Why is rape wrong?
Why is rape wrong?
kill yourself degenerate faggot
It isn't.
>Look how cool I am mom
It isn't, because they like it.
I won't kill myself, so unless you don't want your mother/sister/wife/daughter being raped by me, you're going to give me a reason, or I'm going to legalize it.
Then why is it illegal?
>Atheists demonstrate their """"""""""reason"""""""""
You're stealing a man's rights to his property.
Being religious nowadays is the opposite end of the Edgelord spectrum btw,
I'm not sure when Moses had his tribe keep all the female virgin Midianites "for themselves" after killing all the males that their intentions were entirely honourable.
That doesn't answer the question if you are talking about your own property.
>doesn't fully understand empathy
>doesn't respect the boundaries of others
Yup, it's autism.
>why is it illegal
For the same reason punching someone in the face or sticking a knife in someone without their expressed consent it illegal, you autist edgelord. Aren't you late for tapioca pudding time? I swear group homes need to better restrict online time.
Go back to /pol/ or kill yourself
In what way does rape necessarily cause damage to someone's face or a puncture wound?
Remember: in the Semitic world it's not rape when she's your maid.
Same reason slavery is illegal.
Except if you agree that we need to continue the human race as our main goal then you should agree that since not all females are willing to pick the best male, the best male should forcibly impose himself onto females that would otherwise mate with another male that is less optimal genetically.
It's okay if you marry the girl afterwards. Otherwise it's just mean.
It's a violation of another person's will.
What right do you have to take what another person will not give you? Something that is deeply personal and intimate?
The ultimate disrespect, because at least a murder victim doesn't have to carry it throughout their life.
Because it turns women into sluts.
If we need to continue the human race as our main goal, breeding is currently not our biggest issue.
Sex should be illegal for a while by that logic.
>in what way does rape cause damage
Please be bait because if not I hope your mother gets raped so you can see the effect rape has on women. It is an extremely traumatizing event, usually physically, if not then almost always emotionally don't be deluded by SJWs who claim everything is rape, actual date rape and forcible rape are horrible things that can ruin a woman's life.
Found the muslim
>Please be bait because if not I hope your mother gets raped so you can see the effect rape has on women. It is an extremely traumatizing event, usually physically, if not then almost always emotionally don't be deluded by SJWs who claim everything is rape, actual date rape and forcible rape are horrible things that can ruin a woman's life.
So you're arguing that it is acceptable to rape men.
Raping men has no biological purpose. Thus should always be illegal.
Everything that has no biological purpose should be illegal?
He said nothing about raping men.
Do you think golf should be illegal, too?
I'll take "genetic bottlenecks" for 500$, Alex. And stop teleporting behind me.
so corn? being indigestible and all..
Of course
And rape of woman should be legal and mandated every 9 months.
Whites should be killed off as their skin can burn and is inherently inferior on a warming earth.
I didn't say anything about raping men you autistic fuckwith, read what people say for once or no one will bother reading you suicide note
What was that short story where men had to take pills to rape their daughters so all women would be pregnant, otherwise they'd die from a virus?
The thread is about why rape is wrong.
You said it was wrong because it has a negative emotional impact on women.
Without using memes, how is being atheist or at least agnostic edgelord?
And that there is 100% correct.
Now use your brain and deduce what the emotional impact on men would be if it was widespread and well documented.
Oh wait it is, men are raped all the time. And its bad.
Case closed.
I'm not him, but rape can also cause horrible tearing and internal injuries, in both men and women. Can't rape be wrong in general? It's emotionally and physically detrimental to men and women.
It's not rape when it's your woman, duh.
Why wouldn't it be? It's like asking if stabbing someone is wrong. Sure you might enjoy it, but it's detrimental for the quality of life of the other person.
I think it's basically torture lite in terms of cruelty. Most of these replies are dogmatic overreations.
Why does it feel good then?
The cancer killing Veeky Forums
No consent and the victim gets hurt and feels violated.
It doesn't feel good to the victim, you tard
Considering more than half of all women orgasm from their rapes, that doesn't seem to be entirely true.
>this week on questions secularists ponder
You fucking idiot, sexual bodily function and psychological function can work independently
This is a bait thread isn't it
Well of course we have to ponder it. Your "god" seems perfectly fine with drawing a double standard, rape is wrong if it's an Israelite woman, but perfectly fine for a Miidianite or someone else they're sweeping through.
You believe humans can live over 900 years so you have no room to talk, Christcuck.
Someone who rapes another person thoroughly and completely debases that person. He/she violently breaks into the deepest intimacy of another and wounds the victim at the core of his/her ability to love.
there is no such thing as female """"consent"""", as women do not have agency in the same way a man does
if anything, ideally rape should be discouraged on the basis that raping an unmarried girl is a crime against the father because she is his property, and raping a married woman is a crime against the husband because she is his property
Get raped and find out
Fuck ethics. Forget about right and wrong.
A man who rapes for the sake of a child is perfectly understandable. A good example is Manfred in Castle of Otranto.
A man who rapes because he can't get any otherwise, well... still understandable, though he's a loser.
A man who rapes because he's mad at himself for being weaker than other men, or because he hates women, is a real loser.
Meanwhile, a woman who teases and flaunts herself and then cries about getting the attention of men or when she gets man-handled by them, needs to get her head out of her ass.
Do you want to be raped by some disgusting Veeky Forums user?
>needs to get her head out of her ass.
Or more like she needs to get her head inside my ass. Am I right, amigo? *high fives*
What about men who rape other men because it's too easy to rape women and they want a challenge?