SolarCity down 23%. Why hasn't the company become as popular as SpaceX or Tesla? Could it be undervalued?
SolarCity down 23%. Why hasn't the company become as popular as SpaceX or Tesla? Could it be undervalued?
I read something about this but I forgot. Basically only one company owns the best solar tech patant and it isn't SCTY. if you don't have the patent now you're shittier
>Sun Power
>implying musk is that dumb
buy SCTY then faggot
The company is not profitable currently, so its value is derived from its projected future earnings potential. The major decline in value was a result of the earnings report released, showing it lost more money per share than was anticipated and its growth in volume of solar installations was also lower than anticipated. Not a good sign for the future, which is why some hedge funds hold large short positions on it. I'm not sure if it will come around any time soon (hopefully it will cause I own ~5k worth) so would probably be best to hold off at the moment. It's current value is on a level pretty indicative of it's worth based on the information out there unfortunately. Also worth mentioning that SpaceX isn't even public
>implying i invest in american market
>implying i didnt invest in scty
why are you so mad user?
>United States Patent 8991114
everyting is gonna be alright
A complete and total lack reason to invest.
Would you allow a third party to own your roof?
Would you want to pay upkeep on somebody else's property?
Reduced energy bills not a good enough reason?
not mentioning it worked pretty good all over europe. not mentioning you will own the thing after X years of exploitation
Yeah as a consumer there is definite demand for the services offered by SolarCity.
The way I see it is their share price is going to get fucked for a while as their financials aren't pretty at the moment. The only way I can see them making a major bounce back would be in relation to the Tesla Powerwall or something along those lines.
At least this would solve the issues stemming from net metering.
Either way my advice would be hold out for a while, until they come up with something to fix their current issues. Short of innovation the companies future looks shitty IMO but I'm remaining hopeful and holding.
WTF happened to solar anyway? Its a bloodbath with every stock in that sector losing massive amounts.
Your arguments hit pretty hard.
Sector wise: Overexpansion, overleveraging, financial engineering to "create profits", little to no cash flow generation, reliance on federal subsidies, etc.
www dot wsj dot com articles/inside-the-fall-of-sunedison-once-a-darling-of-the-clean-energy-world-1460656000
the whole energy sector is getting killed. With 2.00 natgas, solar isnt nearly as attractive
he asked which company is the one to own in solar. look it up yourself.
Lib cucks unite!
I hear somalia has a smartphone start up thats going to blow apple and samsung out of the water!
It sounds politically correct so it must be true!
Pretty much anything is "undervalued" in relation to space x and tesla...
can't see any earnings information about the company just by googling it
Solar Edge (SEDG) on the other hand has 200% forecasted earnings which will be announced in June, I would consider putting a position on, possibly shorting SPWR to hedge out the sector risk.
That's just my opinion though
>Why hasn't the company become as popular as SpaceX or Tesla
For one thing, it isn't Musk's company. It's his cousins'. Second, just because musk's name is attached to it, doesnt mean it will be successful.
SpaceX and Tesla had models that took SIGNIFICANT shortcomings in the market and found ways to improve them GREATLY. solarcity found a neglible way to improve a negligible problem. Thats the difference.
>letting emotion and political opinions get into the investing equations.
You are just as dumb as they are.
>its value is derived from its projected future earnings
shades of enron
I, uh, I think this is pretty true for most companies, especially if they have little to no dividends.
Solar Edge just announced their earnings. Why would they announce anything in June?
Obama is going out he pushed the subsidies through. Odds are these subsidies are on the chopping block if the God Emperor gets elected.
Because solar panel installation is not a small scale market.
Nicely done. This is why Chanos is shorting. I just took a very small long position ahead of earnings . Down 400 bucks. Bummer
Price targets are still about double it's current value.I would hate to miss a great opportunity by not having faith in a brilliant man like Elon. Any thoughts on where the bottom might be? I would like like to jump back in.
they announced quarterly earnings, they seem to make their annual earnings on the 6th instead of december like most companies