And what political parties today would admire the Jacobins overthrowing the tyrannical rule of the Capets? Who would oppose the Jacobins today?
Was the French Revolution justified?
Judging by its fruits, no.
The Revolutionary Terror in France was not just aimed at the aristocracy. It was also aimed at the left, and 'anarchists', whose power-base was the Sections of Paris. They wanted the revolution rooted in popular power rather than the centralised state that Robespierre was building. They had to be got rid of. The same thing happened in Russia under Lenin. Robespierre was right in seeing a highly centralised France as necessary for the survival of the Revolution against counter-revolution and the various interventionist powers ranged against France.
the indiscriminate slaughter of peaceful christians, the destruction of priceless religious artefacts, and the establishment of a cult of reason that forbade belief in god and mandated atheism were all good things
>religious artefacts
The French Revolution didn't begin with the majority of participants wanting to overthrow the monarchy, it was Louis XVI's dumb ass trying to flee the country that gave ammunition to all the anti-royalist conspiracy theories.
This is in essence correct, at the time of the Terror you had the threat of an external invasion, as well as internal disturbances(peasants in the Vendée, Girondins in Normandy/Brittany)
It was clearly justified. The French Revolution happened because the political structure of the regime couldn't adapt to the pressures upon it(mainly financial, exacerbated by costly wars). The regime didn't have the credit for loans and couldn't raise taxes because of the influence of the nobility. What gave the revolution its ideological character happened later on, only after a complete failure on the part of the controlling regime to resolve its own problems.
Of course it was justified. The aristocracy had become parasitic, it no longer had any useful function in society but still enjoyed privileges. The other reforms were hugely beneficial too, in guaranteeing human rights, liberty, equality, and a much better national organisation.
The Revolution only started falling into chaos two years later, but was saved by the Reign of Terror.
Counter-revolutionary conspirators in Vendée unlashed a White Terror against the French people in an effort to bring tyrants back to power. Led by the Robespierre, the Revolution was left with no choice but to resolutely defend itself. It was only the courage and heroism of Robespierre that the Republic was saved. When the Revolution is attacked, it can only defend itself. It is a fundamental law of history for the progressive, advanced classes to suppress the resistance and sabotage of the overthrown, reactionary forces. The Vendee bandits were shown to have been on the wrong side of history.
Yes to all 4
>muh russian serfdom
Just fuck off
>Was it justified
Fuck yeah it was.
>was a historical event justified?
in what sense is a historical event subject to such moral value judgment?
>a thing involving the simultaneous functioning of millions of human organisms and the endless sea of facts and factors, relations and correlations, that this implies, and which is obviously a contingently occuring event, resulting from any given number of proceses and prior events, and as such is a thing that simply happened, same as a plague, a earthquake or a fashion trend or any other proces or event troughout history happens according to its own logic and contingency
>Counter-revolutionary conspirators in Vendée unlashed a White Terror against the French people in an effort to bring tyrants back to power
This is wrong, recent studies by Colin Lucas(and William Doyle I think but i'm not sure) have shown that peasants revolted in response to conscription, not the regicide of Louis XVI. It wasn't about restoring the monarchy it was about avoiding new state power, and the royalist banner was the best one to do that under.
Every event is subject to moral value judgement
Why hello there, radical leftist.
how tho?
things happen, emotions, thoughts, words, actions also happen, that value judgment is equaly just another thing that happens, making such a moral value judgment is the exact same thing as the value judgments made by the humans in question during the events in question, when justifying this or that to themselves, and is not more than another example of human behavior, same as the thing discussed
thats what history is, a account of things happening, and then maybe a analisis as to how or why
how does a moral value judgment fit into that? ist that simply a bias?
That looks like a painting picturing the Dutch revolt, it even says bood bakkerij. FYI.
The revolution was a mistake.
OP here, when I looked up French Revolution on Google it came up with that picture, just FYI.
>killing people in order to become more privileged
In an imperialist sense, yes.
by the way the majority of people killed were traditionalists not aristocrats.
If you somehow were the same as your ancestors for 2,000 years you were an oddity and incorrect and needed to die for the correct way that is being now.
Revolution is always justified. Sympathy is treason
Hm, 2,000 years of ancestors were wrong, yet you are right about social and political thoughts, something known to them.
You who can't even make bread are somehow more wise than ancestors who know that and how to farm.
Illiterate samefag. And I can make bread