high paying for people who arent in school
>someone who has a six figure passive income and retired
Ihaz, please. We're not making a special category just for you.
if youre making six figures in passive income you put high paying job. why tf are you guys making this so difficult its simple as fuck.
I have a six figure job.
I don't consider myself rich though
Except that most people don't consider collecting passive income to be a "job".
Rich is rich, but it is true that there's no distinction made here whether your wealth is connected to your job or not.
No, I'm a poorfag. But I have decent knowledge about econ and finance theory, so I only post in those threads. I don't post in how to get rich threads and I never purport to be successful.
but it is a high paying job
I inherited all of my wealth, so I guess I didn't actually "make it"
Not really if his peer group also earns six figures, and they all live in a major city where saving is difficult, then it feels like you're still poor.
I'm not him, just another older retired guy
>implying 50% of this board have a job