Who is the worst American President of all time, and why is it pic related?
Who is the worst American President of all time, and why is it pic related?
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That's not James Buchannan.
Lol lads Schopenhauer was a philosopher not a presidetn!
Lincoln, by every single objective measure.
Neither of those are Franklin Pierce.
Van Buren was less worse than Buchanan or Filmore desu.
Because he's the only president to learn English as a second language
Ronald Reagan
You mean greatest, followed by Jackson?
honestly, why is buchannan seen as worse than Lincoln. Lincoln continued to do the exact same thing when he came into office. Not to mentioned Lincoln terribly fucked up the beginning of the war and only got bailed out by Seward and Grant.
Because he's generally been vindicated for his actions as far as perception of keeping the Union together. Clever politicking to keep Europe out, emancipation, preservation of the democratic process per federal election during a civil war. Beyond that, continued expansion westward which, while hindered by the conflict back east, remained consistent.
>Clever politicking to keep Europe out
there was never going to join for multiple reasons. Also Yancey's idiocy and Sewards diplomacy were much more important in foreign affairs, not lincoln.
>emancipation, preservation of the democratic process per federal election during a civil war.
again how are either of these different than Johnson? a prez that gets shit on all the time
> continued expansion westward
you mean when he spent his entire career against westward expansion as a whig? He inherited land from Democratic wars, he didn't do any westward expansion on his own.
Lincoln is the most overrated president, he only get's a pass because any criticism of him gets you labelled a slavery apologist. Which is funny considering Lincoln was perfectly fine with allowing the continuing of slavery if the CSA rejoined the union.
That's not John Adams
His dipshit son wasn't too much better.
JQA fanboys are the worst. worse than Clay fanboys.
Anyone who adamantly opposed Jackson should be regarded as anti-American desu
If you cared about the people and the nation you would have liked them.
That's not obama
>talking shit about the little magician, first and only dutch to be POTUS
Fite me IRL faget
>Who is the worst American President of all time
triggered SJW detected, fuck off porky
commiecuck go back to sucking circumcised cocks
Buchanan believed the Northerners and abolitionists were the sole cause of the war for not respecting the "south's way of life", even after Dred-Scott, burning Kansas, their reaction to losing the 1860 election, and Ft. Sumter. Not to mention he believed that secession was illegal, but also believed using military force to prevent secession was also illegal. So he heroically decided to do nothing until the situation was Lincoln's problem.
Do you have enough attention now?
>Buchanan believed the Northerners and abolitionists were the sole cause of the war for not respecting the "south's way of life", even after Dred-Scott, burning Kansas, their reaction to losing the 1860 election, and Ft. Sumter.
you're lying out your ass, give me some sources on that. He was pissed at abolitionists for riling up fire-eaters but never blamed the north for the war. He supported the war 100% after fort sumter, saying it was an act of war.
>Not to mention he believed that secession was illegal, but also believed using military force to prevent secession was also illegal.
and Lincoln believed the exact same fucking thing. He refused to invade the CSA until their was a cause for war. Fort Sumter was that cause and it only happened a month after Lincoln's inauguration.
>trump supporters are much more rational and don't throw hissy fits
>making a /pol/ shitpost and then sending someone to /pol/
Ah yes, he spoke dutch as a wee lad growing up in Old Kinderhook (why isn't there a straight rye whiskey with that name yet??)
What about the natives? I ain't Cherokee but I am Mohawk and it seems he went out of his way to fuck with them.
Natives aren't Americans.
The natives specifically chose not to become american citizens. The US doesn't care about the opinions of foreigners.
From the point of view of an European, I'd say Jackson or Reagan.
>"Vote for me! I'll keep us out of the war!"
>wins election
>"lol just kidding guise time to make the world safe for democracy! :^)
JQA fanboys are basically lefties/neo-Whigs who like that he defended slaves in court and (the real reason) really fucking hate Andrew Jackson. Read What Hath God Wrought? if you want to get into the mindset of the modern JQA fanboy/neo-Whig. I don't even like Jackson either but reading a book that's basically hundreds of pages about how Jackson was evil and things would've been so much better if Clay and the Whigs were in power is tiring.
>Things John Quincy Adams was
Great secretary of state, one of the best in history
>Things John Quincy Adams wasn't
A good president
i agree. It funny how much of them circlejerk around Clay forgetting he was a slave owner who took his own escaped slave to court. The way Jackson has gone from overrated to demonized over the past few decades is fucking pathetic.
>lol the fed will prevent a stock market crash
>stock market crashes 16 years later
Kill yourself matey
Clay was a "MUH ROADS MUH BANK" dumbass and John Quincy Adams was a puppet for the Whigs to the people's choice out of the presidency because "muh feelings muh we hate plebs"
You don't even have to like General Jackson to know that the corrupt bargain was just that: a corrupt bargain.
>implying he won't be assassinated so fast that he'll have a chance to change anything
The Fed was a good idea and the people who rail against it are almost always misinformed conspiracy theorists who impugn that it was some kind of Rothschild creation meant to control America through monetary fiddling.
>Clay was a "MUH ROADS MUH BANK" dumbass
How does wanting to build internal improvements and modernize America's monetary system make him a dumbass? If anything it's much more rational that Jackson's obsession over national debt.
South Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida seceded before Lincoln even office.
They refused to negotiate with him at all. I don't see how you can claim Lincoln was as bad as Buchanan when secession began under Buchanan's watch and he did nothing to stop it.
even came into office*
damn it
Except for the ones that tried to integrate, but where still forced out by Jackson.
there was nothing that could have been done to stop it at that point. Jackson stopped it decades earlier by having a reputation as a hothead who could and would respond to SC's attempt to secede with immediate and extreme ultraviolence. Buchanan and Lincoln didn't have that reputation and their military had lots of Southerners in it, so they had to watch the disaster play out until an opportunity to do something presented itself
>good idea
Why not cite a statistic that matters. Like the purchasing power of the average citizen (which has grown enormously).
>They refused to negotiate with him at all.
not true. they consistently sent officials to talk to him. Lincoln refused to meet with them and Seward just sandbagged them.
> I don't see how you can claim Lincoln was as bad as Buchanan when secession began under Buchanan's watch and he did nothing to stop it.
What was he supposed to do? Any aggressive move towards the deep south would piss off the border states, which held a disproportionate part of the southern population and power (TN, VA, NC). Lincoln believed the same thing and declared he wouldn't do anything towards the CSA unless they attacked first, which they did. Buchanan and Lincoln were on the exact same page the entire time, "sit on your ass until a pretext arises while trying to get the CSA to rejoin with the passing of the Corwin Amendment and getting the border states to stay with the Peace conference." Just because that pretext happened under Lincoln's tenure doesn't mean he dealt with it better and like I said above, he completely fucked up the beginning of the war by ignoring Winfield Scott.
Jackson didn't do diddly. He threatened SC and passed the Force Bill, but SC just nullified the Force Bill as they did the Tariffs. SC only backed down when JQA wrote a compromise tariff bill to lower them. AKA SC pretty much won that conflict and set a precedent that nullification/secession was a viable path for laws a state saw as unconstitutional.
>>taking nate silver seriously after all his false predictions
>inflation is inherently bad
>How does wanting to build internal improvements
because a lot of people didn't think it was the federal government's job to pick favorites. John Tyler was a perfect example, he was a whig who believed in internal improvements but thought it should be left mostly to the states as federal improvements would produce endless corruption, pork barrel spending, and political deadlock.
>modernize America's monetary system
modernize isn't necessarily the right term. He wanted to centralize it, which would benefit the eastern bankers at the expense of the smaller state banks. Some will say that a National Bank would stop crashes, but our understanding of economics was not that advanced back then as evidenced by the Second National Bank's failure to stop (and some ways partially causing) the Panic of 1819.
You also leave out his desire for increasing tariffs which hurt most poor farmers in the short term by increasing their expenditures dramatically while helping industrialists not having to compete with Europe. It also disproportionately hurt the south where industrialization was impossible. He also wanted to increase the price of land in the west which rightfully pissed a lot of settlers, but helped the eastern establishment.
>taking nate cuckler seriously
Was a Northern Democrat who sympathized with the South. Based af. Also accomplished everything that he set out to do.