
Lemme see you're beautiful eyes

wish they werent so dark

mine are very bland

Gay af
School shooter/10


Are my eyebrows fucked up? I was shaving my unibrow and accidentally took too much out on one side so I have to make the other match.

I need to get my eyebrows threaded
>tfw eyes aren't symmetrical


Le elder selfie

your right one is fucked yeah, way to far in

P good
I've got bad news for you...
Kinda froggy
Good eyes

what's the bad news?



general grievous I thought you died on utapau

No *coughs* you must realize you... are... doomed
*ceiling fan noises*

what about my eyes gives you that impression? do I look angry?

you look like shia labeouf if he were about to cry

fucking pakistani bushy terrorist your eyes are trash, how are you even criticizing anyone on this thread?

btec zayn malik

yeah I can kinda see that now


>inb4 shit mascara



why do people post L O N D O N ?

still havent figured it out

how are you THIS new


thicc eyebrows

I don't get enough sleep

Have a lame collage of my eyes in different lightings

Nice limbal rings
Brown eyes are my fav
Cool sunburst
I like that steely gray color.
I'm a fan of limbal rings, you've got good ones.

>geenerawl keenobee


Behold, I feel like death.
Nothing special with bland brown eyes here
And drowsy eyes runs in the family, these are my eyes more open than normal

Jeeze, never noticed how smoothed the camera on this phone makes my skin.

Super pretty color

Eyes are one of the things I wouldn't change about myself


1 of them look greener
idk why

Only thing I don't hate about my appearance, even if they don't work well


This thread is actually terrifying
