I wanted to purchase his program but also read this: wisefounder.com
Tai Lopez program scam or not?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's crap, of course. So much so that it's now a meme
>rents a lambo
>purchases YouTube ads for his "here in my garage..." video
>becomes a multimillionaire off of people like OP
Bloody genius.
No one who has seen his shit thought it was good enough for other people to steal. Ergo, its shit. Dont blow that cash
>i say stuff without real info on the internet xDD!!
He always upload snaps with that lambo and his new Maserati and also he started to be wealthy back in 2010-2011
Who the hell reads one book a day anyway? If I did that, I wouldn't have time for anything else.
you can rent a car, more than once
but you will have KNOWLEDGE
is this a question you really need to ask?
It's not a scam, like he is taking your money for nothing, but it's a scam in that he's promising you immense power and KNAWLEDGE, with his program.
The reality is that he's gonna give you tips you could find in a fortune cookie.
His ENTIRE platform is getting rich off desperate people who assume he has the answers.
I know multiple millionaires and not one of them had magic answers for me, they just gave me little tips along the way that made my path a little easier. The connections helped too.
Don't buy it, wish i could go into detail, but its seriously simply not worth it.
Is he a scam? yup.
Was he poor before? yup.
Is he rich now though? Yup.
How? He sold people dreams with the click of one button, an "easily solution" to fill their immediate dreams.
What's the issue? They technically don't help with anything, just temporary feel goods, but nothing of substance.
Why not refund? Have you ever had something you bought, drove home and didn't want to return cause it takes effort? Yeah, same thing happens. 1 out of 100 return things, 99 stay.
Don't get it.
The stuff you can download off pirate bay are trash, I finally got baited to download it (the very few things on there) straight reguritation.
Not worth it. I too was swayed to check out his stuff despite the sheer mediocrity of his claims and the suspicious stuff he does. However the book of steps itself is ripped of another person's work and he gets you to trial it long enough that it becomes habitual.
> purchase his program
Here's a real bit of advice, OP: the sooner you stop looking for advice on the internet on how to get rich, the better. Now, that's only 10% of the deal. From there you have to find something you truly enjoy - for me it is the stock market. I'm only 26 so I'm taking my time learning and investing sensibly. Once you know what you really like to do, find the best in your field that don't give out a bullshit odour. Again, for me, on the stock market, I'm pretty much following Bill o'Neil's teachings. As with everything you need a cubic meter of salt on everything you read and you should filter it through your own mind and grab what realistically makes sense to you. There are no short cuts. There's patience, perseverance and strong spirit. Rags to riches in a couple of years are one in a million. Take your time - what's the rush?
I honestly believe I would be extremely uninspired with life if I was filthy rich too young. The challenge of it is the whole reason why you should be doing it. I always look around me at the older people in my life and wonder where I'll be when I'm their age. Will I be looking back proud of myself for taking the time and not giving up? I sure hope so. Take the birds view on your life to get perspective.
That being said, it's also healthy to keep a little paranoia that time is running out. That failure is the default.
As with everything, it's a matter of balance.
The two things I always try to keep in mind: a journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step and it takes 20 years to become an overnight success.
Wow,you're an idiot.
It's true OP. I Followed it for a couple years and last month I bought a Ferrari.
if you even think about buying anyones program you will never make it
7 bookshelves ftw
>not reading a book a day
like worry buffÄ—t says, the more u lern the more you ern bra
>Framed photo of Arnold in his prime
>Being DYEL
>Rent a lambo a few times
>Take pictures/videos saying you have money
>Eventually enough people buy your shit
>Now you have enough money to buy a real lambo
>More people buy your shit
He's a scam and a hack
so basically this ?
how the fuck can this board be so fucking dumb, all fucking day trying to avoid memes and yet 1 thread a day about this fucker and martin shrek.
>wake up sheeple
This thread basically:
OP, here you go you poor souls.
the course is a basic course worth of nothing to cover his scam ...
This guy's facebook is so bizzare
He is always shilling bs or having models do the same thing