itt I'll talk about entrepreneurship, link to videos & podcasts, and talk to whoever posts
Entrepreneurship thread
Other urls found in this thread:
this is a solid speech by Nathan Barry
Nathan is an author that founded ConvertKit as a part of a challenge he did on his blog
the app now grosses upwards of $200,000 a month
main takeaway of the speech is the value of teaching as you go. check it out
I hear talk of spotting 'gaps in the market'
one market I see a big, glaring gap is date coaching desu
one of my favorite [reasonably attainable / online] business models is website investing
buying underoptimized websites from somewhere like or
then optimizing (either for resale or to keep in a portfolio of other sites)
some resources for website investing:
podcast with one of the guys from Empire Flippers
a website investor investor. check out his resource page!
the guy, Chris Guthrie, also sells on amazon
here's a good podcast episode with Chris
I have always been interested in this and have been reading on and off for 10 years or so.
The market is saturated, no? In which niche do you see the gap senpai?
I hear the empire flippers guys, and others, talk in their podcasts but it's always too abstract; there's no guide on how to actually do this when you're just starting. How will I optimize a website if I've never ran one? They always speak about websites like they were this commodity you buy and sell, but making a site work isn't easy unless you hire someone else to do it (and for that you need even more money than the thousands of dollars it takes to buy a site)
there's a gap in the entire thing. they're all expensive as hell with minimal support and they're all done by weirdos and salesmen
there's an opportunity in group coaching relatively cheap per student
I'm not 100% either, but look at Mike's case study at ReturnOnConversion
other than that, it's intuitive. the case study involves a team building website. imo the site is still underoptimized imo
the writing is obviously done by a person who isn't fluent in English, the design looks cheap and there's plenty of more products they could sell or offer as opt in incentive
I was subscribed and all I got was notifications of new posts and 1 upsell. no newsletter etc
whatever can add value for the humans reading is optimization potential. potential products and pricing packages etc, are optimization potential
it looks like English is my second language here
at a job interview..
Justin w/ Empire Flippers here. Check out Season 2 of the Web Equity Show for a start-to-finish guide on how to get started buying websites.
If you need more info on how to actually run/manage websites and online businesses, check out our Empire Flippers podcast or look at Authority Website Income, Niche Pursuits, etc.
lmao wat
tell Dan & Ian I love them
this is one of my favorite empire flippers podcasts, featuring an entrepreneur named Dan Norris of SaaS company WPCurve & beer
he's an example of what Nathan Barry talks about here
blogging about his entrepreneurial attempts and failures, building an audience and userbase for his ultimate success
I think each of our experiences are nuanced and appeal to different people. blogging puts you out there to connect with those people and set yourself up as an authority
Stop trying to plug your shitty podcasts
are you fucking stupid? hide the thread you god damn moron
this is a paradigm of business biz doesn't seem to know about. hide the thread if you aren't interested. if you're too fucking stupid to realize the people with the most well known website market place wouldn't need to viral market, do not post in the thread
I've been interested in email marketing lately.
it's essentially an effective, direct way to warm leads
in the vein of date coaching, unlisted vimeo links to coaching videos would be cool to include in a weekly newsletter exclusive to the email list
What i wouldn't do to fiercely penetrate her from behind in both holes.. WHAT I WOULDN'T DO MAN
it would be cool to sell ecig vaporizers
>go to forums and find out which customizations are popular
>white label the chosen customization through a manufacturer
>sell through ebay, putting high quality posters and fliers that offer discounts
>use this as an email lead magnet
>partner with a local instafamous girl to use the company snapchat on a shared account where she adds sexy snaps to the story / private snaps as incentive for coupon use
I want to start my own business, something food related. Something like a snack wagon that I can start a string of.
I absolutely hate my current job I'm in. It depresses the fuck out of me.
Is it really about just taking a risk and throwing in all your money and energies into a start up?
I watch a lot of Grant Cardone videos. Is there anyone else you recommend to check out?
I use blackhat world and onlinedimes for info/advice. Basically you need 3 things to make decent website that can rank
>nice layout
you ideally want your keyword to share the same name as your website, and use free tools such as keyword revealer to make sure the word has the right amount of competition. After that you add content. If you want staying power, you add backlinks to your website
if right this second you bought the #AskGaryVee audiobook, you would not regret that decision
check out his YouTube channel - Gary Vaynerchuck - and check out the WeWork or 92Y talks
I honestly can't tell you what starting a business is like because I've never started one. I'd at least have an in depth knowledge of the main facets of the business (permits, margin, cost of cart, locations). you can start at festivals before you quit your job
why isn't Amazon called
if seo is the backbone of your customer acquisition then you're going to stay broke
Here's a decent talk to introduce you to Gary
notice how much this UK crowd is trying to act American. it's like listening to a live audience for full house
this is because of how much they love Gary. they love him because of how much he gives
he once met a fan for coffee after losing a rock paper scissors bet. the fan pitched him on a business and Gary co-founded it with him (it's a talent agency for social media influencers)
the best blog post I've written was actually a review of his book
(it's a guest post)
his latest book is the best, so check that out
>inb4 gary is my friend and I'm shilling for him
his last book was legit his best piece of work, including the free stuff. audio is best (he narrates)& you can listen for free with an Audible trial
tell me if that doesn't motivate you
his audiobook Crush It is a close second
Also this was obviously a roleplayer
Get your shilling bullshit out of here, OP. You keep talking about adding "value" to customers lives and all you're doing is trying to sell your shit audiobooks and podcasts.
Reported for advertising. People who want to help others don't try to sell shit.
>Mike's case study at ReturnOnConversion
This is still too abstract in my opinion. He optimized the adsense, but where did he learn how to do that? How did he learn about "lead magnets", managing ebook sales, or whatever? All these podcasts refer to websites as an abstract thing (it doesn't matter if it's team-building or mongolian basket-weaving) that you buy then "optimize" using your "SEO" skills and contacting clients via mailing lists. How do I do this SEO, what good does it make me to contact clients via mailing lists if I'm not a consultant myself, but just bought the site from one? It sounds almost like a ponzi (Will I try to sell them the book on how to buy and sell my own website??)
gary vaynerchuck is a CEO of a company with locations in SF, NY and London
empire flippers own a large website marketplace
dude, you didn't actually read any of the links (no consulting on the team building site) let alone the posts (see my post on what I think of SEO)
Mike invests in sites and puts them in a portfolio. he never sells them
maybe if you.. looked at all into anything I posted, you'd see that what you're saying is kind of ridiculous
it's weird how this thread turned out..
I am 24 years old. I've done nothing entrepreneurial besides maybe selling friend's drawings to a girl that liked me in middle school (me and my friend split the profit)
I don't watch tv or play vidya. I just consume biz entertainment.
none of my friends etc are into this kind of thing. I have no one to talk about it with
I've been browsing biz since like the second day (~2 years ago) but this board is pretty shit
if you guys have anything to talk about whatsoever, any questions or whatever just post. I'll give thoughtful answers
the fact that I've been accused as a shill is.. kind of odd. try using Google. I don't know these people
I don't need empty platitudes and motivation seminars, I need practical advice.
I want to become self-employed and wax floors or become a tiler or something for a while, but I'm useless. Without going into details my mother would never let me play outside with the other kids and I was the quiet reserved type in high school because I was a dumb kid who didn't know any better.
Now I am older I need to unfuck myself, but I am hopeless when it comes to trying to initiate things, for instance I wanted to learn how to program, but I can't find a good free IDE (integrated development environment) and the one I did download doesn't work. After hours and hours of searching and work I had gotten nowhere, I was literally too useless to input a piece of code and get to the "hello world" stage.
I am functionally retarded, but inside my head I am pretty smart, I read a lot and sometimes do (high school level) maths and make spreadsheets just to figure things out. A few months ago I got excited because you can make a lot more than I do through part-time minimum wage work by taking up a trade and plenty of people who don't know calculus manage to get that far, but I failed. I don't know how to get a license or whatever, I ask people a lot of questions trying but people just seem irritated as though I'm asking them to school me and there is some other place I should go, but I don't even know where I should go.
What do you suggest?
>I don't need empty platitudes and motivation seminars, I need practical advice
where did I post or link to empty platitudes / motivational advice? your unwillingness to actually read anything I posted is a sign of your inability to do anything other than make excuses
the reality of the situation is nothing is going to get you off your ass but yourself
but I can relate. it's hard coming from zero without a conventional life script to follow. there's so many options, it's easy to end up doing none at all and just sit thinking about them while you slowly get older
that's the reality though. you may never do anything with your life
I don't suggest getting into waxing floors (for which, I don't think you'd need a liscense. you'd just put ads on craigslist until someone hires you.. the many ways to market, I've mentioned in this thread)
it's just a shitty business to get into when there are so many other options
I suggest you exclusively learn to code. you have to pick one thing, and coding is the most valuable trade
python is easier to pick up. you can learn though Udacity via the intro to comp sci course
I'd suggest paying for it (lmao if you think this is a shill.. it's founded by a guy from Google) just to help you stay accountable / give you access to teachers / so you can get a nanodegree. but it's free
I've read the best way to teach yourself to code is to take a bunch of free intro tutorials
I think this would be your absolute best bet but do whatever you want
Im from dutch origins , moved to bangladesh to start an e-commerce empire. Would love to hear everyones ideas
if you do get into coding, I also suggest you read blogs of coders / watch famous coders talk (David Systrom, the creator of instagram is cool during interviews) to help you get in the mindset and stay committed
there are also plenty of groups
post a timestamp out your window
I'll just post one podcast so you actually listen to it
you can start by white labeling minor adjustments through manufacturers and have them put your logo on it
>look at what Amazon products not doing amazingly well
>check one star reviews
>make the change
and here's an idea:
lifestraw water bottles known for defecting just from sitting on shelves and being overly fragile
you can just offer your own bottle and resell the straw
Sure gimme a sec
I bought a building here.
I was actually thinking of starting up a mobily payment system here. Or starting a domestic alibaba or a few webshops specialised in a few items. Or in setting up a websitw which allows users to go to any online shop in the world , pay me here and ill order everything for them. Including dealing with the customs etc. There is btw no creditcard system here that allows yu to pay to foreign websites ,and there is also no paypal here.
by ecommerce I thought you meant selling things
people typically go to southeast asia for the cheap living while they sell to the first world, not create products for domestic use.
how much money you expect to make with a Bengal business
wow, I just find this hard to believe
there are so many roleplayers here
I think there's opportunity in some of what you're saying and that kind of thing, if it makes money, is a good acquisition for the bigger players
so there's an exit for you. I'm still trying to wrap my head around a lack of foreign purchases there
how do people buy foreign products now and what kinds of things are they buying
how many people are buying from abroad and do they have the money to do it?
are there laws against it
Are you still here op?
If you are add me on snapchat : juliandobber and we can talk
Matt Farah, a guy that makes money as a video / podcast car journalist was interviewed on the tropical mba today
bumping with my posts from another thread
come getchyer free business advice
extra extra
Hey OP i have an internship this summer with a VC that specializes in ag tech. What do you think of venture capital's place in entrepreneurship? Do you have any good resources about the subject?
Reasoning behind pursing a a entrepreneurship degree?
I think vc (and private equity, and activist hedge funds.. which can include things like shadow banking) are awesome
the partners have the potential to be serial entrepreneurs, which I like the idea of
obviously a lot depends on the fund but overall it's a good place to be
check this out
I've watched most chris sacca interviews. Y Combinator has a startup school series as well
at a place like Stanford? connections
at a state school? laziness lol
what are some of their investments btw?
I'm in the bay area and have met growers. all talk about using aeroponic growing & there's no aeroponic with good enough marketing to get them to buy (they all think it's black magic basically. growers are notoriously averse to change)
thinking about starting an aeroponic company
though I'd bootstrap
grey market entrepreneurship advice as well extra extra
this thread is full of disgusting shillers with no conscience literally spamming the internet with their garbage
1. create blog
2. create podcast
3. sell your product
But more importantly
Gary V and all those people, they may be good at what they do but are all genuinely disgusting people, would rather kill myself than live my life doing what they do.
Anyway this is my personal opinion, but you get rich quick people give me some great entertainment, and decent tips sometimes xx
oh I forgot to mention, they are the pioneers and the people who had the success, but I blame them mostly for the tsuuuuunami of copycats that make up everyone who spams everywhere
i mean, i get it, but just lol @ those who copy what these already successful people have done hoping to get the same results
dude, this is all me. you're calling me a shill
I want to shake you
I'm drunk right now, but I honestly feel like you need to be slapped
LOOK AT GARY VAYNERCHUK FEATURED ON CNBC. why the fuck would he shill on Veeky Forums?
you fucking moron
I'm not a get rich quick person. some of you people are on another level of stupidity
due diligence isn't a hard thing in the world of Google
the one thing I told people to buy is Gary's book which, if you knew anything about Gary, all of his fans would tell you to do
I also encouraged him to listen to it via audible free trial (audible is owned by Amazon.. it's not my company)
I don't know if it's the young people on this forum or an iq thing that would make people think I'm a shill
& Gary V has a digital marketing agency. companies like Coke pay his company to manage their social media marketing efforts
other than that he gets paid to speak
he has a free show and posts his speeches for free. how is he disgusting?
final bump
>get smacked down by FDA ruling.
that's unlikely
and there are plenty of industries where the incumbents are just regular guys or tired old small companies
I am currently a student. I am planning on working for a a few years, moving to a cheaper place. Putting my money in dividend paying stocks and living off of that. Then working on a little software company I'm passionate about and that is very low-risk financially.
if you movie to the developing world after quitting your job that sounds like a reasonable plan
what kind of product
unless you have a patent/some rare skill without competion you have chance of success less than 5%
my rare skill is being smart as hell lol
definitions of success vary but I think most people have what it takes to build a $100k income winner
1: ignore OP
2: just fucking do it you pussy
3: don't know where to get a licence? prepare the fine money and work without a licence
4: don't know how to write code? find a compiler/interpreter and load a file with it
5: ignore OP
you don't do things by thinking or listening about it, you do things by doing
there is no structured ruleset for life
>There is btw no creditcard system here that allows yu to pay to foreign websites ,and there is also no paypal here
Here neither. I hope bank transfers and western union will be a good substitute.
take a course on or some other MOOC wbesite
my reply was better than yours
I'm a stupid kid & can't talk to people cause nervous.
Is there anything I can do? Anything?
pic related
Fuck you.
Where has that meme been these last few years?
Wrote pic related
married and spawned pic related
publicly admitted his Dad married his mom b/c she was an amputee, and he was an amputee fetishist.
getting older and getting laid helped me
working with one of my ex employers definitely helped as well
you'd be surprised at the amount of people into the same things you're into. my cousin does hair & makeup and travels a lot. I've done political volunteer work and was interested enough to learn a thing or two.
nuanced past experiences like this are potent potential topics of conversation and points that you can relate to ppl with
don't be too eager, try to be cultured, dress well (on that front it's mostly a matter of where you shop), realize girls are just people too & you're probably smarter than them, and connect with like minds
that's what I got for ya
>how to alienate people