I found out that I've been blacklisted because of my """far right""" political views hence why i can't get a job. Anyone here faced a similar situation?
Who /blacklisted/ from jobs here?
Mel Gibson?
>far right
you mean posting on /pol/ and saying nigger a lot?
Let's be real here, you're too much of a pussy to actually do anything in real life.
try r9k
Really? Do you have a Facebook/Twitter?
That's fucked up family. Fucking hell there is no privacy/freedom of thought anymore.
This comment is probably logged, associated with my email address and provided to all companies I apply for.
Fucking 1984 style shit man.
This message has probably been logged, and I too have been blacklisted for thought crime.
How did you find out OP? Is there a way we can check on our own status?
>actually believing him
On the off chance it isn't though; If you go on a rant about refugees during a job interview, then you're not going to get hired. Not because you're an ebil racist, it's because you're a moron who can't keep their mouth shut about whatever crusade you're on, and no employer wants to touch that. Doesn't matter if your rant was pro or against, somehow managing to make your political views known during an interview is an automatic red flag. Or, alternatively, you did the same thing, just after you were hired. Not that you can't discuss politics in the office, but if you either A) start to creep people out with your /pol/-tier rants, or B) talk about politics and only politics, you'll get what you had coming.
Does your industry have more than 20 people working in it? Because if it does than there is no way this is literally true. You're probably blacklisted because you're the type of person who talks about politics at work, revealing a complete inability to understand basic workplace etiquette.
Nah this is a troll.
This is the same people who make these threads saying "I fell for the _____ major meme/degree meme" and then they never post again in the thread.
A buddy of mine is a Private Investigator. He did a background check on me for free. Basically if its a mid/large sized company I'm shit out of luck. HR keeps a blacklist of people who they share with their friends and collegues in the industry. They're aren't likely to renember my name though so the blacklisting is completely automated by their applicant screening filters.
What do you mean by blacklisted?
How the hell did they find anything you did linked to your real name? You don't post Veeky Forums memes on your facebook account... Do you?
Have you considered that your views are incompatible with civil society?
change legal name?
civil society is full of shit and lies that we pretend doesn't exist.
i.e. We have a quota to hire niggers at our government contract... it's blatantly obvious and widely know these "quota hires" are shit workers and will do more complaining than actual work...
Yet when hiring times come... we still give these niggers top salaries and pretend like they earned their Job.
civil society is full of shit and inequalities like this.
You are full of shit, OP.
>there is no privacy/freedom of thought anymore
The right to privacy and freedom of thought are concepts that describe an individual's rights versus the government. Privacy and freedom in expression in the context of a private employer is a completely different animal.
If you're going to be a junior redpill faggot, please read the training brochure.
My mom spent the last two years job hunting, I think she was blacklisted for being a stupid christian. Her job hunting agency said something vague about her last job not recommending her. I bet she said something stupid about muslims, she's alwasy doing that.
if you're in the us, canada or australia tell her to look for a job at a place run by christian arabs, they'd totally sympathize with her
well, not the stupid christian part, they're a bit serious about that, but the muslims hate? they're all over that
>If you're going to be a junior redpill faggot, please read the training brochure.
> 2016
If you want to survive in the PC corporate world, you learn that you can never speak the truth about differences between races, etc.
You lean to keep your mouth shut, and fire the useless niggers whenever you get the chance.
don't hate the game. learn how to play.
>have cousin
>he posts enough altright stuff on fagbook that I can tell he's full natsoc 1488
>surprise him by knowing, he's seriously shocked and thinks I'm a mindreader or something
>tell him posting that shit isn't good, he'll get blacklisted
>he doesn't listen
>he's been looking for a job for forever, ain't got shit
Told you, bro.
>tfw have never had any social media
>tfw over the years ive pretended to be a businessman, a militant SJW, a skinhead, a nationalistic Jew and everything else to b8 /pol/ retards
I know a guy who is blacklisted from jobs in the oilfield, globally.
The stupid fuck rammed a gas well head because he was mad at his boss (who didn't own the well head).
So you know, stupid entitled millennials and all that.
This is what you get for posting stormfag and nigger memes to facebook, lmao
How do you think Cuckerburg makes money?
Not a full time foil hat but I do wonder about secretive blacklists. When I'm sending out dozens of resumes spending hours writing cover letters and nothing. It fucks with your head. Start to wonder
I work at a best buy and I'm friends with all my managers on facebook and I say a lot of offesive shit there. My managers completely respect that things said out of work are not AT work so they will respond on facebook but keep it silent when we're on our shifts.
It's nice.
i'm on the other end of this phenomenon user.
the simplest explanation is often the correct one.
basically you put effort to find people you want to work with and when someone is not a good candidate he is literally in a split second becomes worthless to you a waste of fucking time to even breath in his direction you are focusing on the next one or finding the next one.
so basically you become a non person when you don't meet the recruitment criteria it's not nice it is just what it is.
same applies if the position is already filled.
Story of my life, Any decent size well paying company wont hire you if you're white and a male.
Either gotta be some minority of a women or jackpot if you're both. I have nothing against them getting a job but you should get a job based on you being the best qualified and best fit. Not because of your skin/gender.
OP could be trolling, but the point that is the same.
Employers often do check social media, etc because why not?
The key point here in this post, is that even if your actual views are not necessarily a problem, your inability to play the business/society game and STFU about it unless you are gonna make that your lifework or something, that is what makes you a liability.
I stopped hiring a freelancer from Pakistan because when I mentioned Travelling to India, she went off on a racist rant about Indians.
I don't like racism or racists, I can hire someone else who isn't racist, or at least knows to keep her views to herself in a business relationship, or find other racists to work with if it's so important.
I didn't even bother explaining why, just cut her off and didn't hire her, and she was lined up for an employee position she actually wanted.
What if I ask her to contact a Mr Patel from X company and she starts being racist to him? Or is just rude in general?
Also, this woman did not know me - I could have Indian relatives, friends, partners, investors, or could be Indian or part Indian myself, all she had was a screen name.
o-okay. just an occasional email would be nice.. even a rejection email just to know a human is out there and saw my app... I kn-know you're busy though.... ;_;
>falling for the social media meme
You get what you deserve
yeah last question i got for my interview was
>is there anything online that could cause embarrassment to yourself or our company?
and that's literally it, you are not so uniquely talented and amazing that you would be worth any potential headache for the company hiring you. Just learn when to keep your mouth shut(almost always) and just let other people do the talking and dig themselves their own grave.
I work in a very small field that I got a masters degree in. I had some choice words for my professors and some professionals in my field.
I came to find out over the coming years that people had spread word not to hire me.
It was tough and wish I had dialed it back.
But whatev, they were fags and I didn't like the field anyway.
No matter how passionate you are about an issue, there is NEVER a reason to discuss politics at work.
The 4 things you NEVER discuss at work:
- religion
- politics
- sex
- how to raise kids
>Any decent size well paying company wont hire you if you're white and a male
Do you actually believe this?
How exactly is it that White Males occupy so many CEO and other highpaying positions?
>anybody who is conservative is a racist
im not talking a ceo position you retard, Im talking utility companies, cop shops, hopsitals etc
Why is it that when I apply at places like CN and hydro one and OPG etc they ask you to fill out a census on your race, gender, etc
Because they have a quota they have to fill.
Just say you are native American dude, if you were born here, it's true. I knew a white dude in the Army who got a promotion because he got support from "his tribe".
Don't they background check? How can I go about saying Im first nations?
>Im talking utility companies, cop shops, hopsitals etc
I see almost entirely white people working at these places.
Where do you live where there's mostly non-whites working there?
I have a feeling you're just making this shit up because you spent too much time on /pol/, this isn't true anywhere.
Fuck 'em, you were born in Canada weren't you?
That makes you Native Canadian in my book.
most business owners in my area are conservative either he lives in some leftist caricature land or he says nigger way too much
It's mostly whites working there now which is the exact reason why they are hiring non whites. They have to balance out the races and genders
>I have a feeling you're just making this shit up because you spent too much time on /pol/, this isn't true anywhere.
Never actually ever been on /pol/ before to be honest
>Fuck 'em, you were born in Canada weren't you?
Still need some tribe number/ certificate im pretty sure though kek
Must be more stringent in Canada, over here in America most things just have a box that says check here if your a redskin.
>It's mostly whites working there now which is the exact reason why they are hiring non whites. They have to balance out the races and genders
I don't know. I have never ever experienced this.
Are you sure you didn't get hired because you were incompetent rather than some evil non-white conspiracy to keep the white man down?
I mean that could probably be true as well. I just cant catch a break and find a new position. Makes me wonder if my previous employer is spreading shit about me and telling people to not hire me.
>far right
>can't succeed in economy
lulz hows it feel knowing to keep drinking your koolaide you essentially need to make sure you never reproduce?
You wanna want to move here (France)
Trans people can't find jobs, and the building of a wallpaper selling company went to fire for refusing an arab some work.
dunno lot's of my colleagues are racist it causes no problems. we argue a lot. especially about if it's common sense or racism when you say this or that. but it makes no difference to the effectiveness of workers. even a racist cuck will not screw up a deal because the other parties rep is heavily tanned.
My roommate might have that happen to him. He's been posting a lot of controversial stuff on facebook. I mean, he's right a lot of the time, but he pisses a lot of people off.
one of the most stupid people ive ever met is a gay nigger
he got a third at uni and got a job 40k starting
Your story is bullshit, but staffing agencies are known to blacklist people and they have may multiple companies as their "clients"
the eternal Swede strikes again
OP do you live in Sweden?
This is not true, unless you're in a position with NDA's, in public eye nor are posting Nazi shit on your facebook, you'll be fine.
Swede here, I am confirmed in a left wing database for right-wing shitposting as a teen(almost 10 years ago now). It hasn't stopped me yet though but I will most definitely at least get blackmailed if I ever get an important position. I learnt a new language and emigrating in a couple of months for this reason. Feels shit man.
Oh btw, I never posted on social media under my real name. Left wingers are data mining and ddoxxing right wingers all the time. Wouldn't be suprised if they start selling this information to companies.
haha I read an article about this, pretty hilarious. what exactly did you say and im guessing if anyone just googles you, jonas lundqvist, your name will pop up?
>have edgy posts from when I was 15 from 2005-2007 on MySpace and Facebook
>have since deleted them
That shit won't come back up right? It was nothing too edgy. Just shit talking here and there
haha thats what you get bitchalso this
Except being a conservative won't get you "blacklisted" from jobs. Being a neo-nazi or a racist more likely will.