/edgy/ thread.
i just ordered this. how dumb am i?
/edgy/ thread.
i just ordered this. how dumb am i?
it wouldn't even be that bad if didn't have the design on the sleeves too.
The quality looks like shit too
the sleeve prints is the main reason why i got it. it's so much more metal that way
you do you dawg.
digging the front design image
wow that's poorly designed
how so?
front and back prints are just plain bad
having them on not just the sleeves but one print on one sleeves and one on the other is just lazy and not aesthetically pleasing in the slightest
take a note out of lil ugly mane's book if you want a 'metal' looking longsleeve
speaking of which, this should be coming in the mail soon
looks a bit shit tb.h
I only like his longsleeves really, I own the OG one in green and yellow
bumping. what other edge core have you fags got?
Honestly the only band shirts that look somehow decent are older black sabbath ones.
Sure there are also shirts that totally overdo it but they are at least no cancer.
This shit is cancer mate
Bought this a week ago. Should arrive soon.
i ordered a burzum tee which is arriving in a couple of days lol i feel you
aren't you afraid of getting harassed for being a nazi?
fuck I hate that burzum is becoming trendy
w2c this one the shirt I have now is really shitty
if it's not legit you're a poseur
>take a note out of lil ugly mane's book if you want a 'metal' looking longsleeve
good band but im not a big fan of the design
this is probably my favourite edgy longsleeve
Do you even listen to this band?
do you?
I'm not the one buying the shirt you retard.
>ordered this thinking the cuffs and collar would actually be grey
so this is what In The Name Of Suffering is about
It's a one man project.
I do listen to burzum and I'm actually subscribed to varg's channel. It is legit misanthropy records merch.
my edgiest stuff
i also have a filosofem shirt and aske hoodie but those are a little more subtle imo
I'm literally wearing this shirt right now.
Well to be fair, varg is the one who is technically propelling his image and not a bunch of skinny jeans wearing faggots. Although, I'm sure there are faggots out there trying to be trendy with it.
any recommendations on websites to get good quality made shirts like these?
that guys boots are ultra low quality
lol would u really drop 200-300 for an og misanthropy print???
Sure id love to have an og einsatz but im not gonna pay 800 so ill buy a bootleg
u probably listen to urfaust and think ur legit
pic related is interesting to say the least
none that i can think of. you just have to follow bands you like and hope they drop good ones.
why do bands put their logo on the sleeve like 5 times? it looks so shit that way. It honestly would look much better if they just printed the band name descending the arm and put the logo once
really cool, but i feel burzum is going downhill now
i've been noticing a lot of trendy people
I know Burzum is "trendy" but I think the sweatshirt is cool and I've always loved Varg's music. I haven't seen anyone in Amerifat wearing burzum stuff yet so I think I'm safe.
w2c shit like this in Europe?
would this be edgy?
ebay is ok?
yeah why the fuck wouldnt it be
I get my shit from a local record-store
I'm pretty sure most, if not all, of Burzum's music is actually pretty non-political.
>things only numales worry about
>why do bands put their logo on the sleeve like 5 times?
it's honestly just tradition at this point. metal bands have been doing it that way since the 90s.
yes. you would have to deal with the consequences of being called/treated as a nazi wherever you go
fuck, that would have also made a sick backpatch aswell.
Considering getting this.
Kind of edgy.
Nah this is some stupid fucking new age shit you drone
lmao this is great, what band?
blood incantation.
same as
anyone know where i can find those really sick t shirts that said stuff like UTOPIA and DEATH on them? they were crazy expensive. sorry i can't be more descriptive
found them. theyre the David Lindwall Reborn shirts
grow a pair
this board is so fucking gay
>he disagrees with my extremist politics
>he must be gay
Copper not?
wittr are bad
Is there ever a way to tell when he restocks or gets new shit in?
Funny if you wear it among friends very very irregularly. I wear goofy shirts like these when I'm going out in Tokyo to very casual bars and want to start dumb conversations.
Don't wear this to class or anything lol
I have this long sleeve and it's my favorite band merch shirt. The bottle green color is simply beautiful.
cop or not?
I think you severely over-estimate how many people know Burzum, let alone Varg's political opinions
Don't you people like, sweat all the fucking time?
Where I live we had a few weeks that were 25 C in January. I want to wear edgy sweatshirts so bad but I end up drenched as soon as I leave the house
it's not about being a nazi or not being a nazi, being scared of getting called a nazi is gay.
hey boys
Thinking of copping
dumpin a few
Cop or not?
weak album
it just sounds tame and silly
last song only good
what's edgy about that Electric Wizard shirt?
I can't wait for that one faggot to post that shitty Surf the Kali Yuga meme shirt he probably designed himself. What a faggot. What a shitty shirt.
so dope
>tfw marty died
>tfw no more bolt thrower
fucking love this album
looks pretty sweet honestly
full frontal
are you roleplaying nazi punk lel
you have to live in a cold climate- its more metal
shit dies in the winter
this one is my grail
how is piece political?
As this is turning into a band shirt thread, what do you guys think of this shirt?
follow his Facebook page, he posts re-stock updates there
awful, look at how large the front design is. Never get a print that large you will end up looking like a walking poster.
cop or not
cop. but only if you have crust pants to go with
maybe i'll pass if one person assumes im any part crust punk
Fuck yeah, have their og Starwpawn longsleeve. fave shirt
Only if you listen to discharge
>wants to buy a discharge shirt
>hates on crust
Discharge is d-beat not Crust. Get ur ponk points up boi
same thing my man
Fucking atrocity. Worst aesthetic