Is Scott Pilgrim the most Veeky Forums comic?

Is Scott Pilgrim the most Veeky Forums comic?

>scott pilgrim
>not Snot Girl

based Barasui is Veeky Forums af


hell yes



Is it even a competition?

yeah this is an easy win


There are too many Veeky Forums manga to list but someone already posted PunPun which was Veeky Forums at the time.


Is this some lesbian nerd shlick fantasy filled with gross bodily functions because girls like that on account of being driven insane by their period?

Rork is very Veeky Forums, all old french/belgian comics are

Clearly Jojo is the most Veeky Forums

Not really. It's actually pretty good and suspenseful, and that's all I can say about it without spoiling anything. I recommend a read if you're into the LA Instagram fashion model lifestyle thing
Is Bucellati's gang really effay? I mean, would you wear what they wear unironically?

Saga is the most Veeky Forums comic out.


Copra might be though.

i always thought bleach had an interesting aestethetic
