ITT: Post companies and businesses that have gone to shit over the past decade.
ITT: Post companies and businesses that have gone to shit over the past decade
In what way has Microsoft gone to shit over the past decade?
Pic related, doesn't look like very bad to me. Idk tho
Hey how is Microsoft shit exactly?
Can you elaborate any further? Their stock price has only been rising like crazy desu in last half decade
Have you used Windows 8 or 10 yet?
They're fucking garbage.
Good choice.
>Have you used Windows 8 or 10 yet?
>They're fucking garbage.
No I don't use Windows.
But why is their company doing so well if it's as bad you say then?
They're going to need to pull off an IBM. That is, largely ditch their old market and transition. Desktop operating systems are, sadly, on the decline.
That I mind much. I use my GNU+Linux. Free software for a free man.
>That I mind much. I use my GNU+Linux. Free software for a free man.
Same here.
I only use software that respects my freedom. Windows is shit
Because they're still making money.
Their decline in quality will catch up with them soon.
>Because they're still making money.
Why are they making money if they're so shit?
I think your logic is a little flawed. Shitty companies don't keep growing and making more money, do they?
That's right, negro.
Didn't they buy up K-Mart or something? Department stores and malls are screwed anyways.
Both the sears and soon the kmart around here are gone. That company really screwed up.
>gone to shit
Pick 1
>b-but Windows 8/10 is shit
Windows 7 licences are still the leading seller among all OS's. Also Windows 8/10 laptops are outselling Macbooks.
>b-but Windows Mobile OS is shit
Android is the leading selling mobile OS, and Microsoft gets money for every sale from patent fees.
Not to mention all the R&D projects they are turning out. They are sitting on stacks of cash and finally deciding to spend it. They are turning into Google. They aren't declining at all.
>Because they're still making money
Oh, I see yes that is a problem...
I don't understand the meme.
If the company is consistently making money and their stock price is 3x as much as it was 4 years ago, how is it NOT a successful company, exactly?
I believe OP is referring to consumer quality, not financial success.
You can still pedal garbage and be successful at it.
They added $1 to their subs, come on. They're still good.
5 years. Expect drastic changes once Apple fizzles out a la Yahoo, over the next 5 years.
> why are they making money
Microsoft employee here. We're a software company masquerading as a devices and services company. Our software sucks so we mask it with good devices and literally sell the shit out of our services. After that it's all litigation money. Those Android phones don't sell themselves and we make 3-5$ a handset sold, worldwide. After that, b2b sales. Our sales teams have deep and long political relationships in just about every vertical. That pipeline can't be eroded over time due to the political nature of most of the deals. Lastly, Xbox. Make a bil or two there a year.
That's how we make money.
> Bad software
> decent hardware
> great marketing
> excellent sales team
> the best legal team 1b billion USD can buy. Yea, that's the legal team budget, worth every penny.
Their software has no privacy but from a business standpoint, they're stronger than ever.
>But why is their company doing so well
They've moved to gouging the shit out of their business customers. Licensing for a lot of products keeps getting shifted from site to seat licenses and costs add up quickly if you have a sizeable team that needs their tools.
They are really having trouble adjusting to how people shop. Amazon has decimated their market share in the suburbs. They still have enough of presence in middle America where they are needed.
How is Windows 10 garbage? And how can you even compare it to 8?
Will Amazon ever truly be able to compete with Wal-Mart's prices, though? Amazon still isn't turning a profit yet, right?
Please glorious blackberry come back and be great again with the fall of apple and cybersecurity
I think he meant that they might go the way of Apple and have their poor quality finally catch up with them. Which I doubt will happen for them, too diversified in money making products and projects.
Does the "legal" budget include lobby spending?
Seems like the wolves are gobbling up every company that tries to make a quality product these days. Stocks are going up, up, up, but product quality is stagnating or going down as real competition vanishes.
>go the way of Apple
lol as if Apple is somehow a dead company
I work for Banana Republic, but there is no way I see us actuallyrecovwring any time soon. Old Navy has gone to pure shit only fit for the homeless and money loss from theft and customers abusing ridiculously nice customer service and rules makes it hard. It won't die out, but don't expect it to do well for at least half a decade or more.
Interesting. Thanks for the update user. I've had my eye on GPS due to a shit ton of insider buying. Update us if you see things changing.
>Didn't they buy up K-Mart
Other way around. Kmart bought Sears. Kinda explains the decline doesn't it? Company is a bankruptcy waiting to happen.
Luckily Kmart is owned by a Perth company.....
fanboyism. just stop replying to him
TSLA will be here in a year or two.
Yea, Nadella has been making sound decisions and is turing MSFT around.
Azure cloud is great for conservative businesses/govt that already use MS tech (Exchange, Active Dir, SQL Server, SharePoint, etc).
Nadella understands that business as usual won't work for MS. So he is doing stuff like including a Linux bash shell in the OS, or hosting Linux in their cloud offering...stuff that would have been unheard of under Balmer.
And it also pays a dividend. But hey, yea fuck big bad evil M$FT...
Yup. I've been holding long for about 3 years now. I like how MSFT is under the radar (compared to FANG), meanwhile Nadella is just rocking it.
I disagree. Tesla was another failing electric car company until they released their Model S. Do you know why? Because it's a fantastic car that does everything well. If the Model 3 and Model X are anywhere near the quality off the Model S, they'll go past the moon, to mars.
>having to buy microsoft office on a yearly subscription now instead of a one time purchase.
Yeah Ill just be torrenting shit like that from now on, I had no problem paying for decent products buy not if you're going to rape my wallet every year.
w8.1 is most reliable OS i ever used from MS and I used everything since w95
Metro is crap but can be easily removed
Wasn't this originally a search engine, not a religion?
This... subway killed their own franchisees by over franchising and not giving a shit about oversaturation.
In our little 2 square mile corporate park, we have 3 subways run by immigrant indians all thinking they were getting to live the american dream while owning their own "shop"...
Lets just say that in 2005, you could own 1 subway and live OK.
Today, you need to own 3 fucking subways just to pull in 74k a year...
Oh.. and the $5 footlong was the worst thing to happen to franchisees ever.
There was almost no profit from those promotiions and you still have to pay your "Juce" to subway corporate before you can make a penny.
You have no idea what's going on in microsoft...
Microsoft Azure cloud technologies >>>>>>>>> AWS
AWS is just plain cheaper, but Azure pricing is coming down.
btw... people who still think of microsoft as an "OS" company need to do some reading...
But MSFT does need to split the company ala HP.... An fast growth, cutting edge enterprise/cloud division and a legacy consumer/OS division.
kek, azure is probably most expensive bullshit i ever saw.
1 core, 1.75 GB RAM 10 GB storage
for 44 EUR
you can have solid dedicated server with 4 cores 32gb ram and 4tb storage for that price
Cloud computing in general is a joke. Everybody thinks they can outsource IT. Then something happens and you get the D team on the other side of the world that doesn't give a damn and you're ducked.
How anyone can eat their food is beyond me. I would rather go to McDonald's than this place.
but muh games
>shit reliability
>battery discharge
Tesla is a meme that won't last
>>battery discharge
Horrible. Own one myself.
Did you know the bitch loses about 30-50% capacity when it's freezing?
Just check the TSLA forums, it's full of defuncts.
Anyways, I bought mine as a 'toy', but if you didn't understand the fact this is basically one big test - you dun' goofed.
>53 replies into the thread
>nobody having posted this
>Still thinking there's anyone closely related to 'smart' on Veeky Forums.
give up you cunt. you troll or leave. Rule NO1
Lending Club
Well its not really a business but...
How dos Stock buyback protect the assets and the financial health of a company?
it doesnt
Is it worth the risk on buying Lockheed's actions?
Did everyone forget skynet is nearing launch with the upgrade of all government pcs to windows 10?
>>Shows a 4 year chart where the price has doubled.
Hurr Durr Windows 10.
That is because Amazon wants to reinvest every dollar it earns. Profit leads to pressure to pay dividends.
A theory holds that Amazons christmas plan to reduce shipping costs significantly is there just to suck away Christmas profits.
They are following Trader Joes model and opening 365 Organic stores that sell only their brand.