How come commies wear berets, fascists wear epaulets, and libertarians wear bowties?
How come commies wear berets, fascists wear epaulets, and libertarians wear bowties?
Because lolbertarians are fags, Nazis enjoy a show of strength to hide their flaccid cuck cocks, and Commies just get a lot of hot pussy and berets makes women wet.
which one are you
Berets were the *wink wink* of the French Resistance against the Nazis, which commies were very involved in.
Fascists don't wear epaulets so much, they wore modernist uniforms.
Libertarians wear bowties because Rothbard did in order to make his rather revolting views on race, sex and children seem more friendly.
I hate fascists, but epaulets are dope.
What do I do, Veeky Forums?
Join a marching band
Some Fascists wore epaulets because they were military leaders as well as political ones. Fascism as a political ideology glorifies war.
I have never seen an attractive Communist.
libertarians don't wear bowties, the characters in the OP pic are libertarians
Wear one with a beret and/or bowtie.
>Militias imposing the will of the CNT-FAI and killing people
>Somehow differing from an authoritarian state
Pick one.
yeah how dare they defend their freedom user the best way to fight authoritarianism is just not to do anything
>Commie regime
Again, pick one.
Besides, fighting authoritarianism per se is not what they did if they imposed an authoritarian communist regime (which is actually redundant).
I think impotent and unattractive men tend to lean towards egalitarian and collectivist ideologies.
property is the despotism of a small minority over the very foundation of society user, it does nothing but limit human activity
it's time to face the sad truth
the dirty lowdown
>The "paying someone in exchange for working your property is exploitation" meme
Well, I think Stalin and Tito were pretty good looking.
no, it's the property itself that's the problem,
but as a libertarian all subjugation is wrong and there should be no bosses
He looks like an extra from planet of the apes
I bet you watch beast porn
Stalin was 10/10 Veeky Forums when he was young.
>can't even control the hair on top of his head
>huge nose and monkey-ish eyebrows
That's not Stalin bro
I assumed that by property you mean private property of the means of production, hence a mode of production where the property owner pays the worker for their labor on his property. If that's not what you're talking about, what is it then? What about the concept of owning something do you find despotic?
This is Stalin, user. There's also his other photo where he's like 10 years older(and was straight out of Siberia) but Eastern Europeans age badly in general
Stalin's face was pockmarked as fuck user
That's not Stalin, that's an actor
yes, the problem is private ownership of production
this limits freedom for the reason that nobody else can use it
you can say "oh it's individual freedom we don't care about society" but then it'd make more sense to be a stirnerist or some other kind of individualist than to advocate a certain political system unless it actually benefits you
When I mentioned that I don't think paying a worker for his labor on your property is exploitation (which is what happens when means of production are privately owned), you said "no, it's their property itself that's the problem", therefore I assumed you weren't talking about the private property of the means of production.
Anyway, obviously the worker doesn't decide what to do with the mean of production but he can become an owner of property himself which wouldn't be possible in an anarchist/communist society.
But we think there should be freedom in the actual relation, not "you aren't free now but you potentially can be". You can make the same argument about democracy, we still think government in principle is bad.
Yes and they doctored the pockmarks out
>why am I here again
>oh right the purges
If anarchism worked, why should private initiative be prohibited? I mean, if the workers did so well in a collective farm and if they would be better off that way than employed by a private property owner, why would they leave it? It wouldn't be exploitation because they would be doing it out of free will (since nobody forces them to leave the collective farm).
because for private initiative you need private property and when enough property is owned that you can employ other people that's a significant amount that can't be used by the collective
also, there's more to being bossed around than just whether it's voluntary or not, most governments throughout history have been "voluntary"
Those are libertarians, lad.
Interestingly, the one to the left is basque, the one in the center madrileƱa and the one to the right catalan.
Yeah, obviously what's privately owned can't be used by the collective, but my point is if they lived so well working in a collectivized workplace, in that scenario any decision to be privately employed wouldn't be out of coercion, since they wouldn't be in a situation where they NEED to do so, as opposed to a starving person who finds himself in the need to take any job.
it wouldn't be out of coercion, but it would be into coercion I suppose
Once they've decided for whatever reason to give someone property and work for them then there's no real way to go back
but anarchists don't want to free people, but for people to free themselves
Average nationalist.
Dead you mean?
>Commies just get a lot of hot pussy
There is nothing that turns more done a woman than an unambitious cunt,or a pseudointelectual prick that bases everything on pedantry. I have only found communist in that fit the above description.
You sure are well jell.
What is this cap style called? It appears to be extremely popular with 1930's Spain, both nationalist and republican.
In the US military it's called a garrison cap
you are correct, sir, though it s sometimes called the "Elvis Chapeau."
That cap is quite an old thing. The carlist wore it in the 1833. So it is not just a commie thing.
>search "chilean communist"
Your welcome
Nah. Commie fashion is grouped into 3 major get ups.
You obviously have the Soviet one with the bushy hat, overcoats, riding pants, and peaked caps. Including local variants like that weird ex-Austro-Hungarian Army cap Hungarians and Romanians wear.
Then comes the "Asian Communist" get up which is largely based on the Zhongshan suit- a suit popularized by Sun Yat-Sen, based off the Japanese Imperial military tunic- and the meme workers cap.
Only exception to the Asian rule is NK. They're Sovietboos.
nice doctored photo meme
Finally there's the Latin American Revolutionary, which is pretty ironic as it is basically surplus US Military fatigues & caps form the 50's-60's with communist shit added on.
is that the guy from there will be blood
No, it's Stalin. I don't know why Veeky Forums users are so communist and love him so much.
But meh.
This desu
Not that guy, but he's still quite handsome.
When socialism comes to America it will be like this. Wrapped in stars, stripes, and tradition.
Sexy Stalin is a lie. Real life Wario was so insecure he even altered old photos of him.
My gf was born in the USSR technically she born a commie and she a biddy
bost pics
When socialism comes to America is will be wrapped in a black nationalist flag, wearing a beret and a leather jacket.
It will either /k/ tier gear or airshit gear
Fair point, although the Black Panthers were preceded by a lot of predominantly white reformist groups.