If you have plenty of cash and good credit, do you have to prove you're employed to rent an apt in America?
If you have plenty of cash and good credit, do you have to prove you're employed to rent an apt in America?
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no as long as you pay your rent on time why the cocks would they care what you do?
it's rough to rent without income
you'll have to prove that you can pay a good portion of the lease with your savings alone. potentially an advance, bank statements, proof of past employment and rental history, etc.
saying "i'm good for it, i promise" isn't enough
you a drug dealer? trust fund baby?
you can pay a years worth of rent. as long as you pass a background check im sure most places would allow this
Shit, I had no credit or a job (on paper) and I did it. They just want to see money or the promise of it.
So if you don't have pay stubs, you'd have to go with recent bank or brokerage statements showing you had enough to pay rent for months.
Gimme more yous
Fuck this shitty fucking app clover fuck smartphone fuck anyone aged 10-18 you're all scared pussies afraid to make eye contact you'd rather stare at your shitty chink phones fuck you vote Trump let's make America great again
Let's UN cuck America, fuck it, this is now a Trump thread
Eight years of Trump
God wills it!!!
Pic related my bike
I've only had to rent twice, during college and right after.
Neither landlord cared about my job or did a credit check
Rent through individual landlords instead of investment groups
>Falling for the college meme
Just sayin
Make America great again !!!!!!!/!//!/
Implying I don't wear my Trump gear in public around shitskins and women
You think they're gonna make a move again a 200 lb white man? Top kek, the cowards
to rent, no. you just pay and nobody gives a shit about you or what you do in 99% of neighborhoods.
if you want to buy a home on a loan, then you need to prove income.
>1996 was 40 yrs ago
This album was released 40 yrs ago
Underage fags will never be an edgy fag listening to marilyn Manson, now to be edgy you just suck the cocks of the closest male next to you, that's pretty edgy
Implying I wasnt an edgy teenager listening to Manson in the 90s
What do white males listen to today to be edgy, besides sucking Cocks?
>go to school
>supposed to be learning algebra today
>this chubby 16 year old girl has her ass on full display in front of the whole class in order to attract Chad
optimal learning environment
I have always been told "oh yeah you need to be employed. All I say is yeah no problem and they never ask to see paystubs
Daily reminder that no matter how much money you make, a prettyboy working in mcdonalds is getting prime pussy while you rot wagecucking.
yeah but what the fuck is going on with that thing infront of the girl with the mega-mullet? is that a man or a woman? what the fuck is this
They listen to Paul Krugman. As edgy as it gets.