Dress shirt from 18 century

I recently got a shirt from my mom wich is part of a traditional swedish dancing outfit. Its hand sewn and hand woven by probably by someone in my family. It would be a shame to let it lay in some attic so i feel like i should wear it. It fits me pretty good, but what should i wear together with it? If you look at how the arms are made you can see its made to be worn with a vest, but i have none. Will it be ok without?

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Btw made in 1862

that's the 19th century

wear it with black slim jeans and some dark military boots. looks good

Maybe in american counting, but in europe the years 1800-1899 are the 18 century

the shirt looks good anyway. the 80's is in style, you could do a toned down new romantic look.

>Maybe in american counting, but in europe the years 1800-1899 are the 18 century
What do you mean "in europe"? Europe is not a language. Furthermore, there are no differences between BrE and AmE when it comes to referencing different centuries.

Ok maybe im retarded, its the case in sweden atleast.

>in europe the years 1800-1899 are the 18 century
what? I live in europe and I've never seen this
how do swedes call years 1 to 100 then? the 0th century?

In germany it's the 19th

Yep, 00-talet, or 1-100 after christ. I thought all of europe did this...

Heres a photo of me wearing the shirt.
Do you guys think it looks effay?

is it linen?

Portugal doesn't. 1 is in century I ac; 200 is in century II ac

Fine woven cotton


in swedish they say "nittonhundratalet" when talking about the 20th century, which translates to "the nineteen hundred age". Getting mixed up in the english way of counting centuries is an easy mistake to make, given the weird way nordics pronounce their numbers.
source: am finn, fluent in swedish.

just the nordics

nobody except you fucking weirdos from the north do this.

Was about to post this.

Swedish just SOUNDS like the people speaking it are making dumbass mistakes, you know? It just sounds fuckin retarded. It doesnt surpise me at all they can't count.

Idiot. There are different ways of counting.

lmao no it's not

maybe you really are retarded

"1800-talet är perioden från 1 januari 1800 till 31 december 1899"
Dumma jävel

Swedes are the biggest cuckolds I was watching tv just last night and it was about these 2 Swedish feminist stay at home dads trying to convince other men to be as gay as them

I would honest kill myself if I was Swedish. What a disgraceful group of people

You should kill yourself either way.

Would wear this

Norcuck being this mad

Agreed but he has a point

He has a point that alot of swedes are massive sjw cucks, but does that make a non cuck swede bad? Dra åt pipsvängen!

Nah, we count it as 19th in France (XIXe)