I would like to know any information about the DDR
Life in the DDR
Other urls found in this thread:
google stasi, shit is cash
also google trabant
No bananas.
Pls be more specific.
Watch media about it like Deutschland 83, Am Kurze Ende Ser Sonnenallee, and Goodbye Lenin. You can get a general feel for what life was like by doing that.
It always puzzled me that while the go-to boogieman for the commies were fascists they essentially allowed the east german military to maintain their nazi uniforms except with hammers and sickles instead of swastikas.
> Goodbye Lenin
Great film, I laughed hard
They thought they were better socialists than the russians
And they totally were.
only in the police state part
They doped up their female Olympians with so much testosterone a bunch of them had to have sex changes.
>Police state
Seen a documentary about it, laughed hard.
Terrible, that's why people miss it oh wait
>implying DDR planned economy wasn't better
>implying the Red army was better then the NVA (the DDR was to small for a significant arms industry and had to rely on the UDSSR for second rate equipment)
>implying the DDR leadership wasn't more zealous than the soviet one
Obligatory anthem.
very few native DDRs left on Veeky Forums
majorty succumbed to the sudoku plague brought on by capitalism
To be honest I think this thread has more success on /k/ since i've seen them fetishize DDR tanks and AKs to high heavens. (Also muv-luv threads on /a/.)
few of us still around and I want communism back, I miss the DDR.
The Wall:
Sure, it was hard to get out but even harder to get in. No Muslims, no rapefugees.
Sure, there weren't 60 different kinds of chocolate available but there was also no unemployment and people helped each other out instead of trying to bring each other down.
Sure, we were occupied by the Russians in a way, but patriotism was still encouraged and no one promoted racial and cultural suicide.
Poisonous American culture was mostly kept out of the country. No McDonalds, no Hollywood, no SJW degeneracy. The DDR was undeniably GERMAN. Not American degenerate race mixed brown-black Hollywood Niggers working at McDonalds, ads with trannies and queers.
Was hard, I admit that. But being a Christian in the DDR was still easier than being a Christian today in a SJW shit hole that is increasingly becoming Americanized. Sure, we don't have gay "marriage" in Germany yet, but it's just a matter of time until we are like the US where you commit a crime if you don't bake those gays their fucking cake.
The surveillance was shit, of course. Secret police and everything. But we have the same today. With NSA, CIA, FBI whoever watching. And don't you dare to say a wrong word about feminists or refugees! We arguably have less freedom of speech today.
The part of Germany that was communist is the part now, were 30.000 people march through the streets to rally against Merkel, mass-immigration, against the Islamization adn the Americanization of Germany. It's the part of PEGIDA, LEGIDA, Björn Höcke, people in Heidenau literally attacking the refugee-protecting police at night and then hiding in their neighbor's houses. West Germany is the "Refugees Welcome" SJW part.
50 years of Soviet occupation has obviously done less damage than 50 years (and counting) of American occupation.
Is there a communist party in east Germany? Or do y'all just vote for AfD
No bananas
Du bist doch am trollen mein Dude. Lies mal den wirtschaftlichen Abschlussbericht des ZK. Die russische Besatzung hat einen Wohlhabenden Landstrich in Scheiße verwandelt.
If you are anywhere close to being serious, then I genuinely feel bad for you.
There is a socialist Party active in all of germany. In the east it is stronger though and even has the government in one state.
(And I don't mean "I feel bad for his suffering of the plight he has so eloquently described", but "I feel bad for him because he must be a very sad or somehow challenged person")
Fuck off commie
Reminder that white pride fags deserve their rapefugees
Well most people who think like this were bighshots in the DDR and became irrelevant in the FDR. I am as west german as it gets and my uncle works in the east. He has a dude in his Company who was on his way to become a general in the army. I think he was one of the youngest colonels the DDR had in 89. Now he is just a normal dude working a 9/5 Job and he is one of those who were lucky. We Call these people wendeverlierer (loosers of change).
>he was one of the youngest colonels the DDR had in 89.
>Now he is just a normal dude working a 9/5 Job
That's sad. All that ambitious work and good friendship in vain. It's strange why there wasn't more trouble in this time period.
literally all you need to know about communism.
Police states are inherent to Socialism.
>Sure, it was hard to get out but even harder to get in. No Muslims, no rapefugees.
Firstly, the wall didnt protect you from muslims and rapefugees. Because there werent no muslims and rapefugees in West Germany either.
Secondly, at the time there were no rapefugees and brown migrants no where in Europe. But if DDR somehow survived to this day, be sure the socialist cuckolds would gladly open the country's anus wide for enrichment. Multikulti is inherent to leftard ideologies.
>people deserve to be raped for being white
Wow. I bet you also deny white genocide
Everyone acting suprised at that one guy itt wanting DDR back. I just recently visited my grandma who lived most of her life in that country and she too didn't want the DDR to ge abolished and regrets it. She would rather have had a non-authoritarian socialist state.
Pic is view from her house
Now imagine this shit but under a police state. How cool would that be?
Goodbye Lenin is a good period piece. There's one about a Stasi member falling in love with an actress, but I don't remember what it's called. It's really good though. Has some fucking fantastic humor dialog too.
For those that aren't going to watch it, dialog between some stasi officers:
>Sun rises in the east
>Erich Honecker sticks his head out of the window and says "Good Morning sun!"
>Lunch time rolls around
>Sun replies "Good Morning Herr Honecker"
>Erich Honecker sticks his head out of the window and says "Good Afternoon Sun!"
>Sun replies "Good Afternoon Herr Honecker!"
>Erich Honecker gets ready for bed and call out "Good night sun!"
>Honecker repeats himself
>Honecker asks "Where are you sun?"
>Sun replies "Fuck off, I'm with the West now!"
This movie
They are not.
Nor are they exclusive to socialism.
>at the time there were no rapefugees and brown migrants no where in Europe.
Yes there were.
Even back then West Germany was importing Turkroaches by the boatload. France and England however were on a whole new level of enrichment.
Migrants are the lifeblood of capitalism.
There were very few and unlike today they were skilled workers and specialists.
Stop playing dumb, you know full well what im trying to say.
>Migrants are the lifeblood of capitalism.
I wonder what that makes of leftshits who also support mass immigration and open borders.
Sovjet puppet state held as a meatshield against the capitalist west. people were drugged with propaganda thinking that they are mankinds guardians against the degenerate fascists of the west.
military training was mandatory because if the cold war would have gone "hot", the first bullets would be shot there. even schoolkids had some sort of paramilitary training and the state-lead youth clubs all had drills and uniforms. pupils who refused to join these paramilitary clubs were blocked from higher education, the parents sometimes also facing some degree of punishment for the actions of their children.
STASI and other instruments of mass supervision were everywhere. neighbours and friends were asked/forced to spy on each other, there was nobody left to trust. its estimated that every 53rd GDR-citizen was a spy or somehow involved in surveillance actions.
the politicians stayed almost the same from the beginning on. parts of them were communists/socialists that fled during WW2 to the sovjet union and were brought back after the war to create a sovjet-friendly government. in the end they were all completely overaged and senile.
Name one socialist state that wasn't one.
Russian military occupation with a logically fallacious utopian ideology as its propaganda face.
>The Berlin Wall was officially referred to as Anti-Fascist Protective Wall
You can't make this shit up.
Notice how these "leftists" spend a lot more time complaining about social issues than economic ones, and that even when they do complain about economics, they always seek to reform capitalism, not abolish it?
There has never been a recognized socialist state that was not Marxist-Leninist so none as of yet.
>There were very few and unlike today they were skilled workers and specialists.
They weren't, they were low wage labourers as always with third world immigrants.
And I don't know what you're trying to say.
>I wonder what that makes of leftshits who also support mass immigration and open borders.
A name a socialist state that had mass immigration and open borders.
the economy was boomin at first, especially the chemical industry, wich was relying heavily on cheap sovjet oil. but after the oil got more and more expensive because the sovjet union was slowly collapsing, the industry of the GDR also collapsed and left heavily polluted soil and water everywhere.
this collapse was slowed down by two things: using less material and just buying stuff from the west. the first one led to a degradation in quality of east-german products, the second one to huge debts. for example: after applying for it long enough, youu were abled to get a car. but the parts for this car were getting worse and worse, falling apart quicker every year. and you were not supposed to need more of them. so many ended up with having a car that did not run, except for those that got parts from early production years.
about the inner german border (the wall):
it was build to keep east-germans and other people from the sovjet union from fleeing into the west. construction didnt start before the 60s, after around a million east germans moved to the west and never came back. the socialists saw their workers fleeing and tried to keep them in. the wall was a symbol of "stay in or we will kill you". barbed wire, land mines, armed guards and watchdogs scarred the landscape. around 1000 people were killed as they tried to flee to the west.
All socialists states have been dictatorships and that's what Marxism-Leninism is about.
Marxism-Leninism is about dictatorship
Socialism is not necessarily Marxism-Leninism.
Are you talking about "ancoms"? Because that's one big oxymoron. A state is still a state even if you don't call it that way. Besides, the guy you replied to with the Jim Halpert pic was clearly talking about the DDR and you implied that a socialist state is contradictory with the idea of a police state, therefore implying that DDR wasn't one.
Die Partei, die Partei, Die hat immer recht...
Britain circa 1945-51 was run by a Labour government with genuine socialist goals which engaged in a relatively socialist policy program of nationalizing industry [it didn't nationalize everything, hence "relatively" as a qualifier.].
While it retained some WW2 policies like ID cards that were quite intrusive by English standards, calling it a police state would be a stretch and the worst excesses of the secret services would have been in the interest of hunting down communists. When their term in government was up they held elections freely and lost. [spoiler]well actually they held elections, returned with a much reduced majority in spite of increased vote %, then held other elections a year later because of Royal concerns over the national majority. They lost in spite of still getting more votes than the Conservatives, ending Britain's stint with credible socialism but kickstarting the postwar consensus. FPTP is fun![/spoiler]
>There were very few
Stop being dumb and get skooled ya herb
France, Britain, Germany, Belgium only started mass-importing immigrants in the 60s. Shit was already long rebuilt by then.
Turks, IndoPakis, Maghrebis by the millions were imported into France, Britain, Germany starting in tghe 60s
>The first Gastarbeiter were recruited from European nations. However Turkey pressured the Federal Republic to allow its citizens to become guest workers.[5] Theodor Blank, Secretary of State for Employment, was opposed to such agreements. He held the opinion that the cultural gap between Germany and Turkey would be too large and also held the opinion that Germany needed no more labourers because there were enough unemployed people living in the poorer regions of Germany who could fill these vacancies. The United States, however, put some political pressure on Germany, wanting to stabilize and create goodwill from a potential ally. The German Department of Foreign Affairs carried on the negotiations after this, and in 1961 an agreement was reached.[6][6]
Belgium only started mass-importing immigrants in the 60s. Shit was already long rebuilt by then.
In the DDR:
>There were no homeless
>Everyone could get a cozy job where you only worked 1-2 hours per day and sat around the rest of the day
>Even with such a job you could still afford a car
>Food was cheap
>The radio still played Volksmusik instead of american nigger music
>You could leave your home unlocked and nobody would rob you
More than 40% of the population in the west could afford to own a car. In the east it was a mere 20%.
If you compare the price of a car to the average monthly wage, a Trabant was actually more expensive than a VW Golf. Black market prices without the 10 year waiting period could have bought a Mercedes in the west.
No, I'm talking about every variety of communism that isn't descended from the teachings of Lenin. Additionally the ultimate goal of all forms of communism is statelessness.
> the guy you replied to with the Jim Halpert pic was clearly talking about the DDR and you implied that a socialist state is contradictory with the idea of a police state, therefore implying that DDR wasn't one.
That was me, and that's not what I was implying.
I was implying police-states aren't exclusive nor inherent to socialism.
>b-but you can't get a car
You don't need a car when the state has a satisfactory public transport system.
It was fucking groovy.
public transport was clean, efficient, and top notch. anyone can get anywhere without a hassle and it was cheap and affordable
today we have shit ton of cars causing pollution, lung cancer, fatalities, traffic etc
>wake up early to beat rush hour traffic
>as I am leaving, accidently drive in neighbors grass
>neighbor gives me a friendly warning shot from his AR-15
>driving mega huge V8 on highway
>stop to get gas halfway to work because 2 mpg
>walking inside to pay for gas, randomize my movement to avoid sniper fire
>get to work
>having meeting, boss is requiring us to work more and cut our pay or else they send our jobs overseas
>spend 16 hours working with no lunch break because that isn't written in the constitution
>leaving work, forgot my bullet proof vest in the office
>hit by stray bullet from nightly drive-by shooting
>unable to go to hospital don't have health insurance
>lord CEO doesn't want to give us benefits because he needs to buy a second yacht for himself this year
>drive home
>accidently look at my neighbor
>we begin shooting at each other
>cops arrive, shoot black man that was walking by
>go to bed
>decide to kill myself, can't live in this cruel world anymore
>shoot myself in head
>paramedics arrive and revive me because suicide is illegal
>now I am $500,000 in medical debt
>debt collectors take everything I own
>put in prison for my crime
>its not so bad in here
The carfag reclined in the rear of his mother’s minivan, flapping his hands and twirling his fingers. “I am John Galt” he muttered to himself repeatedly in his nasal monotone. The acne-stricken fellow was clad in a food-stained t-shirt featuring Nordic runes, and crusty cargo shorts. His long, greasy hair hung at his shoulders, and a cheap trilby sat atop his head, concealing his burgeoning bald-spot.
For nearly an hour and a half, he and his mother had been stranded in bumper-to-bumper gridlock on the so-called expressway. She had finished her third cigarette, and removed a fourth, popping it into her mouth and lighting it. It would only be another 45 minutes before they made it to their exit, 3/4 of a mile in the distance.
Continuing his incessant, repetitive mumbling, the carfag gazed out the window, just as a sleek, electric commuter train glided down the highway median, almost completely silent, save for the hypnotic clicking of the wheels, the gentle hum of the traction motors, and the occasional “crack” as an electrical arc briefly flashed where the pantograph met the overhead wire.
“2014” the carfag thought to himself in memetext “riding with feral niggers”. He began to sweat profusely with anger. “2014…” his overworked heart struggled to pump, “living like some irrelevant yuropoor shithole”. But the last straw was when he noticed the lounge car, filled with businessmen. “2014… drinking the fermented Jew!”
The carfag could take no more. He let out an ear-piercing screech as he started to violently smack himself in the side of the head. His mother turned around. “Sweetie…” she began in her tired, raspy voice, “Do you need to go in the hugbox when we get home?”
Not wanting to risk another trip to the hugbox, the carfag stopped just as traffic began to move.
“There… How about some din-dins?” his mother asked, removing a greasy bag of fast food from the empty passenger seat, “I got you chicky-fing-fings!”
>Implying britain isn't and hasen't allways been a police state
She handed the bag back to the carfag. He gleefully looked in, only to be overcome with disappointment when he saw its contents.
“8 piece! I wanted 8 piece!” he bellowed.
“I know sweetie, but gas prices went up again, I could only afford the 6 piece.”
“No!” the carfag screamed, “NO!” He began to angrily kick the back of his mother’s seat. “I WANT 8 PIECE! 8 PIECE!” His kicking grew more aggressive, “CHICKY FING-FING!”
The pummeling of his mother’s seat caused her to lose control of the wheel, sending the minivan careening into the next lane over. The 28-year-old personification of rugged American individualism and his long-suffering mother were killed instantly when they were t-boned by a semi truck.
Weren't there a shit ton of Vietnamese and other non white "comrades" in the GDR?
>Stop playing dumb, you know full well what im trying to say.
Yes I do, and you're plain fucking wrong.
You said that it didn't matter that the GDR didn't let non-whites in, because West Germany supposedly didn't either, and when you got BTFO you shifted the goalposts.
Why the fuck do you think (((Soros))) spent so much money subverting the Eastern Bloc in the late eighties?
The only Vietnamese in East Germany were guest workers who had to go back after five years.
If any of the women had got pregnant, they were forced to have abortions.
Shitton? Not really
Some? Probably.
Not to mention thanks to communist countries being very safe it wouldn't even matter.
I just assumed with all the Vietnamese, Cubans, and other Soviet-allied brown citizens I saw in the former GDR area there must have been quite a bit. Are there any details on census records?
The rhetoric of the government seemed to be blanda up, though, wasn't it? "Help these poor African brothers in Mozambique..."
No, only capitalist governments are particularly interested in mass immigration because it helps employers.
There's a difference between.
>Black people are human and need our help
>Whites have no culture, refugees welcome, one love
It's all moot [WHO?] now, everywhere may as well be a police state thanks to NSA+GCHQ+Globalization.
>allowed the east german military to maintain their nazi uniforms
Well nazi uniforms were inspired by prussian uniforms, prussian military heritage is the only germany has...
also the wehrmacht was well renound with the population, because of the myth of the "clean army"(wehrmacht did nothing wrong desu) , a widespread belief for a very long time. If they would have adopted soviet-style uniforms the population would have been a lot more wary of them.
he totally isnt shitposting...no no...
also these mass murderes had the fanciest fucking music
TOPKEK 1000% revisionism
I actually worked in the public transportation sector in one of the better areas in eastern germany. It was literally an absolute shitfest and in no way up to the Standards. It was constantly underfinanced and suffering massive material shortages. The shit they had wasn't running properly and the network for rail and Bus wasn't very extensive. The workers and drivers had the same abysmal work ethic everyone else had- so no the trains didn't run on time but nobody cared because it was no problem to show up late. The staff was preocupied with their little military games (Zivilverteidigung) and political manouvering. The people that had worked in the DDR were generally the most unproductive i have came to meet in my short stay there.
They literally had to make MASSIVE Investments well into the 21st Century to modernize the public transportation there.
The only people who actually support mass immigration are capitalists
For whatever reason, socialist states almost always have a great musical tradition.
Tell us more. Pretty interesting
Today it is pretty decent and up to good standards (after ridicioulus ammounts of money were dumped into the former DDR).Public transportation in germany is partly owned by the state (works pretty good but has certain drawbacks) so that some old DDR staff managed to keep their positions (sometimes thanks to political connections they made in the DDR,sometimes because they were qualified and decent workers). What i know about the DDR public transportation is derived from what they told me and to have the counter perspective from Western germans who helped in the transition and made a career afterwards.
Disclaimer: Not all the people i have meet from the DDR were bad, some of them were pretty adapted to the new system and nice people in general.
Leadership: All the people who had positions of power were party members or at least somewhat entagled to it. So all of them were keen on impressing their superiors and keeping their subordinates in check. They weren't judged by the effiency or output their "company" (sorry for my Bad english,can't come up with a better word right now) but with other metrics. Generally important were conformity, political reliability and knowing the right people.
As an example: They had to do military prepardness drills (Google Zivilverteidigung there should be an english Wikipedia article about it to) and were rated afterwards. Several old DDR staff still bragged about how they always achieved the highest degree because stuff like that was a really big Deal. They were more preocupied with intrigue backstabbing each other and impressing Party officials wo have no clue about the specific field people worked in.
Some still carried this mentality and were actively hostile if you were overly productive (endangering conformity by exceeding others) and so on...
What else do you wanna know?
What was the nicest thing normal people there could buy to eat in your experience?
Not like a meal they would make, but something you could just eat right away.
Spreewald gherkins.
You mean fast food like?
They had shit like "burgers" bread and meat with some sides and shit or sausages. Often things couldn't be bought because they were out of stock.
As a general rule: They mostly hadn't foreign things and what they had often was only offered in one or two variants.
There weren't starving and had good food but were miles away from the diverse and rich options we have when we choose a snack.
No, I mean something you could just buy in the shop.
Like a candy bar or something, but not necessarily sweets.
DDR was true heir to Prussia.
In Berlin an other select areas there was more and better stuff. If you had Western money you could use it in Intershops to buy Western or high-class DDR products.
In the normal Shops they had sweets like chocolate, candy bars etc. BUT often these were not in stock,the specific thing you were looking for wasn't there etc.
Also Western products were tastier.
Here's a tip don't get your idea of socialism solely from ivory towers, look at its actual application you'll see much more socialist police states than not. Also don't listen to MURICA memes about Western Europe being socialist, it's more of a series of nanny states
>Gentleman A departs home for work at 7:00AM, skipping breakfast in an effort to beat the morning rush. He stops by the drive-thru for a greasy morning meal deal instead. Unfortunately the freeway is a parking lot this morning, and gentleman A spends the next 2 hours crawling to work in a half conscious state, unable to give up quite enough attention from the task of driving to properly appreciate even some music or a radio programme. All the while, his cortisol levels are slowly rising, ageing his appearance and shortening his lifespan. He makes it to work at 9:13, and gingerly attempts to sneak in unnoticed. I guess gentleman A won't be making that promotion this year.
>Gentleman B is a public transport user, and thanks to timetabling schedules mandated by law can safely leave his home for work at 8:00 each morning. He uses this additional hour to exercise and prepare a nutritious breakfast. Once on the train to work, Gentleman B opens his laptop and reshreshes his memory on the presentation later that day, and even manages to do a bit of light reading before his train arrives at 8:38. He makes it to work with plenty of time to spare
Well, which are you?
Obviously. As the DDR had a flourishing economy, which was focused on the future, to always adapt and evolve. They also had very much the same political views. A conservative state, which was ruled from above with disregard for political involvement by the public, especially concerning left-wing views, as most of the power was held by the aristocracy which could look back at a several hundred years old lineage. The DDR was also known for its strong, independent army which never had to rely on the USSR to enforce political changes or laws. Oh wait. That was Prussia. The DDR cannot even be compared to Prussia. WTF are you thinking? The only thing they have in common is that the public had next to no influence over politics and that they shared some territory.
My point was that every application of socialism ever was Marxist-Leninist. Everyone knows Marxism-Leninism leads to a police state, Even Marxist-Leninists know and embrace this fact. There is no mistake here, the police state is totally intentional following this school of though.
However this does not mean socialism necessitates a police state in general.
>Here's a tip don't get your idea of socialism solely from ivory towers
Calling academics an ivory tower is very anti-intellectual.
Not to mention you can also simply listen to historical revolutionaries that unlike ML's lost, like Luxemburg. However the fact that they lost raises the point that maybe ML's are simply better at winning wars.
What was your favourite?
How does that in any way relate to what i wrote. In the DDR you didn't even had the choice. Public transportation was shit and you couldn't even get your hands on a car.
> Also: You clearly never used public transportation during rush hour.
Mate i was born after the DDR collapsed. I just worked with some old DDR people. I am a Western german.
The trainfag stared out the window of the commuter express, watching as the scenes of highway gridlock gave way to quiet, cozy suburbs and countryside. He let out a brief sigh of relief, taking a sip of his vodka seltzer. Despite his desire to return to his loving wife and children, he did enjoy the relaxing ride home. Bob, his friend, noticed him, and took the adjacent seat, shaking his hand as he sat.
“Long day at work?” Bob asked, noticing the trainfag’s drink.
“Oh, no… Just thought I’d treat myself…” he said, taking another sip, “I’ve gone to the gym after work each day this week, this is my cheat day…”
The two of them stared out the window.
“110 miles per hour…” Bob said in amazement, “Of course, that’s nothing compared to those trains in Europe or Japan…”
“No…” the trainfag agreed, “But you know what they say… Rome wasn’t built in a day…”
And the railroad hadn’t been built in a day. In the 1950s, when the modest trolley line had gone bankrupt, the city had attempted to rip it up and turn it into an extra four lanes of highway. But despite cries of “socialism” from the automotive industry and their cronies in city hall, the more level-headed members of the government had taken the highway money and instead put it towards the founding of a transportation authority to subsidize and operate the railroad.
In response to the increased ridership when the oil crises hit two decades later, the railroad had actually been expanded, in spite of unfounded, racist fears that the new rail lines would bring a “criminal element” to the suburbs.
“Thank God for our clean, efficient public transport…” the trainfag said to Bob, taking another sip of his drink.
“I hear that…” Bob said, chuckling, “I hear that…”
Hell, I'm still trying to get a DDR AK parts kit and I don't even go to /k/. I'd really like to get a small display for my library (that I hope to have some).
What happened to the weapons arsenal the DDR had after the unification?
I don't know about guns, etc, but their MiG-29s went to West Germany for a while, then Poland.