What would convince you guys to buy an ebook?

What would convince you guys to buy an ebook?
What about other people?

I guess we all agree that most people who come to this site are 18-26 or something.. Would you guys buy an ebook/or similar that helped with marketing? How about confidence/social interaction?

Can't really call this shilling because the book doesnt exist, but i'm curious to if you guys would be interested in ebooks that help in areas guys around that age suck at.

I understand this is a Myanmarese noodle making training forum, but I know one of you guys would appreciate a book written by our own.

An ebook detailing how to overcome our social issues and how it impacts our future with one small change. Would you buy it.

Pretty much nothing.
The only thing that would convince me to buy an ebook rather than download it is if it's not available.
I got an ebook reader to not have to buy books, paying 10$ for a 400kb .mobi file is not something i can afford right now.

what about a hypothetical 200-300 page ebook for 2.99 about that tl;dr topic?

Or does that sit in the same situation of the 10$?

And thank you, user. I appreciate the response and input. Trying to figure out if it's worth attempting the idea.

I would consider purchasing an ebook if I were required to for a college class. Possibly.

Apart from that, nothing.

Thank you for the input, I appreciate it.

Nobody here would buy your book. I'd venture to say that nobody on Veeky Forums would buy your book, but don't lose hope there. We're not the audience you should be thinking about. At all.

This site has been my home for more than a decade and I see you're being an honest, chill person about this question so I'll throw some of my understanding your way:

Veeky Forums is a great place for exposure if you've got a good product, but sales have to come from elsewhere. Literally everyone here knows how to pirate things and nobody really gives a fuck about the ethical considerations,

You can use this to your advantage..

Minecraft is a great historical example. Notch was shilling that game on /v/ since day 1. It caught on really quickly and people shared it all over the place and made their own content and their own videos and memes and it really caught on as something simple, fun, and memorable.

Then he shifted to Leddit where he successfully shilled to an audience full of people who WANT to pay money for the right things. I don't quite understand the psyche there but r/ShutUpAndTakeMyMoney was an actual popular thing and it's common practice for users to literally pay cash to put golden stars on comments on that website.

Now he's a fucking billionaire.

definitely going to screenshot your post and save it, it really does give some perspective.

Thank you, user

I can download many thousands of ebooks from Bookzz.org, why would i pay MONEY to some random cock to tell me some shit he knows nothing about?

Op here. Switched to my phone cause I'm updating my computer.

Gtfo. Don't know why people, like yourself, come in here and try to get aggressive on the internet. Like spewing words like "some random cock" "some shit he knows nothing about" would seem life changing or would make some value your opinion.

"Why would I pay money to someone for information" despite there being many ebook sites and publishers. Or even the newest meme of "here in my garage" made tons of money over his ebook yet some guy on Veeky Forums calling another guy a random cock seems to think people don't pay for information. Fuck outta here.

I've read some of the old classics because of project gutenberg (they were free) but other than that, I don't like ebooks. I prefer being able to fill my book shelf. Nothing personal.
>inb4 fuck off boomer
i'm 20

Wasnt meant as an insult, just curious what qualifications you have for me to listen to you when i can download thousands of books by well regarded authors in a moment's notice, in just about any field.

>How to overcome social issues

Why? I can download books by actual psychologists for free. And you think you're entitled to getting paid for your worthless opinion?

No, I understand and appreciate your response. As the guy earlier said, I think Veeky Forums isn't my market because we all have roughly the same tendencies. The other question that was kind of not answered was what would other people potentially like in a ebook. I guess I shouldn't have asked two questions initially or put a tl;dr lol

Can you describe some of your qualifications?

In a world where people with PhD's are writing books and giving them away for free(or they're pirated), what gives you the edge on them? What special experiences do you have that you wish to share your knowledge from to others, which you believe is done better in your book than any of the countless others?

By calling you a "random cock" it was quite literal, you really are just a random poster on Veeky Forums asking if we would buy your book. We don't know if you have a degree, if you've ever even worked in a field we're interested in or not. so really there's not enough data to go off of but as it stands I don't think a single person would buy your book.

Because people don't pay as often for some medical or advanced knowledge book or anything. They pay for "an easy one click solution" that is comprehendable.

And once again, based off your logic, you're implying because a person will not buy anything because it's not aa professional as another thing?
We have the examples of art. According to you, people do not buy art unless it's from a famous artist who's gone through years of schooling. Or people wouldn't buy a lawn mowing service because it doesn't have years of experience under its belt.
According to you, people wouldn't seek advice from someone who can relate to them. "Why would people go on /adv/ if they can seek professional help at a therapist or why are they asking for help about girlfriends when they have x and y." Because user, people seek a third party that understands them. Are you trying today?

I think in order for an ebook to be successful it need's to be
1. Easier accessible
2. Significantly cheaper
than it's counterpart. Most of them aren't. For example, I'm currently taking intermediate microeconomics class and we need two books, a traning and a guideline book, both of them by hal varian, and both of them are about 40$ each in my local bookshop. Ebooks about the same price. Offer me the ebook version for

>According to you, people wouldn't seek advice from someone who can relate to them. "Why would people go on /adv/ if they can seek professional help at a therapist or why are they asking for help about girlfriends when they have x and y." Because user, people seek a third party that understands them

No this is ridiculous, your analogy is idiotic.

I am simply asking you to sell me your book, I am a potential customer.

Ok let's see, I'm in the market for a book on social skills. Here I have a book for $10 on Amazon by um... user. Anonymouston, I don't know a single book he has ever written before, searching him on google yields no results, I have no idea who this fucking guy is or what gives him the expertise to be giving out advice to anyone.

OR, I have some of these other books by people who have helped hundreds of people, have written many other great-selling books, have degrees, extensive life experiences, etc. They are well known, they have a wikipedia page, their books are well recommended and reviewed on countless blogs and various websites. I can get their books entirely for free with a few clicks.

Which would I choose and why?

Basically summed up, what specific qualifications do you have to convince someone like me to buy your book? What will it have that I cannot find in other books?

Are you...

a) A incredibly successful person?(Doubtful, you are selling ebooks and post on Veeky Forums)

b) Do you have a degree from a reputable institution?

c) Do you have at least half a decade of industry experience you wish to impart on me?

d) Do you have any special skills or talents?

e) Do you have a lot of money that you have earned yourself which you touch on?

f) Are any of your literary works well-regarded by any credible person?

Yeah, I found where you went wrong. It all made sense with your last question. "Why would I choose and why?"

You literally ignored my first post which was how could I convice you guys to buy an ebook. You're asking me back the same question.. you're asking me to give you value and this and that when my question was directed more of, how can I provide you information you're looking for.

If I am opening a new business, I have two options. Provide incentive to the area to buy my new and happening thing or I can simply survey the area and ask what services I could provide that the area is lacking.

I think the second one is easier.
The topic was confidence assistance. That is my market considering in 2016 the amount of socially awkward people with no escape is growing exponentially. The issue is what can I help you out with. I don't need help providing a reason for you to buy it. I'm not trying to sell you something you don't need. If you don't find value in a confidence book then you weren't my target group. I'm looking to assist those who need the assistance? But couldn't find it with Google fu.

Mobile is acting funny so I can't address the other post number but thanks on those two points. I actually didn't think about that in some aspect. So in some notion I would need to view what other books have and maybe condense them and add more content from my own end, but reduce its price... I get the angle you're going for.

>Provide incentive to the area to buy my new and happening thing or I can simply survey the area and ask what services I could provide that the area is lacking

That's not really how it works though.

You don't just set out to write books, you write books *AFTER* you have accomplished something and your opinion is actually valuable.

>If you don't find value in a confidence book then you weren't my target group. I'm looking to assist those who need the assistance?

I agree, this can be a useful book like anything. But now the question is why would we buy it from YOU? We can't really know you're a successful alpha guy or have any background in psychology. It would essentially be a "blind leading the blind" or some guy basically ripping and paraphrasing other popular psychology books at best.

I mean I'm sure you could find some suckers to buy this but from a pure value point of view it has none.

Idk it just doesn't make any sense to me when there's so many other books about social skills already out there with much more reason to be chosen over yours. I don't think this is a good idea anyways.

Advice is a dead market, it's useless nowadays. People give advice and suggestions on everything, and for free on the internet.

I'm mostly ignoring your post because I just posted a comment to your other post, being on mobile sucks cause I type significantly slower.

The one point I will address is that I never once implied I was successful nor would I even care to want to pretend to be. I do not or will ever claim to be an expert.

My pitch was a normie to another normie, would would help you find value in a normie book. At no point did I claim that I sell ebooks because I dont. I even specifically said it doesn't even exist. I didn't even imply ridiculous success. With an ebook of simple confidence that a fellow 4chaner or some other awkward normie could benefit in simple tips and tricks or give some perspective to overcoming social behaviors or lack of.

I'm not here to pitch some guru of 15 years road to success self help confidence ebook best seller. I was posing the idea of a ebook to a normie who needs help doing basic things like talking to people which they have issues with. What qualifications do I have? I go out and talk to people and have had relationships. "But what does that matter?" That there are daily posters on all threads that need help understanding why they aren't getting friends or relationships. Or why they can't google fu an answer or advice that actually resonates with their personality. I'm here to potentially offer them an idea that resonates with them but was here to see what incentives would work.

In the end this is simple microeconomics.
1. Find out what costs you have producing it
2. Put it online and see if it sells (it won't)
3. Offer a free 20 page so people can test if they like the writing and see if it sells
4. If that doesnt work make it free for a limited time and see if it is downloaded. If not, give up or improve your marketing.

I appreciate the time you've given. Regardless if it's helpful or not, it's something you can't get back, so thank you.

Advice can arguably be called a dead market. Correct, but I'm not trying to be as successful as tai Lopez nor do I even want that. But as you have heard, his program is a literal rip off of another publishers work. He literally hasn't given any "new" advice or information that someone hasn't out experienced him in; yet, people bought his material out of the notion that he was a normie potentially giving hope that they could get out if their situations. So the market does exist.

Just a small picking of a market, but once again. My intention ISNT being successful from this. My intention ISNT to be profitable. The question was posed because if you would buy something like this then I would cater the ebook to you because you obviously would be spending your money to the idea which means you must believe it has value and you're more likely to believe and follow it.

If I came here and said "hey I have a free ebook or want to make one what would you want me to put in this free ebook.." then it would be a shit fest. I'm trying to appeal to a niche not trying to appeal a hypothetical book to the masses.

Do you see what I'm getting at?

love my kindle
now i can pirate every single book and have it appear on e ink
so dirt cheap and free books i guess

The production of an ebook is almost zilch, I would have zero intentions of physical copy as that would require a lot more than what I want to put in. The biggest thing would be marketing, but time x effort = distance.

But thanks again, I definitely do appreciate your thoughts. As I said, the biggest thing I was looking for wasn't if it was possible or not. Was mostly looking at the idea of what would convince you to buy it rather than can it function as a business. Was looking at it more of a hobby rather than the biz, but also as I said, I struck the idea as more of "what information would you pay for" because you're the ones who would be interested in what I had to say because you would be spending a hypothetical dollar for it. Wasn't really intending on a literal business because then any Joe could come in here and tell me how they believe a business should be ran and then nit pick every small detail when this is more of a test run for a bigger goal.

Dirt cheap or free. Thanks man. As I was saying to the other guys, my idea was to find what information would you guys like if it weren't something you were looking for, but couldn't find the information for.

Like a normie to normie kind of thing. Or a normie who's getting social interactions and how I can offer what helped me to you, if that was something you're struggling for.

Absolutely nothing. Not even if it was free. I'd rather buy a tablet

your loss
e ink and battery life are awesome
tablets are an actual waste of money

If it's non-fiction, I have to respect your expertise or feel that you've provided me with enough quality free information that I want to support you.
If you're a human meme like Tim Ferris or Dave Asprey then I'm pirating all day.

so you've gotten into the whole meme motivational people like ferriss, altucher, who have the same exact people on their podcasts and blogs and talk about 3 ways for this and that and you want to jump on the bandwagon.

dont worry, i've read and listened to all this stuff to, and have similar ideas.

the thing you are missing OP is that you need some kind of built-in clientele to sell your stuff to. no one knows who you are, or cares, you're just another spammer as far as i'm concerned.

thats why in all these articles and podcasts they say BUILD UP AN AUDIENCE. 1. start a blog 2. start an email list 3. write decent content and keep at it 4. when you're ready, start selling

because your work might be good, but if no one knows about it no one will care. unless you get lucky, do something well on amazon (like the trick of giving it away at first to get amazon reviews and being bumped up the list then putting the price at 2.99) and start like that, you will need some kind of presence to worship you like those meme guys or at least people who like what you have to say.

so yes, go ahead and write your book but you think 100000 other people havent tried the same? do some research first.

also, are you a good writer?

see how i came across as having authority on the subject? (which i do, at least simple things cause i've read and lsitened to a lot about this stuff and surprise... i still havent acted on it like most people), and then you'll be interested in what i have to say.

So. Could we start on who these guys are.Same with you. More like, what life situations introduced you two to get acquainted with them.

Also. Thank you for your response in particular. Though I have one question. Marketing, I believe, isn't the issue. Even the situation of 100,000 other guys wasn't the issue. The issue was having any substance for you guys, or the directed audience.

I'm an alright writer, though if I would do this ebook, then I would write it. Double check it. Rewrite what I need to. Triple check it. Then find someone semi experienced check it, preferably somewhere in the college town of mine.

Don't mind me.... just bumping my own post......

no particular life situations. if i had to guess most people are bored,, probably employed or underemployed, and are wondering how to work for themselves or at least have some freedom.

me, was interested in reading a couple of books just to expand my mind etc, so i got into reading tim ferriss's book and listening to his podcast. i dont think i'm gonna pull the same thing off but there are sme interesting stories and blog posts about random things in there. same with altucher, same with rogan, same with a lot of these types of people. its mostly for entertainment but there are some good ideas there too.

just like the good ideas are to eat right , exercise, build skills, etc but no one actually ever does them.

so basically self help? it already exists my broh

One last bumperu.

Bump for this guy.