How can we milk the "alt-right" and autistic "national-socialists" like on /pol/...

How can we milk the "alt-right" and autistic "national-socialists" like on /pol/? Is there any way to profit off of them?

I'm thinking of making a clickb8 right-wing blog but I figure most of them have an adblocker anyways, I dunno.

Maybe making fake fundraisers for some of their "heroes" like with darren wilson or someone else in the news?

Typically you want to milk people with money.

This is true, and I did think about that. But surely they can use their mom's credit card to buy some autistic /pol/ meme merch, can they not?

They're already buying overpriced chink copies of Nazi gear so that ship has sailed.

Ok how about the fundraiser idea?

Remember how when the whole Trayvon Martin thing happened? They had a fundraiser for the cop(darren wilson) to raise money for his legal fees and all that. Now if I remember correctly, it had no verification.

What *IF*, someone had made a fundraiser very early on in the whole event, made it look legit and everything and then started circulating it on /pol/ and it caught on? They would probably think it's the real thing and it would get a ton of money donated, would it not?

>milking people smarter than you

Good luck with that, lefty faggot

Get ready to move to Canada when Trump is president

>smarter than anyone

Do I need to direct you to the regular threads about being a NEET where they get 300+ replies eachtime with countless people admitting they're NEETs?

Also I'm not a leftist. I made a thread about milking SJWs and liberals in the catalog as well, look for it. I hate both groups equally

Trumpcoin already did this retard

Are you really that made we want to make money off you?

I'm a conservative btw.

NEETS aren't necessarily dumb. Just mal-adjusted to modern living. If I recall correctly a large number of hard drug addicts have an above average IQ. So IQ doesn't always correlate with wise life decisions.

Btw I'm 130 IQ and /pol/ was my home board for the longest

>NEETS aren't necessarily dumb

Yes... Yes they are. You have to be very dumb to not realize that you're fucking your life over by not developing any skills or getting any job experience.

>Just mal-adjusted to modern living

In which country or time period was being a NEET *EVER* permitted, socially?

>Btw I'm 130 IQ and /pol/ was my home board for the longest

Ah yes. For the stimulating political discussion about whether the holocaust occurred and the "upcoming race war"?

Let me guess, self-tested on the internet, right?


Wew laaad
/pol/ got milked by Clinton to raid leddit and bully Sanders fans
Nice job dumb cunts

Scamming is illegal and unfortunately for you they are protected by the law as well.

Just sell pictures of your face with black dicks slapping it you Jewish caricature

I took a college aptitude test from Duke and they gave me my iq

And I go to /pol/ for threads about history, economics, conspiracy theories, anti-semitism, nigger threads, and pajeet threads.

>If I recall correctly a large number of hard drug addicts have an above average IQ
Intelligent people are pretty better than everyone else in everything. High IQ correlates with better mental health, self control, physical attractiveness, work ethic, and so much more. NEET are indeed less intelligent than successful people

/pol/ is automaticity personified. Any "intelligence" there is like FPS AI

>conspiracy theories
>unironically believes alex jones bullshit
If you were intelligent you'd be successful.

Alex Jones is entertaining though. Much in the same way as how provoking and laughing at a paranoid-schizophrenic would be entertaining just to hear what kind of kooky shit he could come up with.


I love how commie faggots expect a hug box on non pol boards

Social skills are always better than what you actually know or even how generally smart you are. Do you mean to tell me an autistic person with a super high IQ will do better in life than a social butterfly who is able to make friends anywhere and succeed in any interview?

The top CEOs are people who have high social intelligence, and that's what gets you the most money. People who own businesses and make big money ARE smart, no doubt about that. But it's not the same intelligence that is related to doing well on an IQ test.

Oh, and yes they do abuse drugs heavily. But only certain ones.

>posting in Veeky Forums
do you know what this place is?

I post in pol, biz, and fit. What's it to you? I'm a racist that loves money and enjoys working out.

>pretty better

OP is thinking about this from the wrong direction. /pol/ doesn't have money.

The REAL way to make money is to convince rich clueless people that /pol/ is coming for them, and hundreds of times more dangerous than they are, and then sell goods and services to deal with it.

Use /pol/'s uncanny ability to be both odius and memetastic to drive demand to your products.

See also: the MPAA ratings board. The Comics Code. The ATF. Diversity training.

You can still make money from people without money, via ads.

one of them made big bucks with his news paper "war"(white aryan resistance) until a couple of skinheads bashed an ethiopian mans head in , then he was sued 10,000,000$ for inciting violence or some shit, long story short money can be made so long as plausible deniability is implimented

Those fucking bafoons are wearing Dickies khaki shirts that retail for about $15 apiece. Stitch some edgy SS insignia on them. Profit.

>And I go to /pol/ for threads about history, economics, conspiracy theories, anti-semitism, nigger threads, and pajeet threads.

this has to be bait

>Is there any way to profit off of them?

open a 23andMe like website and send them results that they are all Übermensch with proto-european I-Haplos. Here and there send one where you tell them that they descend from a nigger, just for the shits and giggles.

haha came in to post this

This is probably the best one ITT. True art is to milk them without obviously being after milking right-wing retards.

23andMe was obviously one of these, only retards unironically send in their fucking DNA to a company to be "analyzed"... And then pay fucking $100 for it. LMAO.


Reposting this on /pol/

Yeah, Trayvon Martin. Real innocent kid. We missed a generational oppurtunity to progress

Needless make a site with cute pictures

I don't think this scheme will work because Veeky Forumsraelis are as repellent to wealth as a fatbearded /r9k/ wizard is to vaginas.

Good luck though!

you sound like me famalamalam

>How can we milk the "alt-right" and autistic "national-socialists" like on /pol/?
first step: vote trump

>from the people who wanted to create a white colony in Namibia or some shit

trips of truth

Even a blind man can see that they have extremely small phalluses. Not that it's a bad thing, of course...

/pol/ posters are poorfags with no real money.
This is why they're crying about spics taking their jobs; they have absolutely no marketable skills, and the few that have jobs are barely making minimum wage.

Nevertheless, for a while those retarded MAGA hats were free money basically. I had a few fakes that I flipped on eBay ( I got cheapo hats embroidered by some local gooks that I tore out the made in China tags on and called them American). Literally sold out overnight.

This was really early on though, and I'm sure the everyone's doing this now and the novelty has worn off. But man that was a good investment, really wished I had done more than 25.


the health results are a neat touch, I wanted to check the probability of baldness for myself, $100 isn't much for peace of mind.

Lmao, good work dude.

You're doing God's work by tricking autistic /pol/ NEETs


Have you ever heard of gosha rubchinskiy?

Make the alt-right, national-socialist version of that and make it Veeky Forums so all those fags will wear it too

JIDF detected
posting this on /pol/