What's your excuse for not yet being rich?
What's your excuse for not yet being rich?
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I'm stupid
I'm lazy and I'd like to think I'm building investment by being a wageslave.
born poor, in poor country, no connections, under 30yr old unemployment is about 45-50%
will move to western europe for work
>will move to western europe for work
Fuck off. Fix your own shit country first.
tried and failed, everyone is commie in their minds around these parts
capitalism is a no-no here
and how the fuck can someone fix a country when they have no connections in shit economy? do you really think i can do ANYTHING to fix it? do you really think the establishment will let me in and let me dismantle their influence that goes on since ww2 trough their families?
i can't get job in the fucking computer store
it does not work like that you fuckiwit
time is going to fix it, but i would have to wait about 30 years for that
...if we don't get that SJW wave before functioning economy and legal system
I didn't buy enough bitcoins when they were less than double digits.
Spent too many years with the wrong woman
Drugs, pussy, & cancerous people around i cant away from
>it does not work like that you fuckiwit
yeah a lot of european countries started that way actually, guess what doe? fight the power you lazy shit. blood has been spilled over here
I'm working on it.
It's fucking aggravating having every one pester you for money once you start to make some though and then being abused when you don't give them any.
I mean, I'm a generous person but they don't understand the the pie isn't nearly done. It's hard having nearly everyone around you being financially retarded.
i am from Croatia, my dad and my uncle spilled some blood too
FUCKING THIS. The first 5k I made was a year ago when I turned 18. People were hanging in my balls and before I knew I was broke again.
Cancerous people they fuck you over for being greedy. I learned that you need to be with people who support you to make more dough.
I've no financial or social capital, no marketable skills, and I'm dim-witted.
I want to be successful. I've never had anyone to push me, especially from a young age. When you're surrounded by people, including friends and family, saying "be grateful you have a job" it's no wonder people accept being a wage slave in a job that depresses them.
Poor Life Choices
I'm an artist.
Low volatility stocks and bonds slow ticker several thousand transactions a day
I am already rich because I have so many nice people around me
Family isn't even poor, just really stupid. Can't learn computer science when your family can't even buy a computer because they don't know shit about managing money. Can't get into the university i want because i have no money for art supplies. Nothing to inherit and nothing's given to me. Sometimes I wish I was white.
I don't make excuses. I'm close. Just another year at my current job and I'll have around $250,000 in capital to strike out on my own.
Look at that fag
You can reach the fuck you money stage in reverse by getting rid of needless desires
me too brah. Veeky Forums has helped me tremendously though. you hang out on /ic/ a lot?
Coming from a singe-mother home, alcoholic, bipolar, forcible admittances to psych wards mom, lousy financials mom, got in foster care at 14 and orphanage at 15, dropping out of highschool at 18 because of weed addiction, working minimum wage and barely paying bills...
I am now EXTREMELY content with having a middle class lifestyle, a well paying factory job, my own car (paid) and aprtment (mortgaged)
Compared to where I came from I have jumped two or three rungs on the social ladder.
I have no need to be rich
show some ambition my man. your contentness might go away
I will eventually be production or maintnance or factory manger at the plant if I play my cards right.
But an average of 40 amerieuros an hour is pretty fucking sweet enough in my book, I hate going to school and I generally dislike people and their company, and being rich means having people skills and rubbing shoulders all day every day.
At work I can go out nd do stuff for 4 hours without having to make conversation.
Pure bliss for my personality
damn, I love Koksal Baba so much
I've only been able to amass $250,000 by age 29.
>tfw never going to make it in time to be a young playboy :(
Define "rich" - why can't anyone quantify what they mean by this EVER?
the only way it matters: money
I'm working on it.
i'm just getting started it takes time
The average American: the post
Are you really that dumb? Jesus, this board is getting worse and worse.
enough to never have to work again and to live a comfortable life, with money left over when you're dead.
there is no definition, but something like that, i think, would make me consider myself to be rich.
>the only way it matters: money
I'm sure that reasoning will impress a lot of people whenever your economy tanks or a country invades yours
not by you faggot lmao
shut the fuck up
listen el capitano. by the time you're in your 70s we will be so technologically advanced that they will literally be able to reverse your age.
You think this age reversion shit is gunna be cheap? no nigger. start saving up now so you can afford to live forever.
source: i have no source and this will probably not happen in our lifetime (if ever) but you never know
but why when you can simply move instead and start living gainfully NOW?
yeah, i consider /ic/ my homeboard
Your stupid AND honest a most dangerous combination.
>nothing to inherit and nothing given to me.
fucking kill yourself you entitled piece of shit. is this really what you fucking shit skins believe? that white people get everything inherited or given to them?
we dont get shit handed to us, nigger. we go out and hustle and work for it, because if we dont succeed we feel bad about it and keep working. we dont sit there and bitch about not having shit handed to you. how about you go out and fucking make something you lazy fucking piece of shit. or again, just kill yourself you waste of space.
I was a NEET for 10 years.
I fell for the college meme
Not good enough, m8
A tiny man with a broom.
>1) my boomer parents fucked any chance of getting anything from either one of my entrepreneur grandfathers.
>2) I spent over a decade on and off with an absolute wretch of a woman, who used me up and boiled my mind to mush
>3) I have a nasty habit of rage quit walking off of jobs - some damn good ones even - and I basically trashed my reputation and credit
>4) I'm old, burned out and washed up and who gives a damn?
>5) I used to consistently make around $200 per month on forex but spent 16 hours a day doing it, was not enough to keep from losing everything I had.
bad life choices
I keep changing the definition of rich to be more than I have.
I spent all my money to become a commercial pilot.
OR you don't talk about your money, earnings or spending. You don't show off your money.
Around here it's a bit of a faux pas to talk about your money and how much you earn, its a massive faux pas to directly ask someone what they earn. You can deduce from lifestyle roughly how someone is traveling, but you don't know their savings, spending habits, investments etc.
So if you're surrounded but crabs and leeches, keep your financial status quiet, don't talk about money and if people ask, you tell them "enough to pay the bills".
>it's always them it's never me!
Found your problem
Because I'm dumb. Veeky Forums doesn't seem to help unless you already have capital
Because I'm in university, have no time to get a job, and have no money to invest into stocks or a start-up.
Fuck bough of you. Stop exsploating my country and its resourses by raping its economy in the ass
>earning 5k
>pissing it away to other people
Fucking beta cuck. Be a jew for once.
My single mother decided to give me amphetamines for my entire childhood, they made me really smart which made me not have to learn how to focus or learn on my own without medical assistance, they ruined my physical body as well. So now I'm in my 20's with no mental clarity, no immune system, and I'm behind everyone else as a result, I'm playing catchup with my superhuman drugged up younger self, the sober me is maybe above average at best but too tired more often than I'm useful. I'm barley coherent now I bet, I wouldn't be making a blog post if I had any sense like when I'm fully awake which is for about 2-4 hours a day before my productivity plummets and I'm as good as a zombie for the next 6.
That's not an appeal or anything either, I don't just look at the situation and give up but the reality of it is nobody is going to promote someone who puts in 110% effort for 50% yield, only the opposite kind of person is worth more to people, if you can do more with less effort you're set.
I shouldn't answer dumb questions with earnest answers nobody wants before going to sleep.
Do you plan on having a relationship (maybe a wife and kids) or you want to stay single for the rest of your life?
>Family isn't even poor, just really stupid.
Holy shit this. How can respectable people make >100k a year and constantly end up in the red whining about how taxes and living expenses are too high?
No excuses, I'm lazy, but I'm working on that right now.
Precisely, what are you doing to work on your lazyness?
Maybe I should have worded it in a more concise manner.
I am working on not being lazy and acquiring knowledge. Learning how to invest money, also going to college, even though it's my first year and I half assed it through, my worst grades were 2 B's in science and math classes. Also got a job, so I'm doing pretty good as it is.
How about you user, why aren't you rich, or are you?
I'm not rich because I'm constantly unmotivated and my dedication fades away with time with everything I start, as I'm always under the impression that it's all useless and nothing will ever work out (as it has been throughout my life).
Hence why I was asking you what you're doing to fix your lazyness.
Good luck on your studies user. Here's a good book I recently read that I encourage everyone to read, that I happen to have on my desktop:
I'm sure you can find the audiobook on TPB or KAT if you want it.
Fuck I messed up.
It was meant for
Also these TED talks (one of which is by the same persone who wrote the book):
Watch them in this order.
That's not what I said, stupid aids-infested cum bubble.
Oh user, I understand, I don't really know what to say, but having a rhythm to get into is important, I never worked out before college, but now I make sure to always work out every 2 days, and once you do it long enough it becomes natural. Even if I miss a day or two because I'm busy, it's really easy to get back into the groove without to much of a hassle. It just takes some dedication. Good luck user, maybe we'll see each other when we are richfags.
Yeah, one day user, one day...
PS. Are you talking about lifting? I don't understand how it connects to the discussion. What do you mean?
Oh, I was just using working out as an example of how I stopped being lazy and getting into a more or less set schedule.
You can do it with anything really, set a time for yourself to work on whatever it is you want to do, like working out, studying, learning an instrument or doing art, etc.
Once you start to do it on a regular basis, it begins to be part of your day. I hope that helps with the question you were asking, how I am working on not being lazy.
Oh alright, I see...
I'll try to keep that in mind, thank you very much.
I'm a lazy piece of shit. This should be the answer for anyone with an IQ over 110.
No problem user, it's good to share some knowledge, I'm watching your videos right now, seem pretty interesting. What I was talking about kind of goes with the idea of grit.
Köksal Baba!!
I'm just getting started.
Mmh, yeah it makes sense
I'll be a millionair by 40 if everything goes as I'm planning and I'm not falling for the marriage meme (I probably will, like everyone)
Im in highschool
Make a decent wage but not really enough to put much away, draconian drinking and driving laws in BC have taken all my money in the last two years and am now getting out of the hole. Don't know how to buy stocks yet. Am dumb.
I have a gf...
Spent too much on education with advanced degrees. Chose to live in a city where cost of living is high. Refuse to live in a shithole apartment or have a hour long one way commute. Work as an employee without equity. Over invested in retirement savings without enough liquidity to invest in real estate or other assets and ventures with higher return / faster payout schedules. Splurges on designer shoes. I do alright, but I'll never be rich. Like my immigrant parents said, "you will work until the day you die, if you're lucky to stay healthy and can hustle work until then"
What's your definition of rich?
My excuse? I'm young and haven't graduated yet. When I do I'll get a well-paid job and start saving up. Currently I have around 100k USD in equity, and that'll grow over time. Of course, then there's always some inheritance money coming in sooner or later.
I am and I will be a privileged part of the upper middle class.
I grew up in a working class family, no inheritence and currently in debt. But none of that is an excuse.
See you on the other side.
>When I graduate, I'll get a well-paid job
sorry, I don't think Burger King pays that much.
Money is important to have to an extent, but I'm ok if I don't end up rich as long as I make about 50-80000 a year. I can get laid without using money and afford a decent lifestyle. Eventually I'll get older and need the money to attract a decent spouse
>b-but i worked for everything I have, i didnt benefit from centuries of institutional racism and male privilege
Back to Tumblr, nigger.
Oh great a wild sjw.
Too much escapism and not enough self-improvement. Also no connections
I'm 21 and finally able to leave the house
I'm working on it.
Cocaine and roullete.
Literally that. Oh well at least its fun
It's really fucking hard. Your perception of wealth changes as the years go on. I went from a networth of $5k to $200k in the last year or so, but it doesn't feel any different at all
up your dosage my man, or are you too dull to figure out the right drugs to be on?
I don't have my EE degree yet
I also can't work because I can't find a job, even when my schedule is completely clear
I'd rather try my best to be acceptable off of them but it's been hard to get acclimated after being on them daily for over a decade, since childhood as well. Every one I've been on has totally worked fine in terms of making me productive for a short time but I will always crash at some unpredictable point which is very bad, if I can't maintain a proper schedule I'm not very valuable. I don't know if I could ever do any better either, it's impossible to sleep with them and I feel repulsed by eating whilst on them too, it's like I'm always full or something, not sleeping and not eating for several days really takes a physical toll on you.
I've tried probably the entire library of ADHD medications twice over at various dosages without success so I don't know if a higher dosage would actually be beneficial. Maybe every doctor I've been to has been a quack and prescribing way too much to begin with, maybe a lower dosage would be good but I'm in a situation where I can't even try since doctor fees and those drugs are insanely expensive.
I don't know, I don't mean to blog about it, I'll figure something out eventually but I doubt I'll ever be as successful as I could have been without drugs during development. Regardless of if I ever had anything wrong with me then my body still treats being amped up as the norm. I feel like I might have ruined my mind before I even left high school and not even by choice or for fun like other people. Not an excuse but it is what it is.
the whole point of that library of drugs is that you inevitably develop a tolerance. who did you see that wasn't able to level with you how you should be scaling your dosages?
Literally got into the field because of the fact that the drug scare of the 80-90's bled into everything and I was curious about what exactly occurred when x took y drug. If you aren't willing to do the most basic form of self actualization in identifying what you are up to and ingesting I don't know what kind of help you want out of your livelihood's nadir of self-pity. What do you want from life?