What are some good closing questions for interviews?
I have a job interview tomorrow and I'm a little stuck on thinking of some good ones that don't sound cliche as if they're from some meme blog.
What are some good closing questions for interviews?
I have a job interview tomorrow and I'm a little stuck on thinking of some good ones that don't sound cliche as if they're from some meme blog.
Ask what the simplified pay rate return is and what the leveraged under bottom capital for the company currently is. It'll impress him that you know your shit, just make sure to say it with genuine interest and enthusiasm.
i-i don't even know what that is
Sounds like you're a meme.
I am most definitely a meme
He will know what it means and you just nod and smile at whatever he says.
What if he's applying to be a janitor? I don't think that would be nessecary .In fact he probably wouldn't get the job because he said that
Just ask something you're genuinely curious about or, failing that, something you could feasibly be curious about.
size of the team you'll be on, comments on your interviewers linkedin experience and everything else should probably be nuanced for the industry
Ask about your office furniture right away. Don't make the mistake I did and just assume someone will pick out nice furnishings let them know you're willing to look through catalogues yourself.
Can i see your dick?
- I take more than the salary into consideration, I'm more Interested in the experience, but what is the average pay range?
- Could you run me through an average day in this position?
- Could you tell me a little about the group I'd be working with?
Can you tell me about a project you're currently working on or have just completed?
Can you run me through a typical day in this position?
What color panties are you wearing?
What is the company attitude towards furthering education, either through formal schooling or industry certifications?
What will my first week/couple of days on the job be like?
What's something new that you're excited about?
What is your favorite thing about working here?
Can you tell me about your own background- how did you come into this role?
Remember your interview should have a good stream of communication back and forth. It is a chance for you to get to know about the company you might be working for for a long, long time. This is your chance to uncover any red flags or signs that you may be miserable here. It really sucks when you start to see through the cracks only after you've started somewhere, and start thinking "oh god, what did I get myself into?"
This is often a part of the interview people fuck up big time in. It allows you to express a genuine interest and concern in your future as well as the company's. If I'm interviewing someone and they don't have any questions for me, what does that say? It says they don't really give a shit, and they haven't even made the effort to at least feign interest.
thanks homo post your number i'll come over and suck you off really good, i'll swallow every drop
If you go into your interview with this kind of enthusiasm, I'm sure you'll get the job.
I guess I'll post in here
Going for a job interview next week and they've listed the assessments taking place. One is a "Paired Task" and another is a "Group Task", presumably with more people.
Anyone know what the main point of difference is between these two? What are they looking for in one which they won't see in the other?
What kind of job is this? Sales?
Seems pretty obvious that they want to see how you work with a partner and in a team of people.
It's a graduate accounting position. Maybe I'm just overthinking it
Probably. They may want to see if you're cut out for a leadership role or just useful as another bean counter. Try and seduce one member of the group and kill another to assert your dominance.
"When you ask questions it should be based off something that naturally intrigues you. If you’ve read their company accounts you can talk about their recent losses/gains and what they see in their foreseeable future.
What does their best employee do and what makes them so great ? - shows willingness to succeed
Why do you need this position filling ? - After finding this one out I have turned positions down
How sociable are you guys ? do you have any sports teams ? - they’re looking for a person - organization fit and you’re showing this
Should I be successful in this interview have you any advice for doing well here ? - Willingness to succeed
If you’re feeling confident ask “What made you hire your last employee ?” - They will tell you everything you need to pass the interview. Should you demonstrate this criteria, the only way to resist you is to resist themselves.
Closing question :
From everything i’ve seen here today and from researching your company I feel it’s natural to ask “Would there be anything that would stop you from bringing me to the next stage ?” - It’s a bold question that flows organically, if they say yes, it gives you a chance to discuss their concerns. If they say no, you’re in. More than likely they’ll say “ well I have several more candidates to interview, so I will be weighing you up against them” and in which case you say “that’s only fair, I just really like your organization, in the meantime let me know if you need anything else from me."
Man I'm in love with this fucking gorilla.
Does anyone else this is the animal kingdom embodiment of a NEET?
He's just relaxing, pondering humanity and the purpose of existence. He looks so human...
Gorillas are fascinating.
Gorillaposting is my favorite meme.
gorillas are the best
>pay range
> average day
> group
> current projects
> panty color
> education
not knowing this ahead of time
> first couple weeks
not telling them what you'll be doing
Its like you don't even want the job guys.
toast more, I fapped. I wish employees would say this shit to me.
implying people give a fuck and not just to get a paycheck. disgusting desu senpai. what a song and dance