Poland opportunities

Hello Veeky Forums.

I live in Poland, I am almost 25yo and I work as Municipal Police Guard which gives me $380 a month. I can save monthly up to $60-80. I have already saved $1150 in bank account and $100 in coins.

What can I do with my approx. $1250 that I have? I want to invest it for a year to get some interest or just buy some estate like car garage and rent it.

Can you help a poor bro that wants to work hard and build wealth?

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Pracuje w angli jako kelner i zarabiam 10 000zl na reke i odkladam 6 500zl na miesiac, mozesz sprobowac na pol roku/rok i odlozyc troche.

Jakby tak faktycznie było, to w rok masz 78k. Za 10 lat masz 780k co pozwala żyć praktycznie bez pracy w Polsce.

Cos mi sie wierzyć nie chce.

Scapy flappy derdy gurgy blaggerdy bloop.

Wszystko mozesz wyliczyc ze stawki. Minimalna jest 6.70, od 25 roku zycia masz 7.50. Mam 42-43 godzin tygodniowo. W napiwkach kolo 120 tygodniowo, wychodzi mniej wiecej 400 funtow tygodniowo.

Podatek sie placi 20% od kwoty powyzej 12k rocznie (napiwki nie licza sie). A praca jako kelner to nie jest jakas super praca, zalapiesz sie tu jako policjant czy cos innego to wyciagniesz moze wiecej niz te 10k na miesiac. Oczywiscie tez zyje calkiem oszczednie, wynajmuje tani pokoj w tanim miescie (Birmingham) i nie przepierdalam cale pieniadze na alkohol jak wiekszosc polaczkow w UK.

mods pls ban this scum

Ironically I'm the only person in the thread that posted constructive advice.

You posted gibberish.


You're the same guy who posted about a year or two ago that you wanted to kill yourself because your job sucks right? Use that money to learn additional skills to get the fuck out of the Municipal Police. Get a license/trade/ anything.... As for buying a garage, lets get some more info: What citiy do you live in?

No he didn't. I'm Russian and I understood 30% of what that kurva posted kek, it was actually pretty legit advice on what to do to get a job in Britain.

Mods pls ban this scum

t. Brit

That's cute


moze wyjazd na pewien czas do skandynawi albo angli to nie taki zly pomysl

>he can't compete with Eastern European plumbers.
LOL this paki is fucked.

Omg I can believe you would post something so disgusting on Veeky Forums! What is she doing to that chicken!

Flexing on Veeky Forums surprise surprise

Wtf is that????? That's the worst thing I have ever seen here.

That is gross. Reported.


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