>Studying Humanities as a major
Why would anyone pay money to get subjective SJW opinions thrown at them for a few years to get a useless degree?
I can see studying it for fun and interest but it's pretty much the cancer of modern university.
>Studying Humanities as a major
Why would anyone pay money to get subjective SJW opinions thrown at them for a few years to get a useless degree?
I can see studying it for fun and interest but it's pretty much the cancer of modern university.
>pay money
You are right. The taxpayer has to pay money for these degenerates.
Just because your uneducated ass constantly gets BTFO by any news outlet source not named Fox or Breitbart doesn't mean it's a conspiracy holy fuck! Your dumbfuck ass probably can't even pass English 101 let alone any advanced STEM mathematics courses.
teenagers decide their own majors, and most teenagers don't understand how to attain the careers that are best suited for them/don't want to work in the field that would be best for their skills
a system where students are placed into career paths which can be changed at any point would be a lot more efficient. these would start out at high school, and the content would be a mix of high school and college courses at the moment.
DAE le STEM master race XD
I think I know that girl.
OP is a good example of the hapless, unintelligent product of society.
Scientific and mathematical literacy are doing much worse than any other academic field.
Have fun using that humanities degree for toilet paper mate.
I think people exacurate the sjw incursion to academia. They do exist but they are rather a vocal minority. My undergrad was ranked 300ish I went to a top 10 school for my masters and now I'm doing my phd in somewhere in the middle. Nowhere I have encountered sjw bullshit (Classics-History major)
I don't think they are cancerous but to give everyone a liberal education is cancer. Only those who can afford it (i.e. rich) should ever study humanities.
This was the case before FDR and his GI bill ruined the reputation of universities and giving everyone the notion of "I must go to college and college education must find me a job" meme
Humanities is a faculty..?
no sjw's in my classics department
other than students that is
we have a really cool redpill-type lecturer, loves his military history, wears a 'vote leave' badge on a very lefty campus and is a tory councillor
>I don't think they are cancerous but to give everyone a liberal education is cancer.
>Tfw majoring in philosophy
Right fucked, aren't I?
>majoring in philosophy
Fucking why?
Working on MA in social anthropology.
Didn't have my first class on scientific theory until very recently because of the sad SJW state my faculty and the field is in. But at the same time I also started loving it because once you dug yourself through the postmodern cancer, it's actually really interesting.
Still have no idea what to do with it professionally later on since I'm an aspie who never applied for an internship or anything. Think I'm just gonna ride out a doctorate as well, or apply for a MSc in cognitive science.
Don't have any hope of ever having much of a career desu.
this desu
Don't be down, philosophy majors I know end up as journalists/researchers. Learn to code
Also, humanities paired with technology is great in the information economy. If you do something pure like CS or engineering then your competition is pajeet who'll work for 7 dollars an hour or less
Studying the civil rights of African Americans is a cuck subject
But the restoration of monarchy is not
>tfw majoring in communications/journalism :^)
This is what happens when you are lazy in high school kids
I wish i could go back in time and beat my own 15 y/o ass
How can i learn to code? What use does it have? Is it worth it without a degree?
Modern university is the cancer of modern university
Most STEM students i know are normies who just do math because it doesnt really requiere any critical thinking
They just do it mechanically
They dont read, not even the newspaper
And if they do read is mostly fiction
They dont attend to any of their lectures or thats dont useful for the market, they use that time to be social and smoke weed
I only know 1 STEM guy who is into humanities, and he is a fucking autist
Sorry for my bad english
Not an argument.
Nobody said it was a conspiracy, just that its a useless course.
>you do something pure like CS or engineering then your competition is pajeet who'll work for 7 dollars an hour or less
No. You havent worked as an engineer or programer in your life if you think so.
Even if you don't directly utilize the knowledge of your degree (say history knowledge with a history degree) doesn't mean you don't learn other useful relevant skills.
You'd be amazed how bad a lot of people are at preparing a concise, well reasoned report that can argue a point and provide evidence to support it. This sort of thing is useful in more than just history, almost all businesses need somebody who can do research, gather facts and synthesize them into something that a busy executive can quickly parse.
That's also a reason why lots of history / philosophy / etc students do better in law school than prelaw people do. It's gotten to the point where people are saying that going to university for pre-law actually HURTS your chances of becoming a lawyer.
tl;dr a humanities major teaches you to read, write, and analyse (unless you pick something like women's studies and breeze through your major). These sorts of skills are less simple than lots of people take for granted, as is evidenced by the abundance of STEMs who can't argue or write worth shit.
>do math because it doesnt really requiere any critical thinking
Why do you post crap you know nothing about? Math requires more critical thinking than any made up sophistry that you discuss in your class. Have you even bother to read a mathematical demostration ever?
I don't do math either but I'm expecting he's equating advanced mathematics to "you just solve the equation bro"
>humanities major teaches you to read, write, and analyse
Reading is enough to get this skills. No need to waste 4 years to have a crappy carrer due a not very useful degree.
>Why would anyone pay money to get subjective SJW opinions thrown at them for a few years to get a useless degree?
Because the state of Humanities in the whole world isn't the same as it is in the USA and in Canada, simple as that.
Even simple math have pages of demostrations to prove simple affirmations. I dont know why people can think that Maths is just mechanics,when only true geniuses can really tame it,even yoday with very powerful computers,most mathemathitians strugle to find answers to problems.
>as it is in the West
All the humanities courses in western Europe are as bad or worse than in America.
>Reading is enough to get this skills.
You can say that for literally any skill. There are resources to self educate on anything nowadays.
In a lot of jobs "A university degree" is the requirement and the rest from there is relevant experience. Obviously in very specialized jobs you might need a specialized degree, but if you don't want to work in computer science getting a degree in computer science is pretty fucking dumb.
Well yeah i know i fucked up there.
But what im trying to say is that they dont actually "get" math, or think about math, they dont even like math.
When i was in HS i completly sucked at math (still do)
But i was able to grasp some concepts that people who got the best grades didnt even care about understanding.
>mfw econ & finance
>mfw stembabbies and humaniggers both tell me that i'm not studying a real science
>make more money than both of them
Fuck off.
I dont know much math,just engineering level math,and I can tell you,that you need a fucking brain to do it,even the most superficial crap.
>Be finance major
>Get replaced by Stem majors in your position with zero previous knowledge,because most finance majors are just retards that are there for the money.
Kek,is just outragious the nimber of scientists and engineers that dominate that field,showing how little finance majors really learn
It makes you stand out if you can do Web design/excel/data management
>for a few years to get a useless degree
My degree allowed me to get a fantastic job with a wonderful pay.
Give me a STEM argument to justify how "useless" it is.
Protip: you can't
Yes. I don't know how can one mess up this bad. At least it isn't women studies
Yes it's probably not a threat if you're very well credentialed, but for entry level positions the exportation of jobs is a very real thing. My dumb front end web design job was exported after I quit
>My degree allowed me to get a fantastic job with a wonderful pay.
Which job?
>useless degree
>going to university to make money rather than learn things
Sure, is your field i belive you.
But if those degenerates get to major without fucking up any classes i will have to doubt it.
I fucked up in my teenage years and now im in a shitty "humanities" career, but i try to be the best.
If STEM is such a masterrace why do i see the same level of degeneracy than in humanities?
Or maybe is the fucked up education system of my country who knows.
I guess math should be the same everywhere.
Didn't you have a contact to get that kind of job? If not you must be quite smart.
philosophy major guy here, I'm really only doing it because I'm suicidally depressed and it's the only subject that I like. Is there anything else I could swap to that's actually promising? I'm good at writing but that's about it. Should I just kill myself?
>tfw AI takes over every STEM and financial job in the next 10 years, while original and critical thinking are the only remaining skills humans have to offer
I majored in philosophy and later did a masters on it.
I know I will probably not get a job on it later in my life, but honestly I don't care, every other subject seems boring and lifeless to me, with no real reflection involved, I don't understand how people study things like economics or finance, I get it that they want money, but why would you sacrifice all of your life for the pursuit of money, seems like a waste of time imo. I don't know much about the other sciences(chemistry,biology, physics), yet even them seem more preferable to things like engineering or psychology, fields of study like anthropology, sociology and history at least give you some space for reflection.
If the "unexamined life is not worth living", then I prefer to starve and be a poorfag than be another cog in teh machine and do things that have been done over and over again with no creative input.
Well as a future wagecuck i better start soon
How hard is to make a shitty app and make a profit with it?
>But if those degenerates get to major without fucking up any classes i will have to doubt it.
Try to read math yourself. Even the most superficial crap requires some kind of theoretical understanding.
Stem is not a masterrace. Studying chemichal engineering doesnt make you a god. It just gives you better carrer prospects.
Journalism may be interesting. The other option is teaching,which you may grow to like.
Im 100% sure is not thanks to your degree
Your daddy must have good money, so your daddy paid a uni with other people with good money and you made friends with those people
You probably got little above average grades and now you made it
Still you are the cancer of the world probably, but not much more than me or others lurking here
Have a nice day
t.poor fag
Really not a fan of journalism and my entire family are teachers. Who have all told me never to be a teacher
>Didn't you have a contact to get that kind of job? If not you must be quite smart.
Not in my country.
You need a major and then you have to go through a lot of tests. The hardest ones to get into the public sector. But well. Here I am.
I get your point though. Before this I was working in IT.
>No critical thinking
I dont understand this meme really. Have you actually done any physics or math to judge if it doesnt require critical thinking?
Math does not involve critical thinking, theoretical physics maybe, but math no.
All mathematical questions have a clear cut solution, even those that haven't been resolved yet. Philosophy does not work like that, it requires reflection, and thinking that one does not use to solve merely analytical question.
However, it is indeed the case that mathematics among the sciences is the one closest to philosophy, because oft he abstract system building nature of it, but I doubt those who major in a STEM degree learn Cantor or set theory.
Then try coding. You may like it. Or become an entrepreneur.
Journamlism "student" here
It fucking sucks
And i hate journalism, it doesnt do any good to society
I really want to change to sociology but im not sure
But with your knowledge and some charisma you could be good
Is a fun career, thats the only thing i like about it, going to different places and the write about it
Or make a documentaries
It could help with your depression not staying home all day
Being a teacher or a professor fucking sucks dude dont do it
Sorry for my bad english
>tfw self-hating Humanities degree holder
I put bare minimum effort into my Anthropology bachelors degree, drank and smoked weed way too often, and only did maybe a third of my readings. Even then, I was able to get As in most of my anthro classes. The experience of being a student in the Humanities made me lose a huge amount of respect for them. Obviously there's some really good, serious work that gets done in those fields. But if I meet someone in everyday life and they say they have a communications/sociology/anthropology/etc. degree, I lose a little respect for them.
>mfw political science and international relations student, 3.96 GPA, trilingual
>mfw I'm making 70k as a policy analyst in Washington DC
>mfw I live alone, smoke tons of weed, play tons of video games and love going to work
Life's good.
You can half-ass your college career and be a generic compsci student and still land a decent job. Being a generic polisci student on the other hand won't be as easy.
If you want to do anything beyond that decent job out of college though, you have to stand out - and in that regard majoring in humanities isn't much different than majoring in anything else. The "special snowflake" factor just weighs in more I feel like - so if someone is genuinely passionate about the humanities major they study, like myself, they'll be fine.
Define critical thinking.
>Math does not involve critical thinking, theoretical physics maybe, but math no.
I'm garbage at math and even I know that's a seriously fucking stupid statement.
To come to a conclusion that hasn't been arrived at yet is seriously fucking difficult and requires a lot of critical thinking. It's not just "you keep doing the equation in the book until you get there silly!"
It takes a lot of reflection to come to conclusions even in mathematics. Sometimes the answer is very much 'outside the box' when something breaks away from an existing theory.
Also just because something HAS an answer doesn't mean you don't need to think to get there you dipshit. There were many questions answered by philosophers that have since been objectively addressed, this didn't magically take away the critical thinking the philosophers put into it since "it had a clear cut solution."
>tfw you're in a major that's hard to classify
Here's to my degree in Peace, War, and Defense
No one cares about thinking critically about some fucking atom or some away ass black hole you fucking autist
People care about food and shelter so dont expect recognition about your wankery, which is just an excuse for your excesive salary
Sorry for my bad english
t.ex weed smoker spic humanist
No one cares about thinking critically about abstractions like the ego either. In fact I would say that people are nore interested in science ,at least at a divulgatiry level,than philosophy
>Sorry for my bad english
Stop being sorry. Your english is fine.
Change it to sociology man. Or to anything but journalism. The latter has no future. Look at the state of it right now. It used to be something serious but right now it's all about retweeting buzzed shit.
Other humanistic disciplines might give you opportunities to do something productive, have a career, and yes, make money. Not journalism. Not now.
Y nunca dejes de fumar marihuana. Nunca. Hagas lo que hagas.
And surely you know that because you've been through all the cursus in Humanities in all the different countries in Western Europe, you wouldn't be talking out of your ass ?
Reminder that Human Geography is the best social science.
t. non-biased at all
I have studied in 2 dofferemt countries in Europe,and it was infested with Marxists shills. All the conferences in humanities are mostly about SWJ crap or lefties thinkers. Obviously I used a generalization,but so did the comment that I quoted
Which universities specifically then?
you're right, if everyone just went into STEM the job market would be highly sustainable and everyone would be rich!!!
Complutense (Madrid) and the university of Siena (Siena).
Is that a compliment or an insult?
>what is existensialism
top kek
STEM quallity lads
Yeah i dig sociology, but here in is really hard to find a job.
My sister is a sociologist so i could probably ask her for help.
My problem is that im not doing really well and without good grades im not gonna get on a decent uni. Time to get to work i guess.
Weed is cool but now just gives me anxiety and makes me feel dumb.
Compliment lad
I wish i had an rare major
They're still dumb kids coming out of high school and they don't think about job prospects, they just pick something that sounds cool. And parents and teachers fail to set them on the right path because they've bought into "follow your dreams, you can be whatever you want" bullshit.
I was never discussing other philosophies moron just putting an example. People are more interested on science,at least at a divulgatory level,than on philosophy.
Some people are actually fine with not being rich
>tfw writing major
>tfw making more money ghostwriting people's papers than I will in the real world
>tfw loving every second because I love what I do
I get the love for STEM I really do, it's just for me it's trying to fit a square peg into a round hole
>>tfw making more money ghostwriting people's papers than I will in the real world
There is serious money here. But dont you get bored after a while?
And there's nothing wrong with that. The only people that hate on other fields are argumentative freshmen.
>source: my anus
Thanks. Although before becoming just PWAD I was PoliSci and PWAD. But, after befriending a former senator I realized most of what I was learning in my PoliSci classes wasn't how politics actually worked and dropped it.
Hey, if you're actually heavily involved in politics, answer me this: Is politics really just people maneuvering around other people or is there a sincere drive to improve society?
Not dat dude but i r politicks.
It has both, those who succed through being well reed and those who are pushed forward by their buddies
Well no crap, political science is not politics.
>paying money to have others tell you how to interpret history
most modern historians are hacks
Then why do I constantly feel like every politician is in the phase where they need to gather power before they can act?
Why is politics seemingly centered around people instead of ideology? What is the need for political parties?
Also, are there any modern political theorists defending interesting alternate systems to modern democracies?
t. disillusioned STEMlord
>Most STEM students i know are normies
Your definition of normie must be pretty damn broad or you only know a handful of engineering students you met at a party
Most of the people i met on HS.
Do you actually hang out with them? In my country the frat-equivalent is by faculty/department and physicists literally host nights where all they do is drink and discuss math and physics. They give presentations about it while plastered. The biologists go out into the field to catch bugs and determine the species in their rush week.
That's not exactly normie