>mfw want to start a business, but can't think of anything
Everytime I've asked you guys before, I've gotten sarcasm as a response. I'm not gonna give up hope, though. Maybe one day I'll own my own business, but it'd be nice if I could get some direction first.
Mfw want to start a business, but can't think of anything
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If you can't think of anything then you should start with real estate. Put at least 20% down plus fees/commissions.
sell blowjobs
Since you seem like you're not going to get the hint I'll just spell shit out for you.
Find a need, fill it.
Use profits to expand.
Rinse, Repeat.
No one can tell you specifics because we're not you. Only you know what is needed in your area, only you know what you skill set is.
If you're looking for someone to hold your hand and walk you though the steps of starting a business, making a business plan, getting start up then you probably shouldn't be starting a business.
Obligatory suck dicks.
>If you're looking for someone to hold your hand and walk you though the steps of starting a business, making a business plan, getting start up then you probably shouldn't be starting a business.
Why not? Why is having someone hold my hand so tabboo?
Because firstly, they won't be there forever, and if they are, it's their business not yours.
Are you serious right now? Are you really so dense that you don't understand that if you personally don't start the business, it's not your business.
First off, rude.
Second, I'm not prideful enough to take all the credit or money. My main priority is finding fulfillment in how I make my income. Plus, I think how much money I make being a direct correlator to the amount of work I put in to be a big motivator.
>First off, rude.
Go collect pooka shells and turn them into necklaces that you sell at the tourist beach area
Ehh. If I lived in a place with a beach (or tourists), I'd consider it, Tbh.
Create a toilet making factory in India
Trust me, poo won't regret it.
What can you do that is cheaper and/or better and/or different than other businesses?
This is what I'm trying to figure out, famalam.
Where are you located?
Do you have a vagina?
Utah. Kill me.
Mentally, yes.
Well anyway, business is competitive. Thus, you should probably base your business around your skills. What are you really good at?
These threads need to be deleted if we ever get a mod.
Here's the deal bro:
You work in a particular job for a while, then you OPEN YOUR OWN. Like you work as a plumber, then open your own plumbing company. Or work in a restaurant, then open your own.
ETCETERA. You don't just get a loan, an office and start doing something.
so YES you have to work for someone else first.
Thats what I did. If I had just started my business without first working in the field, my business would have been a failure. it also helped that I had done sales in the past.
Tbh, nothing too competitively. I'm a political science major with a minor in Spanish who writes manga in his free time.
I understand, but maybe there's something I haven't thought of yet which I could still explore. All my work experience is in stocking shelves. Not really sure that'd do much, and it's definitely not something I'd wanna do forever.
Okay so..
Do you find it's easy to convince people to trust you? (are you charismatic)
Attention to detail? Fine motor skills?
What's a produce or service you've had trouble finding in your area? Could you learn to provide said product or service/do other people near you often look for said product or service?
>Do you find it's easy to convince people to trust you? (are you charismatic)
>Attention to detail? Fine motor skills?
Yes and yes.
>What's a produce or service you've had trouble finding in your area?
None that I can think of. Everything I need has always been a 15 minute drive tops.
>Could you learn to provide said product or service/do other people near you often look for said product or service?
I really don't know. Without any clear direction, I doubt I'd be able to learn anything.
You could try your hand at making fine leather shoes and selling them on etsy
Welp, might as well. Thank you for your feedback.
Fucking hopeless. Think outside the box.
Dude, don't be a dick. If you have something productive to say, say it nicely.
You seem like a massive pessimist based on your posts in this thread, and that will get you nowhere.
If the only reason you want to start a business is to make money, you're not going to make money, I've seen that a million times. If you've got an idea or a passion that you want to pursue, then that's different.
Most self-employed people driving around in Ferraris and shit had a passion that they went after with everything they had (and subsequently risked everything they had) to make it work. You can't just pick a topic off an internet imageboard and go after it, because it won't be something you want to consume your entire life with.
Starting your own business involves a ton of risk, and a lot of people don't make it and end up totally fucked, you just don't hear about them because the Tai Lopez's of the world are out there selling you their stories instead. When you've found what you're passionate about to put your entire life into, and you've grown the balls to take the risk involved with making it work, start your planning and you may be able to turn it into a real business some day.
I see what you're saying. My plan coming into this was just starting off with a passive income and seeing where it took me. I think I can see why so many businesses have failed.
The reality is you'll probably operate at a loss for the first while. If you're doing anything that's going to generate real income for you some day, you probably won't make a "passive income" right off the bat. Good things take a lot of time and a lot of risk. They also take a lot of planning, if you just dive into it blind you likely won't be prepared.
Get a job, figure out what you want to devote your entire life to (it may not come right away, but try and find the thing you'd do for free if you had unlimited income), then start building a plan for how you'll make it work. That plan is what you'll want to bounce off of people (even the idiots on Veeky Forums, every opinion counts), and then go from there.
Thanks for the help. It's much appreciated.
underated post
you're a fucking moron and this thread is a waste of time
All of Veeky Forums is a waste of time and you're personally a waste of space, but we don't whine about it like you do.
>pot calling the nigger black
I only became a legal business because i HAD to. You have it completely backwards, and with your mentality you are guaranteed to fail.
>Start doing something you enjoy and are good at
>People are interested in your product/service
>Realize that it actually starts to generate money
>Become a legal business
It's not "i want to start a business, i cant think of anything, what should i do?"
Lonnie deals
Save up 4 grand. Go on craiglists, but a cheap van for 2 grand, spend the rest painting supplies. Put fliers up around town. Build a clientele. Work harder and for cheaper than anyone else in town. Live out of your van and eat rice and beans if you have to.
You can replace painting supplies with supplies for any other job, painting is just relatively easy to learn. It really doesn't matter, the key is to work harder and want the success more. If you start a business because you want money you'll fail, because it's gunna be hard and you will have to make sacrifices for it to work.
You think someone told Zuckerberg "hey lmao why dont you make a social network? that's a good business lol" ?
You think someone told Gates "buddy just get into the computer business, it's gunna boom bro i swear" ?
You think someone told the faggots at AirBNB "nigga just make an app where people can rent out their spare rooms, I know it sounds stupid since the people renting them might be rapists but still you never know" ?
You think someone told Snapchat guy "buddy listen you know some basic code, why dont you make an app for me so that next time i send a pic of my little cock to a girl she doesnt show all her friends and they dont end up ridiculing me and calling my tinycock mcgee"? actually that did happen so bad example.
The point of this post is to show you that most successful businesses started because the founder saw an opportunity and they took it.
>You think someone told Zuckerberg "hey lmao why dont you make a social network? that's a good business lol" ?
That one essentially happened tho
I agree with your message, but I know for a fact 3/4 of those examples were literally how things went down, and this is triggering my post traumatic autism.
People willing to take the leap and go through with it. Example being my younger sister started her own business and it's going well at the moment and hopefully it goes well for her in the future. As for me? I'm working as a crew member at Mcdonalds in my 30s.
Having my sister tell me she will take care of me if I don't improve my life beyond a minimum wage hell. Fuck my life.
It is all about the mental attitude and having business sense helps too I suppose.