Eye rate thread

Let's see some eyes!


Femanon coming through

Start using eye cream. If you're young enough to be on Veeky Forums you should not have wrinkles like that


Beautiful colour

Can't get any better quality

I'm 19 and have them worse than that, it just happens for some people and really isn't noticeable, if anything it adds some character.


why the fuck are your pupils rectangles

honestly concerned, nice color though

Reflection of phone I think


sorry for the redness, i forgot to take out my contacts before i went to bed last night.

Very cool



>Hey kid! You dropped your Tec-9!





nice digits, get_right

if you were a female i would smash so hard

I don't know why but I really dig this colour

I'm not getting the reference


Also nice colours both


Nah you're female.

oh god I forgot to turn off flash

What's the point? What matters is your whole face. Unless you are planning on going outside wearing a ninja mask.

Don't be an autist, people fixate on the eyes in conversation.



And you think they will forget the rest of your face?

No but eyes are a big focus.

im jealous of everyone ITT

Black eyes are cool

Icarly girl

brownie lives matter

i'm ok with my eyes


Eyes are hardly Veeky Forums. Eyebrows are where it's at.

you're female now


thats wild

I know my skins bad but do you think my eyes are nice?


idek what colour, all my gfs seem to fucking adore it tho

steel blue master race reporting in for circle jerk thread. my eyes are my most commented on feature from grills

excuse the bloodshot, been doing lab reports for 8 hours straight

I love looking at other people's eyes

here's my eyes in different lightings

yoo nothing about eye shape or brow skin hanging over the eye? under eye ware? roundness of the eye? COLOR? inside color contrasting with outer color? a dark outer ring? m8......

Very pretty limbal rings

brown eyes detected

Shit brown



sorry to be irate but if i eye rate yours mate i would say they are 8/8, for some it's too late but i would date your eyes, no bait

off-topic for Veeky Forums.

this board is for fashion and apparel.

eye/face/hand/dick rating threads go in >>>/soc.