ITT: Post companies and businesses that you think will not go to shit over the next decade.
ITT: Post companies and businesses that you think will not go to shit over the next decade
Blizzard went shit the moment they sold off to Activision, just because you enjoy their shitty Hearthstone game doesn't mean they're a good company.
Dont play any of their games mate. But I think they are a solid company. Overwatch, CoD franchise, Gaming League, but most important is their ownership of King Digital.
>flagship product is dying
>"solid company"
they fucked up so bad by going a 60 dollar game when their arcade games get more player attention
they coulda just made a bunch of smaller games based off of their arcade games and cashed in on that, but no.
>still paying more than 20 bucks for a game
This is a fascinating one. Kind of the opposite of SoE where they pushed Everquest 2 despite the fact that most people would have to buy new computers at the time to handle it. ("This game is great - people will buy new systems just to play!") This ended up being a colossal failure as SoE died.
Enter at the perfect time Blizzard and WoW. They have not updated the software really - it still is generally the same stuff as 10 years ago - with expansions added and graphics modified. Still a decent user base, but growth is not going to happen - - - especially with the lack of effort being put into the expansions, etc.
IMHO this isn't going to be a growing company anytime soon by any real measure. Value seems somewhat preserved by the non-WoW products unless those start going stale also.
WOW is dying, and that was a once in a generation over the top success. But these people know how to make great games. Blizzard is the creative force, Activision knows how to push polished games on a schedule. Overwatch is a fantastically fun game to play and combines some of the best elements of both teams. Fantastically polished fps even in beta, with a robust and expansive world and backstory. Blizzard really knows their fanbase, and the social aspects of the gamer world. As far as market reach, This game runs on my 10 year old laptop on medium settings, they have optimized the shit out of this.
Their core competency if their is one is creating an immersive player experience and addicting "reward" system.
In many ways gaming is the new smoking and these people do it right.
This. WoW isn't going to last forever and they squeezed every last bit of juice out of it. IMO they handled their once in a generation franchise success perfectly. Compared to other gaming companies I can see ATVI becoming something bigger.
I see them more as an entertainment company than gaming. They will be releasing a WoW movie this summer (inb4 its shit), and a CoD tv series. This and their acquisition of MLG and mobile gaming, looks good.
>WoW isn't going to last forever
then why no titan desu
blizzard activision has not produced anything worthwile. blizzard died when blizzard north died with diablo 2
>But these people know how to make great games. Blizzard is the creative force
neoblizzard has nothing to do with the company that originally made WoW and all the great games that came before it. everyone who had integrity and opposed WoW (and even Diablo) becoming a casual p2w cash grab was sacked and moved on to other companies. the only thing that remains of blizzard is the title.
Hello Blizzard employee. What are you getting paid an hour for shitposting Veeky Forums?
> Veeky Forums posters are employed
Look these guys are at the forefront of addiction in gaming. Who the fuck keeps buying call of duty its the same fucking game, but they keep buying it. It boggles the fucking gaming mind.
They were using this shit in the military for actual mission training
It is not unlikely that once immersive reality headsets come online, this company is going to do great.
COD on headset can you fucking imagine the money there.
look through this list see if you see a title that with the right development could be a fucking monster IR title.
also I'm eyeing SHAK as a good buy
I know that sounds crazy, but their policy of shit labor and cheapest everything is gonna come back to bite them.
seems like you misread the op but yes Walmart is just waiting to be swallowed up by Amazon
Vulcan Materials Company (VMC)
Largest aggregates producer in the US. There's nobody who can touch them at the moment and they are in every state. Both of the Presidential candidates coming up are likely to increase spending on infrastructure, which Vulcan will benefit from.
Only problem is that everybody else thinks it's a good company too so the P/E is 70
>expecting a videogame to stay popular forever
Even so, WoW is still one of the most profitable games in the world.
Next Nike?
I never said I expected that
I challenged the claim that it is a solid company / safe investment