Can anyone tell me more about the Scythians?
In particular, the Indo-Scythians?
Apparently those from north-west India are descended from them.
Can anyone tell me more about the Scythians?
In particular, the Indo-Scythians?
Apparently those from north-west India are descended from them.
Other urls found in this thread:
adopted indo-european languages from greek and spread it to eastern europe
Northwest Indian here.
Why do some people claim we're descended from Scythians? I haven't seen any compelling evidence.
greek is older then any indo-aryan language
Explain how Indo-Aryan, a satem language is descended from Greek, a centum language that merged palatovelars.
>pseudoscientific mumbo jumbo
stop posting
Sorry but that article, like linguistics as a field is filled with jargon and mumbo jumbo and overly verbose. Its not designed to educate someone about its concepts, its designed for insiders, filled with obscure terms only insiders know with very little explanation of what they actually mean.
Your post is designed to confound and impress with big words, to make it look like you have an argument by using dense technical terms, but with no explanation, thus with no point thus with no argument and, effectivley, no meaning.
If you cant explain your ideas and concepts to a dive year old, they are all fluff with little worth.
Sadly though this is a humanity's board so theres much support for semantic drivel like this
Some of the warrior castes, such as the Kambojas are the descendants of Scythian nomads. The Kambojas were known for their extensive knowledge when it came to horse rearing, and being some of the best archers in ancient India. I personally come from a Kamboja (Muslim) family, but I don't have much knowledge when it comes to other warrior castes which descend from Scythians.
Weren't the Scythians the dudes that invented the "smoke weed everyday" meme?
Yes, the words cannabis and hemp even come from Scythian
>ITT: Scythian = Indo-Iranian/European! :DDDD
What, do you call central asians "Tartars" still? Are arabs & turks still Saracens?
One important thing I learned from reading about them earlier today is that (not being memey) they did not yet incorporate use of the stirrup. People in another thread were arguing Alexander's army "could have defeating Mongols because they defeated Scythians", but I think, from my own equestrian experience, while you can be a bad ass on a horse without stirrups, that additional balance makes you a wrecking machine.
So yeh, no stirrups.
The Buddha was one.
No stirrups means reduced control and maneuverability of the horses, which means worse retreat or harass tactics.
>I don't know therefore it sucks
Nice argument from ignorance.
You are one of the biggest faggots I've ever seen on this board.
Nobody pre 1200 AD could defeat a Mongol Army
Perhaps the same could be said of all religions.
Well, that, and stirrups make it a hell of alot easier to aim a bow at a full gallop.