How to pass college/university?
workload is heavy, I do econometrics & operations research Bsc 1st year
Things I have trouble with:
>Probability theory, we use casella&berger
How to pass college/university?
workload is heavy, I do econometrics & operations research Bsc 1st year
Things I have trouble with:
>Probability theory, we use casella&berger
Other urls found in this thread:
What is your work/day schedule?
>wake up at 9, leave 9:45
> grab train at 10
>11-13 tutorial
>depending on the day, I go home or study in library
>4-6 another tutorial
>get home at 7:15
>fuck around, do minimal homework
>skip next days class because I didnt do it.
This used to be my schedule, but now I can't afford to miss any classes (attendancy requirements).
Now I am catching up on what I missed this semester while fighting urges to procrastinate.
Oh also if I don't pass every course, they will throw me out of college as I messed up 1st semester and failed 2 courses already
11-18 does not sound like enough job. Most competive economics and econometrics programs in Western Europe usually take 9-10 hours a work a day for five days a week
t: Economics @ LSE
Basically, figure your shit out, find your motivation again, and do your work.
nice, heard some good things about it
my school tries to be competitive (it's the pic in the OP), I'll have to work harder then.
I was also thinking of being a
aka taking modafinil
Should I?
thanks senpai
Sounds like a normal wageslave day, get used to it now or drop out.
If you have an access to modafinil, it might be a good investment during the exam season for a week or two. Definitely would avoid making it a habit because the legally gray area and potential for addiction.
means how you define "access", an12 year old kid can buy it off of tor even (plus I'm pretty sure it's cheaper than the "street rate" in my college)
Is this a joke? That's not that much
TU Delft here (Technische Wiskunde), my average is 8.5, here is what I did to git gud:
Go to all lectures and instruction classes. Don't just sit there, but take notes and pay attention.
Stop seeing weekends as "time to chill and relax". I see weekends as an opportunity to catch up on things I didn't do during the week (usually there is still a lot of time left to relax anyway).
Have two different notebooks for each subject. One for notes in lectures, one for the exercises.
How many ECs do you have already?
Good luck, future competitor.
Please don't go into finance later
17 EC, I know that's fucking horrible. It is so far the bare minimum to not get kicked out. Which means that I have to pass everything now:
>Probability Theory 6.5 EC
>Finance 6.5 EC
>Macro 6.5 EC (resit)
>Analysis II 6.5 EC
>Orientation course 4.0 EC
If I make it, I'll have 47 ECTS, which is exactly the "binding study advice"
I can also give up my self worth and go ask for leniency at the student office, but I don't think they'll give it to me...
So theoretically you could still make it.
I assume your major is doable if you just go to every lecture and do the assigned exercises, or do you have "impossible" courses?
Think about the goal here, econometrics majors make bank in this country.
you can be the judge of pic related, exam is in 4 weeks.
if you wanna help me out/be buddies if i make it please mail to: [email protected] (throwaway mail btw)
I'm only 3 weeks into my first probability course.
wrote wrong mail, mail is [email protected]
forgot the period
also I hope you don't use the book Casella&Berger but have a booklet written by the prof
If you have any questions I can help you out right now
not currently. I'm busy with finance at the moment, got 3 weeks of catching up to do.
But mail me (or leave your mail) if you want, and I'll definitely ask for help when needed
>econometrics majors make bank in this country.
Really? Source?
You can do anything you want to
>wake up at 4:40
>eat and shit
>leave at 5:00 to catch the bus
>get to uni at 7:20
>study for 40min till classes start
>3pm go home
>5pm arrive home
>study eat
>sleep at 23:50
Can't go to sleep earlier otherwise I can't study. It's shit.
I swear to fucking god every moron in this country thinks that we are going to become a millionaire. Sure, when we are fucking 50. Doing a regular job won't make you bank, it's just wageslaving but slightly better salary and job securite
But there is some truth to it, you can become a quant (doesn't earn that much)
Or you can start your own company like I know a guy (well guy.. he could be my dad) who has an actuarial consulting& risk management firm and did econometrics. You can open up shop and provide to many companies.
oh yeah source:
It's Dutch. Use google translate
My mom says the same, my dad says we're useless little shits