Are democracies and republics inherently unstable? Monarchies and dictatorships lasted for thousands of years, while democracy at best lasted for about 300.
Are democracies and republics inherently unstable? Monarchies and dictatorships lasted for thousands of years...
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People like to think that 'the truth will always win' but really if you just say enough bullshit everyone will believe because they can't debunk it fast enough. There's a dialectic need for authoritarianism
collapsing democracy becomes autocracy
collapsing autocracy becomes autocracy
t. bordiga
>tfw we could've gotten a competent fascist and instead we got Pizza the Hutt
Yep, because humans are only social insofar as they establish hierarchies and bully others, which is the only thing that's guaranteed to get people horny. You really think a system of government based on cooperation would work, ever?
>Public at large voting for an actual fascist
Not a chance in hell. Baby steps lad.
Fuck off fashit, Don is a traditional Republican liberal. If you want fascists go register Democrat.
Couldn't he atleast be aesthetic?
he's got the grace of a hogs corpse
>The political climate in Germany then is the same as it is in America now.
Pls be bait
[spoiler]But it kinda is :^)
Where do you think all those SJW's and alt-righters came from.
>traditional Republican liberal
Which part?
Is it the devout christian part of him?
or his pro gun stance
Republics and democracies do fine as long as the citizens who have rights and vote are limited to the one group that a governemnt is made up of.
When the state ceases to represent a tribe of men, and becomes it's own abstract entity representing a piece of land and anyone on it then it falls apart.
Republican rome was a far more virile sucessful civilization than either monarchic rome or imperial rome, but that is because it's citizenship was constrained to romans and only romans.
From a place of wealth and boredom. Nothing like Germany.
>Monarchies and dictatorships lasted for thousands of years, while democracy at best lasted for about 300.
It's his free market policies of course! Oh wait...
You're falsely thinking of monarchy as some kind of continuous system akin to the government of, say, the United States.
Sjw are laughed at for going mad, but I've never seen a group of people have tantrums as much a trump supporters. Talk like a normal non emotional faggot.
>Is it the devout christian part of him?
This is not a part of traditional liberalism. The modern Republican party is a complete joke for following this path.
>or his pro gun stance
That, and citizen-based nationalism plus protection of speech rights and internal businesses. The only real way he's against it is his protectionist stance.
>Republican rome was a far more virile sucessful civilization than either monarchic rome or imperial rome, but that is because it's citizenship was constrained to romans and only romans.
>I'm fucking stupid and don't know history
I agree, I fucking HATE it when some crowd of Trump supporters screams at me at my candidate's rallies and tries to shut them down.
Trump fans make SJWs seem reasonable by comparison. And you have no clue on what trump believes, he believes in whatever works for his personal agenda and will flip flop back and forth as needed
Fascism is an inherently incompetent liberal political ideology
It could've been much "better", we know.
>Trump fans make SJWs seem reasonable by comparison.
only correct reply
Literally what
It's more about the destruction of individualism and the rise of a media-controlled state than anything else.
Awww baby doesn't feel his safe spot is safe enough. Baby doesn't like protesters yelling about his new strongman. Poor baby
/b/ told me he would increase our freedoms. Am I being cucked? Is Trump the real money-grubbing semite all along?
>post-French revolutionary secular nation state based ideology laced with enlightenment ideals
>anything other than liberalism
Trumpers whine and cry about violent protests, until one of their own gets violent. Then their strongman jumps in to save them and offers to cover the legal fees caused by said violence and steal the victims coat
>not based on personal liberty
He doesn't need to pander
because he is who politicians pander to
It's been this way for a long time. JFK won his debate against Nixon not be his rhetoric, but because he looked better on television.
What, riots? Nah, that would suck. It would also never happen; Trump's people are mature enough to not go out of their way to attack other candidates' supporters.
>complain that Trump supporters have the worst "tantrums"
>get faced with an obvious counterexample
>"B-but that's just freedom of speech!"
If anyone here has incoherent ideas, I think it's you. It's not like I care if people protest at Trump rallies, as long as they don't vandalize property, attack people, or intentionally try to stop the rally (which they regularly do and all of which are illegal), just like I'm happy being able to call out bullshitters on the internet in my free time.
Donald isn't a tradition liberal Republican he is a centrist populist that leans right and says dumb things but is less worse than the other options
and I don't think Donald is religious
>just like I'm happy being able to call out bullshitters on the internet in my free time
This made me laugh so hard
lol what do you think
he's a right wing SJW.
>there are actual trumpposters even on Veeky Forums
... Never asked them to stop their tantrums. Not even close, quite the contrary. I was mocking trumpers like yourself for this behavior- touting free speech and the next moment complaining endlessly about protesters protesting. Because of course, only those protesting trump commit crimes.. Trump did not offer to cover the legal fees of a supporter who punched a guy. Totally didn't happen. Oh wait that did happen. Disgusting degeneracy I say!
>less worse than other options
>retarded trade ideas
>no idea how to handle foreign policy
>horrible tax plan
our country is essentially a comedic leper colony, the laughing stock of the entire world.
let's just hope the first people he nukes on whim is ourselves, because it looks like it's him unless Hillary gets indicted very soon
I hate Hillary and the green and Libertarian parties are jokes that are basically voting for Hillary.
I find some of his ideas at least palatable and find the idea of getting rid of the political correctness bullshit attractive, and can agree with him on some non controversial opinions. I cannot say the same for any other candidate, but that doesn't mean Trump is a good candidate, I just fear him less than the others
Was your 'counter example' the part where you said people were screaming at your fanboy crew? Jesus you really like your safe space. Now rebut this post by saying all trump protestors are violent, trump supporters act with honor, and therefore trump should be our next King.
I never complained about protesters. All I did was, when someone mentioned that Trump supporters are the most whiny, present a situation in which there were supporters much much whinier than us, and you strawman'd me to hell. Yes, I love free speech, and I'm fine if people protest within the bounds of the law.
Voting for president isn't a zero-sum game. You have the freedom to put "None of the above" as a vote.
The entire world is too busy dealing with its own problems to care about the US
Americans place too much importance on others opinions of them.
I would but I'd rather aid the candidate I hate the least to get in in order to prevent the candidates I hate more from getting in. If I didn't hate Hillary so much I would probably do that.
Yes, in fact. I would argue that forming organized protests in order to wave flags and posters and scream at a candidate qualifies more as a "tantrum" than trying to identify your own candidate's policies to someone else.
not to mention that his business skills are a meme, he could've sat on the money he started with and had more than he does now.
or even the part where he starts whiny bitch feuds with people he disagrees with or "wronged" him
or that he mocks the disabled, and encourages violences towards women and mexicans
I get that she's horrible, and breaking the cycle of exploitation is really attractive. but do you really want a man so weak willed and impulsive to have his hands on the nuclear weapon codes? Who is good friends with all of the candidates you despise?
Do you really want want the most ridiculous, hypocritical group of people encouraged in their literally retarded behavior by voting in their mascot?
also he won't get rid of the PC crowd, he'll just give them fodder and prove them right.
the entire premise of SJWs being wrong is that there are reasonable people in this world, and he proves that that is not at all the case.
Expect SJWs to be much much worse.
Hillary and Trump are two sides of the same coin, both controlled by the same hand.
I know, but it doesn't make us any less of a joke.
So you say trump protestors are whiny or more whiny than trump supporters. Great point, now I know who to vote for. I thought you fanboys said trump protestors are violent. This back and forth started because you said trump protestors deliberately try and...protest. Don't waste your time comparing the fan clubs. Won't change that the fact that trump is an orange colored demagogue. You know, Mexicans are rapists and Muslims are all violent extremists. Pro tip, this is why those protesting him are so violent, or whiny, depending on what narrative you wanna push.
He has some of the most coherent and absolute foreign policy ideas of any candidate yet in this race. Compare that to Hillary's policy speech which was entirely complaining about how Trump would nuke everyone.
I'm just going to sum up my opinion in that in my eyes Hillary is guaranteed to be awful while Trump has a chance at being not awful/good
>nuke codes
he isn't a fucking idiot, now that I do know. He isn't going to actually hit the fucking button.
Like what? 'Talk to Kim Jong il'?
hey at least Trump will get impeached pretty quick so we can try again
Maybe he'll make someone who is intent on breaking our retarded exploitation cycle but is less of a retarded his VP so they can take over.
What in the fuck are you pinning this on me for?
I've been arguing in response to this shitty post but apparently this guy doesn't get the blame for "wasting his time comparing the fan clubs"?
Probably the most coherent speech in the race so far.
Oh all the people screaming about your new savior upsets you? Don't worry we have safe spaces for you. Trumpers, somehow more snotty and entitled than the SJW crew. Are you just a glutton for punishment... Glad we figured who throws the biggest tantrums. Won't change the fact trump is a thin skinned ego manic whose schtick is being a pied piper to racists lunatics nationwide. I'll give him this, it is masterful. Can't say I won't enjoy him crashing the gop.
>38 minutes
Can I get a tl;dw?
>we're stuck in a Cold War mentality and we need to stop giving our allies free passes while provoking our enemies in places we don't belong
I have no idea who you are user. 'You' keep replying to my posts. Just driving the point that his supporters are generally whiny bitches who don't know they're being played. So they bitch about the people who criticize their hero for seeing him as the hate monger he is.
When His Holiness crowns the king, then God is with the kingdom.
That's pretty foreign policy 101
I'm being played? So what does that mean you're doing? You're wasting just as much time here as I am, I assure you.
I've never seen any of the other candidates acknowledge it.
It's actually a big break from both party positions. Who knows what he believes though. I think that position is a little absurd i.e. lets give Japan nukes. The problem is he'll say anything to get elected. Just like biliary but less tactful.
>he isn't a fucking idiot, now that I do know. He isn't going to actually hit the fucking button.
That's the part where we disagree I suppose.
I'm not convinced that he's not that dumb
or atleast not dumb enough to fuck up international relations against to the point of heavy militarism.
That said, he is playing with fire he can't control with the less intelligent, more violent portion of his voters.
I would be VERY wary of militant populism in an era where terrorism in all it's forms is rampant.
really though, fuck hillary we deserve better choices.
>lets have a diplomatic reset with the Kremlin :^)
Thats a huge break from both parties wtf are you talking about
We're on Veeky Forums user. Of course we're wasting time. Anyone who can't see through these two losers is a lost cause.
Top kek when you realize those people call safe spaces retarded but actually just want their own
ps safe spaces are retarded
I don't like him either man, but I'm not going to pretend he isn't a smart man.
We need a shake up and while I don't necessarily think we should get Trump to give that shake up, we do need one to get rid of both parties because they are both shit.
How old are you? Do you realize it's been illegal to protest within a political rally since the dawn of fucking time? People only notice Trump calling it out because only people who oppose him are so willing to break the law for publicity.
My favorite trump gig is when he insults the (clearly incompetent) media. He gets the best of both worlds, the constant free exposure and insulting the unpopular media machine. He has 'elevated' political discourse to a new level. Some people just don't know theyre being played and want a safe space to hide when confronted with reality.
desu it brings up a valid question
how do you strike a balance between consent from the governed and not having all your decisions made by the lowest common denominator and childish nature of the masses?
>2012 is the dawn of time
Thanks Obama.
Dialectics desu
Indirect democracy. Consenting isn't the same as making decisions.
Serious question, is it illegal or is it just legal to remove people protesting from the venue? I mean, if it were illegal, wouldn't trump be trump and press charges whenever possible?
>consent from the governed
The governed have no business making decisions
Legal to remove people, really. Rallies are private events and have always been. When people complain that Trump supporters are looking for a "safe space", they're just showing off their ignorance. A rally is not a place to argue, that's what debates are for. It's a place for a candidate to garner support and for supporters to be able to openly show theirs. This has always been the case. I'm sure a portion of Trump supporters who are ignorant would also make the same case if there were consistently protests (or riots) within any other candidate's event.
Baby's safe space isn't safe enough. Perhaps we could execute a few protestors to discourage the others from trying to speak out against our movement which will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. The wall just got ten feet higher
No one wants to actually take it to the supreme court and get a precedent. It's a much more powerful tool as it is now. Pressing charges means it could be found unconstitutional, or cause enough of an outcry that the law gets changed. It slipped under the radar with bipartisan support because it protects politicians.
It has not been illegal since the dawn of time, which is a dumb victim mentality meme. It's been a gray-zone law since 1971, meaning there is most likely an extremely high threshold of evidence required to act.
The 2012 update changes the wording so now you can create a safe space, and confine protesters to a protest area far far away, like "free speech" zones and makes it much easier to act.
>look at all these strawmen I can throw!
Fuck it, this is a /pol/ argument anyway and should stay there. I wish OPs on Veeky Forums would stop using Trump in their images to discourage this kind of shitflinging.
The theory of republics is that the governed send a representative to vote for them. In practice, however, it's come down to special interests overriding the governed.
>safespaces are legal tho
t. you
Hilarious. Well it was "it's been since forever illegal to protest at rallies," oh wait never mind. The girls got in your club house (read safe space) and now you whine about it. Because whining about that would be far easier then defending the shit that comes out of trumps fat face. And yeah, I'm sure trump fans would definitely come to another candidates defense if this occurred to them... Oh wait when Bernie was interrupted in Washington by BLM all the trumpers came out to grunt "cuck" over and over again. The more articulate among them just said our strongman would never allow this, he would take their coat and cover the legal fees of the trumpers who stepped in to 'help'
I'm a monarchist, but the idea of that man as king is pretty much the contrary to the soul of monarchy, which requires great dignity. Being an American monarchist means supporting the British crown.
Needs more checks and balances desu
Do you have any argument other than "safe space"? Please, I'd honestly love to hear it.
Strawman hey. He said Mexicans crossing the border are rapists. He said McCain wasn't a war vet to be respected. He claimed Megan jelly couldn't do journalism because she's on her period. He insinuated that he has a big dick on national tv. He said women who get abortions should be punished, then flip flopped ten minutes later. He said he'd cover the legal fees of a fanboy who punched a protestor. He says stupid shit, maybe you haven't heard.
I'm not arguing against Trump. That's some other user. I'm just making fun of safe spaces.
Not him, but argument for what..? That he says stupid incendiary shit? Who would argue against that? It's no secret when trumpers whine about protestors they are whining for a safe space to circle jerk.
>wanting to be ruled by Germans
No thanks.
See He says the dumbest shit. Who the fuck claims McCain isn't a war vet to be respected because "he got caught"
Trump's ancestry is German as well.
Explain to me why a "safe space" is inherently bad, then. Once I left the rally I got bombarded with negative ads and signs and constant belittlement on the news anyway. It's not like I care, I just want to have one event where I can openly display my support without being drowned out by the media and people more militant than I am. Do you realize how difficult it would be for any non-establishment candidate to get anywhere if they didn't have that much right? We'd be a total oligarchy.
This is not relevant to an argument over rallies and I'm not about to try to refute a case of whataboutism.
Needs no input from the pleb public