What was this story supposed to mean Veeky Forums
As God confused the speech of men, and scattered them throughout the earth, does this mean that human unity is bad
or was it just a one off thing, God scattered mankind just so they couldn't build the tower, and thus the separation should be overcome
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It's about pride.
Its about bronze age desert tribe trying to understand world around it
Not much of a story really. Only a couple of lines if I'm not mistaken.
I'm pretty sure it was just an attempt to explain why there are so many languages and new people keep showing up no matter how far people look.
God wants us to be unhappy and impotent, so He created an obstacle to us achieving anything significant to improve our situation. Luckily He's dead now, so we can build skyscrapers or whatever else we want.
This is the answer you are looking for mon ami
it's an explanation as to why different languages exist and that god cannot be reached physically.
it's not that complex senpai
This is the correct answer.
It is just a bunch of goat-herders making up silly stories.
It's an allegory about the dangers of arrogant ignorance.
As an Atheist, this is true. Religion has really helped us develop and understand the world. Thing is that we don't need it anymore, and it's more of a problem than a solution. It's like a tailbone; used to be useful but now we don't need it and you can really hurt it.
Reminder that the story NEVER says any of the following
*The people wanted to reach heaven
*God in anyway told people the tower was a bad idea before construction began
enki changed mens languages, enlil sent the flood. duality.
>we don't need it anymore, and it's more of a problem than a solution
just lol
You think these degenerates can't physically be other religions? If there were no Atheism, these people would still exist as cancer with the exception of anti-theists. On the flipside there wouldn't be anti-theists if everybody was an atheist.
>In 1933, prior to the annexation of Austria into Germany, the population of Germany was approximately 67% Protestant and 33% Catholic; Jews made up less than 1% of the population.[1] A census in May 1939, six years into the Nazi era[2] and incorporating the annexation of mostly Catholic Austria into Germany, indicates that 54% considered themselves Protestant, 40% Catholic, 3.5% self-identified as "gottgläubig" (lit. "believers in god", often described as predominately creationist and deistic),[3] and 1.5% as non-religious.
Oh, just yesterday I was in Vienna, visiting an exhibition about the "treatment" of children interned in mental hospitals. Ice-cold tubs of water, bindings, organized starvation, outright euthanasia...
One of the survivors explained how it worked.
>Everytime time a child would start to rise, to blossom into something
>every time he would start thinking that there was something about him, that he was able to do things
>then immediately they would push him down, and try to break him
>and to let him know that he belonged there, on the ground
Is that the same idea ?
Shoo shoo
>I'm a mentally ill atheist
I've never read a good collection of posts from Veeky Forums posted as an image. I'm not going to read that and I immediately write anyone off that saves shit like that as a retard.
>/pol/fags throwing Hitler under the bus when he doesn't suit your bullshit narrative
Poor Adolf. Even his deluded fucktard followers abuse him
Who are you calling a "/pol/fag"?
You, since you probably got your DOOS VAULT bullshit from there
>your DOOS VAULT bullshit
What are you talking about?
>I support a sadistic, contemptful god
It's good to see it written down.
The edgier than thou contrarian role you play right now. The whole "I'm le contrarian traditionalist roleplaying as a hardcore Christian, while never tuning the other cheek" bullshit.
I can smell alt-right faggots like you from a mile away. Now, don't deny it when it isn't le hip and le cool anymore with the cool kids on the internet. Own your tremendous faggotry
Which posts have I made that indicate that I'm a "contrarian traditionalist roleplaying as a hardcore Christian, while never tuning the other cheek" and an "alt-right faggot" you biblically illiterate child?
God did so becauae the tower was built in defiance of God. It warns against Man's self worship. The next tower needs to be built with piety and humility before God.
>just lol
Yes, exactly, "just lol," because you can't argue, you can only meme.
Shut the fuck up /leftypol/, leave the neutral Veeky Forumstorians out of this.
You fuckers are always so invasive, you have to shit up the board with your shit ideology and the majority doesn't fucking like it.
How about you go circle-jerk with your college friends to a painting of your hero who killed millions of innocents, Mr. Joseph Stalin and leave this board alone.
I'm tired of this, I'm tired of the stupid bullshit you fuckers put up here and I always have to fucking look at it.
Stalin did nothing wrong.
Yeah, killing 60 million of his people isn't wrong. Go away.
You don't belong here.
No one who thinks Stalin killed 60 million people belongs on Veeky Forums because it is just plain historical illiteracy.
Modern estimates are closer to 10 million and it is well know they were cowards and traitors and famine victims after the kulaks stole all the food for themselves.
>i-it was a f-famine
>h-he only k-killed 20 million p-people
>*cartoon pigs*
Too slow.
Catholics =\ alt-right /pol/
Could you reactionary fucks get off of our website already? Go eat shit on stormfront.
Not anymore, since Trump became the hip new fad on there.
I wonder how long it will take before all the edgy Veeky Forums Catholics start denying any connection to /pol/ altogether and insist that they were really there to defend the Jews against all the nasty antisemites on there. My guess is probably about a year or two
60 million, 30 million, 10 million, what difference does it make, they're estimates. You can't really know for sure
Regardless he still killed innocents by sending them to the gulags and killing them in the Great Purge.
Non-centrists leave
>Regardless he still killed innocents
but Stalin was perfect so everyone he had killed wasn't innocent, and any innocent that did die was killed by kulaks
>cowards and traitors
No, Stalin killed anyone who he deemed a threat to his rule. He was very paranoid. And that could've meant anyone.
>cowards and traitors
Maybe in /leftypol/'s eyes. But the general Veeky Forumstorian would not say that.
What's "/leftypol/"?
Don't lie to me.
You're a very strange fellow.
I don't know why you seem to associate Catholics with /pol/ so much or even rightism at all.
While it's true that rightism and Catholicism go hand in hand somewhat more often than leftism and Catholicism, it's clear to most dedicated, informed, orthodox Catholics that - not to do a No True Scotsman - most Catholics who lean far-left or far-right are generally cultural Catholics or nominal Catholics rather than truly committed agents of the Kingsom of God. For example, it's really not very good for a Catholic to side with a temporal politician over the Pope, their spiritual leader. While many /pol/-type Catholics who do this are indeed, and do remain, Catholics, their not doing a very good job of acting the way they should were they properly informed by their faith and put God above everything else, as they should as Catholics.
I would go on to point out that Catholicism really lends itself to centrism more often than not, and not to extremism - look at the Zentrum party in the German Empire, for example.
Don't equate Deus Vulters with Catholics, they love the rad-traditionalism and medieval violence they associate with Catholicism more than Catholicism itself - if they really did put Catholicism first, they would be paying more attention to the current teaching of Pope Francis (which is not, contrary to popular misinformation, anything other than orthodox.) Most of the Catholics you find over at /pol/, especially nowadays, aren't exactly "this is my commandment to you: love one another, as I have loved you" types. Look, even Milo Yiannopoulos calls himself a Catholic. I'd say that he's a nominal Catholic at best, though Catholicism isn't an exclusive club, and is specifically for the imperfect and the sinners. Is he an representative of an ideal Catholic, or indeed of the vast majority of Catholics? The answer is, of course, no. Same goes for Trumpy /pol/ type Catholics. They're about as Catholic as the Vichy regime.
Your feet are hairier than mine. I'd say you're the odd one in the bunch.
>I don't know why you seem to associate Catholics with /pol/ so much or even rightism at all.
It's not true in general, but it is true on Veeky Forums, where "Catholics" are just LARPing reactionary kids.
Yes you will get that a lot, if they're young still they'll hopefully come around sooner or later if they follow their faith where it leads them.
Don't be mean about my feet.
Pls don't bully.
>proceeds to call me strange
>what am I supposed to do?
>be pushed?
>or push back?
What do you think was going to happen, Frodo?
Holy shit that fucking Gerbil, what website were those flash animations on? I still remember the meditation one where he told people to fuck off
I do concur, it is a nice flash.
if by some misfortune christianity is still around a thousand years from now, the rms titanic would be the equivalent of the tower of babel in christian mythology
this user has it right:
But you called me a liar for asking a question, that is what I called strange.
I still don't know what the hell "leftypol" is. I very rarely go on /pol/.
that if we all worked together as one we would become greater than the sum of all of us... or some shite like that...
>you called me a liar for asking a question, that is what I called strange
Sorry I just thought you were... a liar.
No offense, and I'm not trying to seem like a /pol/ack because I'm not, but leftists often lie about their political affiliations.I've had first hand experience where they intentionally didn't understand something I said to them and immediately in front of their friends they betray me for having my beliefs.
/leftypol/ is /pol/'s counterpart on eightchan, and they're often shittier than /pol/ imo. I just thought you were something else other then a neutral Veeky Forumstorian.
They're colossally shittier than pol, and I say this as a syndicalist. The left is utterly incapable of effective memery. That kind of authoritarian, censored environment is unfunny by nature, I Think Zizek and >porky are all they have.
/leftypol/ and /pol/ are two sides of the same radical millennial coin
What are you supposed to be then, a Generation X moderate? You type like somebody who was born in 1960-1981 A.D.
>christian mythology
>le genesis / flood / exodus was literal meme
Not the first chapters of Genesis, the Flood probably did happen and as for Exodus, absolutely.
>as for Exodus, absolutely.
archeology says otherwise
how is that related?
>Flood probably did happen and as for Exodus, absolutely.
It's an etiological story the ancient Israelites came up with to explain why there are multiple languages in the world.
Is there an issue user?
I'm a biblical arcahelogist, but don't take my word for it go read the journalist but nope, there is no 40 years of movement in Sinai.
Israelis are desperately trying to find evidence for it but to no avail. Most of exodus is just bullshit
Your only bet is some ancient alien tier documentaries which fit the unrelated-ambiguous evidence to the story.
I understand you are a believer but please don't talk about academic consensus, besides few fringe folk (just as those who refuse to believe jesus existed) academic consensus is clear, there is no such event as its described in exodus.
and its not some evul librul atheist conspiracy trying to put christians down, again israelis really try their hard to find evindence, for no avail. Even they gave up, but not the average american prottie.
>there is no such event as its described in exodus
According to the current so-called "academic consensus".
You didn't read that did you?
There is more evidence for Moses than there is for Homer, Pythagoras or countless other ancient historical figures.
rogan pls go
>it was le planet!!!!1
There is no evidence for a mass exodus out of Egypt.
How can zero evidence be greater than anything?
That is not evidence for a mass exodus out of Egypt.
nice bait