Greatest military commanders of all time and their deeds

Greatest military commanders of all time and their deeds.

This Nigga and Fredrick The "Great"

>Fredrick The "Great"

Too much luck, I would say he is definitely in Top Ten, but not the "greatest"

More like Frederick the Pathetic, am I right?


Is this legitimately the most madman move in the history of war?




Nah he was pretty great, user


Not really

I present to you the godfather of all great military commanders, the first man in recorded history to create an empire, proclaiming himself king of both Sumer and Akkad, whose power extended through Syria. Founder of Babylon and all around based guy who didn't afraid, Sargon of Akkad.

Nah, you're a faggot.

Showing the true military might of united black men and leading the chosen race to many victories.

Whose name is ruined by some obese fag on youtube with a shitty accent.

i really hate that guy, he pops up in the comments of videos i watch and gets a fuck ton of likes from all his fanboys, no matter what he says

Fucking this. I hate that shit. He basically usurped the name of a cool historic leader.

You had so much yet to learn, kiddo.

>Fredrick The "Great"

Frederick The "Please Russia spare me"

Obviously Heraclius. The way he raped the fire-worshipers of Persia was most miraculous.

>Conquered more than 30 nations
>Over 200 battles with minimal losses
>Took part in battle all across eurasia

Khalid ibn al Walid, of course.

Ironically even the book where that painting originates pretty much states caesar was the best fucker ever

Lost 2/3 of the empire to arabs. He is out of the competition.

Cyrus the Great

I wouldn't say fighting a hard fought campaign for nearly twenty years as "raping" the Persians.

Hanibal "crush you at cannae, fuck your punani" Barca

Luckily for Caesar he was never pitted against Sulla, though. Sulla beat his enemies at worse odds and had less trouble doing it. McCullough does have a super ladyboner for Caesar for some reason, so of course she'd Gary Stu him out the ass. Maybe it's required to rationalize the amazing feats that he actually did accomplish.

>implying you aren't a faggot

>failed to take any stone castles in europe

Only answer is best answer

>Sulla beat his enemies at worse odds and had less trouble doing it.
His main accomplishments were beating gaius marius, who was old and had had one or more strokes.
Sulla was good, but personally I think a prime marius was better. And caesar better yet

Sulla a shit. Marius a GOAT.

t. full of shit user who makes crap up. Sulla didn't even do 1/10th the things that made Marius great.

Not even memeing.

Who doesn't have a ladyboner for caesar? Sulla gets described pretty favorably too, though, aside from being characterised as a bit of a psycho

one of the most depressing emperors. Spends his life remodeling the empire before decades of hard campaigning in Persia and finally sees his work come to fruition. Then in his final years the arabs appear out of nowhere, destroy his life's work, and he dies withdrawn and disillusioned

>never tried = never succeed

He took down much stronger fortresses in China

Belisarius is the only correct answer


>not mentioning this genius

...and capturing Jugurtha, and saving Catulus's ass against the Germans, and commanding the entire southern theater of the Social War despite only being a Praetor (and kicking ass while doing so), won the Grass Crown for raping Samnites at Nola, didn't take any shit from Populare faggots and the mob, marched on Rome DGAF, kicked Mithridates's ass once with no support from the Republic west of Greece, destroyed his enemies controlling Italy through mostly peaceful means, most of their armies defecting to him, handed Mithridates's ass to him on a platter a second time, managed to act the haughty tightass aristocrat for twenty or thirty years straight while actually being a crossdressing bisexual drunk degenerate, and....

Yeah? Is that why Sulla destroyed civilized armies of Italian allies which were organized at least 100% just like Roman legions and with Roman tactics, and Pontic armies? And Marius managed to beat disorganized undisciplined snowniggers who couldn't resist fighting uphill, facing the sun, on a full breakfast of heavy beef, or falling apart strategically when coming into a rich country? Or else against Numidian savages who didn't even bother putting a wall up around their nightly Roman-like forts?

Yeah, one pretty ruthless dude, though Caesar's cutting off the hands of all the men of that last Gallic tribe against him was pretty brutal. And I thought that acting all friendly with the pirates and making friends, then turning around and crucifying them all classified him as a Dahmer-level dude.


fucking retard byzaboos ruining persia before being cucked by the great arab cock

Heinz' problem was that he was removed from the front before any real battles could be fought. And made chief of staff when the war had already long since been lost. The one general among Hitler's staff deserving field marshal status but didn't get it because Führer was so butthurt about Moscow front.

>They were 5 gorillion moors I-I swear

>They're besieging us !
>Then we'll besiege them...

Ghengis Khan has to be mentioned. The leader of the last greatest tribal empire. He did not inherit an army from a powerful father like Alexander the Great but as a fatherless exile had to unite all the people of the steppe. He controlled more continuous territory and had same rather the same military success. Very hard to compare the military accomplishments of both geniuses but i do think the Khan deserves more respect for building his empire from the ground up. Quite a few similarities between their conquests in terms of the defeats handed to both the caliphate and Persians. Military tactics completely different however. Just my opinion. Would love to hear what others think in comparing the two or any thoughts on topic.

>taking stone castles on what is effectively a deep raid.

>Early roman armies and commanders
Thrashed, they didnt fight anyone noteworthy except each other.

That being said, Lucius Verus is my nigga
He was sent on what everyonw thought was a hopeless mission and won

Daily reminder that Alexander III. and Charlemagne were both only feeding of fruits of their fathers work. Its easy to conquer the world when somebody gives you the tools to do it.
Filip II. and Pepin the Short were the real heroes

>minimal losses
> can't even take poland

>...and capturing Jugurtha,
Which he did in a campaign that was largely led and won by Marius. Many of these things were matters of personal heroics(fucking qt fuggbois included), not really expertise in warfare.

Have you heard about the pirates?

The Siege itself was also very brutal

>The people of the town itself - the women, children and the elderly who could not fight effectively - were driven out so that these `useless' mouths would no longer consume provisions needed by the warriors.

>Vercingetorix may have assumed that the Romans would permit them to pass through their lines to safety. If so, then he was disappointed.

>Caesar strengthened the sentries on the rampart and would admit no one. He may have feared that the passage of so many refugees could shield an attack by the warriors, or have been reluctant to let them go into an area where his army was still foraging and use up resources that he needed for his army. Perhaps he just felt that the Gauls would be forced to take the civilians back and so make his blockade more quickly effective. They did not.

>At this stage of the campaign each commander was able to match the other's cold ruthlessness. The townsfolk's pleas were ignored and they were left to starve to death between the lines. Caesar may have felt that the sight would demoralise the Gauls. It certainly made the final clash an even grimmer affair.

Marius's campaign was at a standstill before Sulla captured Jugurtha. Don't get me wrong, Marius kicked ass and his work was approximately infinity times more effective than his predecessor Metellus's, but at that point Jugurtha was still safe with his loyal mountain and desert folk. It was Sulla's planning and actions that took him and ended the war. And I don't know about you, but his success in the Social War, the civil wars, and against Mithridates all speak of stellar martial prowess.